Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. 7.7 for me this morning. 95% in range yesterday . Did have one hypo before lunch . Well get some house work done. Cook the meat for dinner. Then me and the dog gonna hit the fields and woods . Put some miles in . Rain stops play yesterday. Have a good day folks
Good morning 6.9 for me today.

Following a viewing in the week, I put in a cheeky offer on a bungalow (so fingers crossed)
I’ve noticed that on Rightmove a few properties are re-appearing and then reduced,
With this in mind Ive made an offer to the estate agent - we will see what the vendors say :confused:

the house we were originally hoping to buy before (having instructed a solicitor 8 months ago still hasn’t happened) so actively looking again.

have a lovely day everybody 😎
Good morning

Yesterday was a day of woe. My blood sugars plummeted all day long and I was constantly aware of it and eating carbs the whole time. I prepared dinner - salmon fillets in a garlic and herb sauce. My reading was 3.1. Carrying my dinner from the kitchen to the dining room via the living room I had a hypo and crashed to the floor in the living room and could not get up. I did not beccome unconcious and managed to eat three new potatoes and one fillet, and after about 30 minutes tried to stand up but couldn't. Went on my hands and knees into the kitchen and ate two Magdalenas with honey but didn't bolus as I couldn't stand to get in the 'fridge. Managed with not a little effort to get up the stairs to bed. Pain in my entire right side resulted in little sleep. No doubt the bruises will manifest themselves tomorrow. Had to abandon my Sunday drive as I can't lift my right arm. It will have to be sandwiches tonight following my Zoom call with my family. Missy had a field day with the food scattered on the floor.
I was 12.4 this morning.
@Michael12421 that sounds really scary. I hope you are ok today.
Morning all. 🙂 7.5 here - caught my BG randomly spiking at 4am when I got up for a tinkle, so had a correction dose.

My little seaside village was rammed last night - there was a fairground on the waterfront, fireworks on the beach, and tons of families having a fab time. Really great to see...not sure what we were celebrating tho.

Congrats @Robin - glad to hear you survived the horse-riding.

Kofta, drooool, you’re the best granny ever @eggyg. I would’ve dressed them all up in sheets (ghosts) and fed them microwave chips LOL. Have a day off!
I don’t possess a microwaveI I might start to be that mum who goes to Iceland! :rofl:
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Good morning! 6'5 today.

I am off today, which is unusual for my work. So I went out last night, was fun with the Halloween costumes and decorations. Had a few drinks so I reduced my basal this morning, I also don't feel like eating a lot for now. Now trying to decide what to do with my day. It's clear but windy here, and I'm tired but don't want to stay home all day...huh.

Here's a pic of my quick attempt at a spooky make up. Didn't have a full costume so just wanted a little something. I used black lipstick as well 🙂IMG_20221029_133702.jpg
I'm in good company with @Pattidevans again on the 8.0 step although thankfully no overnight lows for me getting there. That was a finger prick this morning as I slept in and missed my Libre sensor change over :( . Down to a nice steady 5.6 now after breakfast so happy with that.

@Michael12421. Really sorry you have had another nasty hypo. Did you treat the 3.1 with some fast acting carbs like a spoon of honey or did you just think that it would be OK once you ate your meal. Hope there was no broken crockery in with the spilt food that Missy hoovered up. I imagine you will be really sore as I am guessing you have hard tiled floors and it might be a good idea to get checked out at hospital if your friend is able to take you. Hope you are feeling better soon but I imagine you may feel worse as the bruising comes out before you improve. Please keep hypo treatments within reach at all times.... ie in your pockets. With severe hypos like these you need to take extra precautions to keep yourself safe.

@Robin Many congrats on your House Special this morning. Clearly that horse was a perfect match for you yesterday to balance your BG.
I don’t possess a microwaveI I might start to be that mum who goes to Iceland! :rofl:
Wow! I wouldn't be without my microwave. I cook almost all of my veg in mine. Cabbage, brussels, broccoli, leeks 3 mins tops, usually with no cooking water, just a knob of butter. Just so quick and easy. And of course it will make a low carb chocolate mug cake in under 2 mins.... what's not to love!
No I did not take anything because I was about to eat my dinner.
No crockery was broken. it landed food down on the terazzo floor.
Really sore today but I have managed to take Missy out for both of her daily walks and now I am a bit worse for wear.
I always carry carbs in my pockets.
No I did not take anything because I was about to eat my dinner.
Once you are below 4 you need to eat fast acting carbs pronto.... waiting until you eat dinner is too late as you found out and salmon and potatoes would not digest quickly enough to bring your levels up in time.

I always carry carbs in my pockets.
If you had hypo treatment in your pockets then why not use that instead of eating the potato and salmon off the floor.

It is really important to get fast acting carbs into your system immediately when your levels are below 4.... even if you don't feel bad. I know it is a pain and none of us want to be eating sweet stuff right before our meal, but it is better than the alternative.

Relieved that there were no broken shards of plate and that you have managed to get Missy out for her walk but can only imagine how sore you must be feeling. Hope you manage to get a decent night's rest tonight and make sure to have sweet stuff right next to the bed along with your testing kit just in case. Please take care. We all worry about you so much and especially when you have these episodes. Sending (((HUGS)))
4.4 for me today. My levels seem to be much lower now. used to be 6s and 7/8s but yesterday I woke with 5.1 and had breakfast, yoghurt and berries, was 6 after 2 hours, back down to 5 before my lunch which was a curry with rice and veg and 6 2 hours later, 5.4 at bedtime and today 4.4 on waking, hope this continues
Good morning 6.2 today

Happy Monday Everybody 🙂
Good morning, and it’s light! 5.6 today. Much improved.

Zara day today, think she’ll be pleased Mr Eggy is back to normal. She was petrified when she came on Saturday and saw him all dressed up and his face made up! She did come round eventually! No plans today, if it stays dry we’ll have a walk to the river.

Have a Happy Monday all.
Congratulations @harbottle you have indeed scored a HS.
Moooorning! 🙂 10.4 here.

Nice work @harbottle !!

I forgot to mention the other day, at my outpatient appt, the (not diabetes related) consultant asked me if my “control” was good. They just can’t help themselves, can they? 😉

Anyhoo, it’s great to get up to daylight again...must dash!