Group 7-day waking average?

5.7 for me today. 🙂

Good morning a bit of a shocking 8.8 (just now)
although strictly speaking, it wasn’t my waking reading, as I did wake @05:55 (for a bathroom visit)
and just been downstairs to put in first load of washing / made my first cup of tea back in bed for my weekend lay in, so there’s a fair bit of FOFP today
plus I did have a Donner Kebab for dinner, although though I just ate the meat and salad,

Have a great day & weekend everyone 😎
5.9 this morning and feeling very smug after cracking not only yesterday’s lunch (peak of 9.3, much better than other ones) and then out to our local pub last night for a meal. I guessed how many carbs, did my bolus and sweated the 30 mins before our food came out! Luckily I was only just starting to fall by then so it all balanced out rather well - peak of just 8.1!

Of course, this “I got this“ feeling will quickly be blasted away when D realises this and throws a curve ball my way. But, until then, I’m taking the win and enjoying a little while of smugness!

Hope everyone enjoys their Saturday whatever you are doing.
5.9 this morning and feeling very smug after cracking not only yesterday’s lunch (peak of 9.3, much better than other ones) and then out to our local pub last night for a meal. I guessed how many carbs, did my bolus and sweated the 30 mins before our food came out! Luckily I was only just starting to fall by then so it all balanced out rather well - peak of just 8.1!

Of course, this “I got this“ feeling will quickly be blasted away when D realises this and throws a curve ball my way. But, until then, I’m taking the win and enjoying a little while of smugness!

Hope everyone enjoys their Saturday whatever you are doing.
Absolutely love this post. It is exactly the way to handle diabetes. Wing it a bit (within safe confines.... I am sure you had a JB or glucose tablet on you that you could have used to just slow or stop the drop a bit if your meal didn't quite come soon enough).
Celebrate and take absolute credit for the wins (which are of course total skill) but shrug, blame diabetes and move on when it doesn't go to plan. I find I gain so much confidence from these situations and the confidence makes such a difference to quality of life and mental approach to diabetes.
Great result.... Well done!
Morning all. New sensor says 5.1, finger prick 4.1. Raining here again, i hope it brightens later for a walk.
Morning all. 5.1 this morning . Been a steady line all night . Was good yesterday till I tested at 4 pm 14.7 .was having a coffee in Costas so pen came out 8 units of insulin . Tested while I was doing my shopping still 14 .Got home put stuff away tested before I had tea 13.5 . Strange took extra units again took dog out tested when I got back 7 and dropping fast . Had a few pick me ups and been spot on since . Rains just starting here now . Have a good weekend folks
Thanks @rebrascora ! I must admit I didn’t have anything to fend off a hypo - so good idea to carry JBs or glucose tablets - one for next time! My plan was to have an orange juice from the bar if our meal was delayed.

You’re right, I need to remember how I feel now as it helps massively improve my quality of life.
Morning all. Must get to sisters to freeload strips! 🙂 Had a fabulous sleep due to sticking to low carb yesterday, it never fails to work, I never know why I go off it? Braindead I am.

Not staying over at daughters tonight, I'll go Monday to avoid Halloween due to it being Mum's first anniversary. I was there last year when I got the news so I'll be there again. Used to luv Halloween as well but it doesn't seem right to celebrate. Miss the kiddies at the door though, some years I'd be in fits of laughter at some of the tiddy ones in their costumes. :rofl: Have a good day all.
7.9 today.

Have a good day all
Morning all, another grey one.

5.9 this morning @ 8:45 which was fine.

I got muddled up about appointments yesterday, it wasn't 3:30 at the hygienist (that's Monday) it was 2.40 for a covid jab (my 5th - apparently they're doing people's 6th now). Fortunately my phone gave me a reminder in time! No apparent problems from it, but I was mega tired last night, so went to bed with a hot water bottle at 10pm. Was blissfully fast asleep when this hideous electronic screaming from my phone woke me. Never heard anything like it. Anyway, hubby came rushing up and I was somewhat befuddled, but couldn't make out what had caused this noise from the phone. It wouldn't scan my sensor, the "scanning" message came up with a never ending circle thingie. So in the end we decided to switch the phone right off. So no idea what went on in the night BG wise... had somewhat the same performance (without the hideous noise) this morning, but it eventually settled and read 5.9. I'll see what happens today and maybe ring Abbott on Monday. It might be this sensor that I applied in the early hours of Friday morning.

Hope everyone has a good day!
And at 7.45 this morning mine was 5.1 the same as yesterday.
7.8 🙂
Porrage for breakfast, made almost no change to BG.
But last night 1/2 slice bread increased BG from 9.4 to 13.2
So with some good injections / BG values, sunny day, blue sea & sky, finished coffee, looks like a good day.
7.8 🙂
Porrage for breakfast, made almost no change to BG.
But last night 1/2 slice bread increased BG from 9.4 to 13.2
So with some good injections / BG values, sunny day, blue sea & sky, finished coffee, looks like a good day.
Does that imply you got your insulin dose for the porridge spot on but underestimated for the bread or would that be normal for you?
@Leadinglights Porrage was about right.

I didn't have any QA before bed last night as sometimes drop overnight - last night gradual drop from 13.2 to a lowest value of 6.3 at 06:33, then 7.8 at 07:15. But other nights, impossible to get BG down. Took 2 units QA at 22:30, again at 03:00, made very little difference as 10+ all night, made worse by DP.
14:02 BS 13.2 OOPS! 😳 I couldn’t remember just before bed if I’d bolused for the last lot of food! Clearly I didn’t!😱

A Very G’day Mates to you all & hope you’re having a better day than me? 😉

O2 still not sorted but, I at least have a phone signal now on the new number after my 2nd long queue on the landline number charged at standard rates! 🙄 The network problem, in my area, is still not fully fixed since Tuesday: it’s back up; just very slow! They say the number has switched over & that’s why the new sim card has no service. I had to restart the phone to get the old number but, due to very slow traffic the calls, messages etc. data has not been transferred yet & I need to restart the phone every 2 hours or so until everything comes through!🙄o_O

Meanwhile I asked again about getting my calls through the landline & they say that process registration for doing that will take 30 days & the network should be up to speed BEFORE that. But, a mobile number has been calling me repeatedly the last few days, called today too, & I couldn’t work out who as they would only give me a few numbers at the end to try & look up my contacts: asked for a few numbers at the start to make it a bit easier to look up; still couldn’t work out who has been calling me? :(

All these rules & regulations: they’ll only give me the full number IF I can tell them who the contact is? o_O How ridiculous is THAT?:confused:o_O

And WHAT on earth are O2 up to with a network problem since Tuesday that’s not been fully fixed: the long queues on customer service each time; at least I CAN call free now with an active service on the iPhone now if I have to call again! 😱
Oh! Forgot! Obviously meds, tresiba, half oatcake & NR in before I started posting!

I’ll keep restarting the phone throughout today & call O2 again, free on the mobile, tomorrow! I’m REALLY, REALLY, REALLY fed up with this! 😡 No other emoji will do but, that one & a few more of them to vent my frustration!!!😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡 Oooh er! That’s a bit better!:rofl: And another whole row of Kicking The Wall Virtually so, I, in italics, don’t get hurt emojis as well!😉
Actually, I listen to The 1812 Overture by Tchaikovsky at full volume for a bit to make me laugh watching the army brass band playing it with 4 big cannons firing shots on youtube as I’m not THAT mad anymore & in need of a good laugh: the 1812 is GREAT for venting when I AM mad; the youtube video with the cannons is hilariously funny when I’m not mad or not THAT mad!
