Group 7-day waking average?

Foot on the Floor Syndrome is I believe colloquial to this forum and is just a more sociable variation of Dawn Phenomenon. Basically FOTF waits until you get out of bed to trigger your liver to release glucose into your blood stream and for me, my levels could rise by as much as 6 whole mmols in half an hour if I didn't inject insulin.
Eating food is supposed to switch this function of the liver off, so having something to eat as soon as you wake up might help, but it depends how healthy and responsive your liver is. If you are carrying a bit of visceral fat around your liver and pancreas, this can cause the liver to chug out too much glucose and your pancreas not to get the message to increase insulin production to cover whet the liver releases. Metformin can help by discouraging the liver from releasing so much glucose and interestingly a little alcohol the night before can give the liver something more important to deal with ie removing the alcohol, so you could experiment with perhaps a small glass of red wine on an evening..... purely for scientific reasons of course 😉 for a few days and see if that changes anything. If you have fatty liver, then obviously regular consumption of alcohol would not be a good idea, but it may be that you are not a straightforward Type 2 diabetic if your low carb way of eating is not managing your levels.... or it may just mean that you need a little more help in the form of medication.....There are so many possible combinations of factors with diabetes it can be quite hard to figure it out, but the two things I would try are a glass of red maybe with some nice cheese before bed and testing before you set foot out of bed and eating something straight away as 2 possible options to try.
Purely for scientific reasons of course. Love that!
Good morning everyone.

A difficult turbulent day yesterday but improved over the day before. Exhausting for me.

BG 4.9

Today is a delivery from Ocado. £20 off because it is our first one and free delivery. Good job as the total was quite a lot before the discounts.

Hopefully today will continue the improvement trend

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Good Morning, early start for me today, not sure if that impacts my BS, as normally up 3 hours later with a lower reading but up at 5.30am with a reading of 6.4 this morning, not sure how long to wait until breakfast.

I am off shopping later today for a party outfit as the dress I bought last month for this weekend's party is now too big 🙂 Size 12 (literally half what I was on 1st July) I feel sick a lot lately, a hunger type of nausea, has anyone had this, just wondering if I should increase calories a little? I eat 1200 cals a day but eat them in a window between 8am and 4pm, so I have from 4pm to 8am with only water (16 hour intermittent fast) This seems to have really accelerated my weight loss, but I am starting to get stomach pains and hunger at about 4am,
Morning all. 7 on the meter on this very dark and wet, but extremely mild, day. I want frost and cold crisp mornings, not this damp mild stuff. Suppose it’s saving the heating being on so much.

Glad to say, fingers crossed, no migraine yesterday and the dizziness had worn off by lunch time. We even got out for a walk, just to the pharmacy to pick up my sensors, but more than we’ve done for a while.
Grandchildren here between 8.30 and 9.30, biscuit tin full, crisp basket full, chocolate drawer full, fruit bowl full and probably still will be when they leave tomorrow night! 😉

Have a fab Friday, I’ll mostly be making Halloween costumes, carving pumpkins and feeding always hungry children. 🙂
When I was diagnosed with diabetes, my A1C was 7.2. I too was surprised that plain yogurt and with frozen non sweetened strawberries started doing that. I have survived on that or eggs for breakfast for years without issue. Given I was having breakfast when my bg was 9 or more, the rise is not surprising but why am I so high to start?

My BG spikes with strawberries in a way it doesn’t with raspberries or blackberries.
Could try switching the breakfast berry for another tour and see what happens?
Morning folks and folkesses. 6.3 this morning.
Probably something to do with the 17,000 odd steps yesterday mainly in IKEA (don’t ask!). I resisted meatballs.
Leg is painful today for reasons stated above so a gentle day planned today.

@eggyg Are you planning on feeding the children to the pumpkins?!
My BG spikes with strawberries in a way it doesn’t with raspberries or blackberries.
Could try switching the breakfast berry for another tour and see what happens?

How different we are - strawberries have negligible effect for me but raspberries can be spiky. Blackberries, especially, from garden, also have little effect!
Morning good peeps. 🙂 8.7 here - what to tweak, when my BG doesn’t spike at any time overnight? <scratching head emoji>

I’ve got an outpatient appointment today in the Ladies Dept - no idea why except for some niggles that the GP said we’d “keep an eye on”. Did she refer me on after all? Watch this space...😉

Almost the weekend!
5.7 for me today. 🙂

Motning all. 4.8. Where has this week gone and why are working weeks so long and holiday weeks so short?!
morning everyone 5 for me at 6.30am, woke this morning feeling much better after feeling pretty 'off' since jab on Tuesday. My granddaughters arrive this afternoon for the weekend, so much to do before then. Have a great day everyone 🙂
3.2 and a lot of red on my graph prior to waking up according to Libre 🙄 .... a respectable 4.9 finger prick result (tested under the duvet so no FOTF. I'm getting sick of this Libre showing me hypo when I'm not. 😡TIR stats for the last 7 days show 9 hypos and 9% below target and I double checked every single one and 4.1 was my lowest. Grr! It might even be a personal best for me to go a whole week without a hypo but Libre is not showing it. I do love the system but sometimes it is infuriating. Hope the next sensor is a bit more accurate. Just 2 days to go.