Group 7-day waking average?

Ahhhhh! I feel better now after that: venting at the start then, a bit of slowly soothing during the middle; build back up at the end & only a few laughs, this time, at the cannon fire at the end! 🙄🙂 The 1812 Overture has dine it’s thing for me again!🙂
10.6 and feeling rough again after starting to feel better yesterday. How many different symptoms does covid have ?!

I always get confused by the clocks changing too so wide awake when I should be fast asleep! Feel for those with little children today.
Well I happened to wake up at 3.15 Ive forgotten that my body though it was an hour later haven't been back to sleep so it was 6.4. diffiftlly not really good today.
Morning all. 8.8! That’ll be the apple crumble I obviously shouldn’t have eaten after everyone went home last night. I wasn’t hungry, but I NEEDED it. Today’s another day.

Good family gathering last night. Food went down well and lots of compliments for my lamb kofta curry, only second time of making it and everyone agreed it was 10/10. A bit of a pain to make, with quite a few processes but worth it. And there’s a wee bit left for our tea tonight, thank goodness because the house is a tip, I’ve a pile of ironing to do and I am sick of cooking.

Never took many photos I was too busy being the hostess with the mostess. Here’s a few. None of me, thank goodness, I was very scary! 😉


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Morning all, 5.2 here! But I have been crawling along the top of the red all night. Liver replenishing itself after the day's exertions, I expect. Managed to survive riding, had a gentler lesson than the previous day, on a different horse who is less tiring to ride.
Morning all, 5.2 here! But I have been crawling along the top of the red all night. Liver replenishing itself after the day's exertions, I expect. Managed to survive riding, had a gentler lesson than the previous day, on a different horse who is less tiring to ride.
Many congratulations. 🙂
Good morning. A straight 6.0 this morning. Nasty grey day with brisk nippy wind. Very chilly round the nethers when I popped out in my bathrobe to release Mr Wolf who, not having appreciated that the clocks had gone back, considered it well after time for a bit of policing the place and breakfast.
Treated myself to a new small slow cooker last week, having given my huge family sized one to the Ukrainians, and made a casserole of shin of beef for dinner last night. Tender enough to eat off a spoon.
Hope the weather picks up for us all - I am getting a bit frustrated with all this rain - only managed 20 minutes on the garden clear up yesterday.
Actual morning reading is 8.5
Morning all. 🙂 7.5 here - caught my BG randomly spiking at 4am when I got up for a tinkle, so had a correction dose.

My little seaside village was rammed last night - there was a fairground on the waterfront, fireworks on the beach, and tons of families having a fab time. Really great to see...not sure what we were celebrating tho.

Congrats @Robin - glad to hear you survived the horse-riding.

Kofta, drooool, you’re the best granny ever @eggyg. I would’ve dressed them all up in sheets (ghosts) and fed them microwave chips LOL. Have a day off!
5.4 for me this morning, after getting a rare (for me) unicorn yesterday! The graph just drifted very slightly above my upper limit later on in the evening yesterday but still showing 99% in range this morning.

@Robin - congratulations on your HS.

@eggyg - I laughed at your “needed” - a Sliming World counsellor I used to go to used to say ”Need - or Want?” whenever anyone said they “needed” a cake, etc. It looks like you had a great time though and i bet the kofta curry was gorgeous!

Hope everyone has a good day!


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A 5.9 for me today. 🙂
Off now to find out how to change the time on my BG Meter (everything else was automatic - except of course for the microwave which loses about 5 minutes a day, so I don't bother with that.)
And well done @Robin on the 5.2.

And it’s an 5.6 for me this morning as I lay here this wet and windy day with the rain beating against my window.
5.1 this morning and very good point @MeeTooTeeTwo, I best look that up too
Morning all. Was woken several times in the night by the low alarm and my mouth feels grainy with all the sugar! Woke finally to a 5.3.

Congrats on the HS @Robin
Morning all on this grey, rainy day.

8.0 this morning at 07:56 after treating a 4.2 at 06:35. Libreview still behaving peculiarly. Went off with the horrible screeching that you cannot seem to stop at 01:52 and 05:33 as well. Scan then watch the circular thing going off for 5 - 10 minutes before seeing the result. Will ring Abbott tomorrow.

Still, I've hopefully had enough sleep, was shattered again last night and went to bed before 9pm. I think it must be the Covid jab I had on Friday.

Congratulations @Robin on your HS.

@Bloden, whatever your seaside village was celebrating it sounded like fun!

Ditto @eggyg your family celebration.

Have a nice day all. I'm just cooking roast loin of pork with all the trimmings and going to have a lazy day otherwise!
Morning all and 6.1 for me.

Clocks changed and libre 1 reader charged as the latest sensors were the original version so that's what I'll be on tomorrow. Let's see what the next lot are.

Have a good day everyone.
Good morning

Yesterday was a day of woe. My blood sugars plummeted all day long and I was constantly aware of it and eating carbs the whole time. I prepared dinner - salmon fillets in a garlic and herb sauce. My reading was 3.1. Carrying my dinner from the kitchen to the dining room via the living room I had a hypo and crashed to the floor in the living room and could not get up. I did not beccome unconcious and managed to eat three new potatoes and one fillet, and after about 30 minutes tried to stand up but couldn't. Went on my hands and knees into the kitchen and ate two Magdalenas with honey but didn't bolus as I couldn't stand to get in the 'fridge. Managed with not a little effort to get up the stairs to bed. Pain in my entire right side resulted in little sleep. No doubt the bruises will manifest themselves tomorrow. Had to abandon my Sunday drive as I can't lift my right arm. It will have to be sandwiches tonight following my Zoom call with my family. Missy had a field day with the food scattered on the floor.
I was 12.4 this morning.