Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning everyone, 4.3 at 6am when I got out of bed to lay on sofa downstairs after a coffee and letting dogs out. Still feeling off after booster on Tuesday, but at least vision has cleared, fingers crossed it stays that way. Both arms heavy and sore, Left from flu jab on Thursday though it's improving and Right from Covid jab.
I've had all covid vaccinations and boosters, first were AZ, then Moderna, Tuesdays were Pffizer(?) don't remember any issues with others or maybe its because I've had two within week?
Morning all. 🙂

Hate reading about the Ash trees. Why are all the trees dying? We're doomed. :( We've always had Ash and Elder, witch trees, I was a witch in a former life, they follow me around. :D At a previous residence in the late 90s I was puzzled by a constant noise in the garden, low grade but always there in the background towards the end of the year. Took me a while to figure out it was the noise of caterpillars munching on the Ash. How many were there to make that noise? Like a train rumbling along in the background. I wonder if they spread some kind of a disease? It's not something you can talk about, who is going to believe you? :D Like my rose bushes burned to a crisp by a sunspot in 2010. Don't tell me there's no global warming! Not to mention the Plane Trees in France! 😱 All going the way of the Elms. Doomed I tell you.
I don’t know! But, I think it’ll be 2 injections: 1 in each arm; like the extra pneumonia one I get some years?

I think on balance I’d prefer one trip anyway: it’s the going out that seems to get me under the weather afterwards? 🙄

Right! Breakfast just munched & it’s O2 & see what’s up? :confused:
I'm sure you'll be fine and as you say one less trip out. Worth taking some paracetamol they seem to say.

Received my referral letter for MRI and surgical consult regarding my ankle yesterday.
According to the Choose and Book info I’ve the choice of precisely one hospital which is fine. However go to the NHS appointment booking website and it says that there’s no appointments available!
Called the appointment booking line and the said the same. No appointments available. They advised me to book at my second choice. Which isn’t an option because I’ve not been listed as having one.
Email sent to orthopaedics department at the hospital asking them to contact me in order to book an appointment ASAP.
Email also sent to the GP with a copy of the Choose and Book info asking them to help get me an appointment.

Oh and according to the hospital website it’s a 42 week wait for appointments ffs.
I’d go private if I had the money to do that.

Meanwhile I’m scouting out items for my convalescence wardrobe. Only essential items of course. Things like this dressing robe from attachment 22686
The laughing emoji is for the dressing gown, not for the frustration of trying to get an appointment x
Morning all.... grey, gloomy and damp today.

4.2 at 08:15 when I got up.

Meeting a friend for lunch. Was getting a lift to her house on the other side of town and then walking along the coast path to a cafe in Newlyn, but due to the weather we are now picking her up and hubby will drop us both at the cafe. Then after lunch going to the cinema to see Banshee (?) her choice.

Have made a white wine sauce for tonight, which I will add leftovers ( roast chicken, gammon and mushrooms) to as filing for a pie.

Hugs to all those feeling unwell.
ARGH, ARGH, ARGH! & A Kicking The Wall HARD In Frustration emoji!

SOMETHING happened in that the hew sim card has ni service now & my number still not switched! Had to look up online for a landline number for O2. They say all the network is down at the moment, in the last hour, & they’re aware of it & fixing it. I will receive a text message when it’s fixed! 😡

I’m in a huff! :(

Received my referral letter for MRI and surgical consult regarding my ankle yesterday.
According to the Choose and Book info I’ve the choice of precisely one hospital which is fine. However go to the NHS appointment booking website and it says that there’s no appointments available!
Called the appointment booking line and the said the same. No appointments available. They advised me to book at my second choice. Which isn’t an option because I’ve not been listed as having one.
Email sent to orthopaedics department at the hospital asking them to contact me in order to book an appointment ASAP.
Email also sent to the GP with a copy of the Choose and Book info asking them to help get me an appointment.

Oh and according to the hospital website it’s a 42 week wait for appointments ffs.
I’d go private if I had the money to do that.

Meanwhile I’m scouting out items for my convalescence wardrobe. Only essential items of course. Things like this dressing robe from attachment 22686
Your Choose & Book reminded me of Catch 22 somewhat! How annoying! Love the dressing robe - you’ll be smoking a pipe, playing a violin and wearing a deer stalker next!:rofl:
Morning all. 🙂

Hate reading about the Ash trees. Why are all the trees dying? We're doomed. :( We've always had Ash and Elder, witch trees, I was a witch in a former life, they follow me around. :D At a previous residence in the late 90s I was puzzled by a constant noise in the garden, low grade but always there in the background towards the end of the year. Took me a while to figure out it was the noise of caterpillars munching on the Ash. How many were there to make that noise? Like a train rumbling along in the background. I wonder if they spread some kind of a disease? It's not something you can talk about, who is going to believe you? :D Like my rose bushes burned to a crisp by a sunspot in 2010. Don't tell me there's no global warming! Not to mention the Plane Trees in France! 😱 All going the way of the Elms. Doomed I tell you.
It is depressing to see so many of our native trees under threat, however there are plenty which seem OK at the moment. I have pot grown beech, birch, hazel, fir and willow to go in this winter and a few oak as my oaks seem healthy and I am hoping to avoid sudden oak death. I am replacing the 8 ash with 50 of those young trees and will be planting some more once I can source some reasonably priced specimens. I can do glum as everyone will acknowledge but I am damned if I am going to accept doomed!
2 years into this awful T1D journey. Waking up at 17 ave still. Doing my best but its all awful. Nevermind eh
Hi.... Sorry to hear that you are still struggling. 17 is way too high for a waking reading, especially 2 years into using insulin. From reading your other posts, these high BG levels have been going on for a very long time and are potentially doing you damage since you have mentioned leg pain and kidney pain in other threads. You need more help and support and an education course so that you can adjust your insulin yourself. Please get in touch with your hospital diabetes clinic (not the GP surgery) and ask for help. It really is very important not to let this go on any longer. You also mentioned putting on a lot of weight in a previous thread.... is that still happening or has that settled down now?
If you visit the forum regularly, we can give you a few pointers, but we need feedback from you to know what to suggest. Some of your posts you just seem to mention a problem and then not respond after people make suggestions. If you can post regularly we can help you spot patterns and make adjustments. Are you relying on finger pricks for your readings or do you have Freestyle Libre sensors? Have you done the BERTIE online course that was mentioned in another of your threads..... or have you been offered an education course by your clinic. DAFNE (Dose Adjustment For Normal Eating) is the gold standard but there are various regional equivalents. If you haven't been offered one of these courses please ask to be put forward for one. BERTIE online is similar ut you get so much more from a face to face course and a highly qualified DSN will spend a week with you going over your readings and helping you make adjustments.

Are you still getting lots of hypos as well as those high readings? You must feel absolutely shocking with levels persistently that high and I hope you are not doing any really exertive exercise when they are that high. Walking would be ideal exercise to help reduce your levels a bit without stressing your body... if you are able.
@Rybing Just want to add that you can and will feel a lot better when you get more support and get your insulin doses adjusted correctly. You do need to push for help though and put aside some time to learn what you need to learn to manage your diabetes better. It isn't like other illnesses where the doctor gives you medication and tells you how much to take. Diabetes needs frequent adjustment of doses, depending upon what you eat and what exercise you do and whether it is summer or winter or if you have any other illness or injury or sometimes other medication like steroids. It all sounds very complicated at first which is why you need an intensive education course, but once you learn the basics and get your BG levels under better control, then you will feel so much better and equally importantly you will be less at risk of complications like the leg and kidney pain.
Hmm, mine was 7.9 when got up then jumped to 9.1 within 10 minutes. This has been the pattern for the last two weeks. Not sure what going on. Eat 0 carbs at breakfast for now, boiled egg and almonds with coffee so I don't start seeing 11s and 12s after. And then I go for a 10 min fast walk during work to bring it down to 7s and 6s. The rest of the day, I am doing well and staying within my range. I also eat peanuts as a snack before I go to bed.

I am type 2 and control with diet and exercise. Have had it for about 8 years now.

Any ideas what is going on. My regular doctor has not been able to help me with this when I talked to him about it so trying to figure it out on my own. I have upped my exercising in the hopes to bring down the liver dumps?

Hmm, mine was 7.9 when got up then jumped to 9.1 within 10 minutes. This has been the pattern for the last two weeks. Not sure what going on. Eat 0 carbs at breakfast for now, boiled egg and almonds with coffee so I don't start seeing 11s and 12s after. And then I go for a 10 min fast walk during work to bring it down to 7s and 6s. The rest of the day, I am doing well and staying within my range. I also eat peanuts as a snack before I go to bed.

I am type 2 and control with diet and exercise. Have had it for about 8 years now.

Any ideas what is going on. My regular doctor has not been able to help me with this when I talked to him about it so trying to figure it out on my own. I have upped my exercising in the hopes to bring down the liver dumps?

It sounds as if you are seeing the effect of the Foot on the Floor Phenomenon where the liver releases glucose as soon as you get out of bed and start pottering around to give you energy.
The high morning level which is what even 7.9 is should start to trend down if the rest of your meal increases stay in range.
I assume you are following a low carb regime as you mention low carbs for breakfast.
This link might help you with some new ideas.
What is your HbA1C, I hope you are getting checks of that.
You say you are staying in range, what sort of levels are you seeing.
It sounds as if you are seeing the effect of the Foot on the Floor Phenomenon where the liver releases glucose as soon as you get out of bed and start pottering around to give you energy.
The high morning level which is what even 7.9 is should start to trend down if the rest of your meal increases stay in range.
I assume you are following a low carb regime as you mention low carbs for breakfast.
This link might help you with some new ideas.
What is your HbA1C, I hope you are getting checks of that.
You say you are staying in range, what sort of levels are you seeing.
My last H1C this month was the highest it has been at 6.9. I am usually between 5.7 and 6.2.
Right now I am sitting at 6.2 blood glucose which will likely go down to about 5.5 ish in time for my lunch here in Canada. I go up to a range 7.0-7.8 on a lunch of cheese, peanuts, and half an apple. Within a couple hours I am back in the high 5s and start to gradually decrease toward supper with low 5s or high 4s. I try to keep my after supper glucose to under 8 as I eat a bit more carbs. I am down to low 6s within a couple hours. By bedtime, after a snack of no carbs as I am hungry, I am high 7s. During the night my blood glucose averages around a 6.

Before I realized I was having this huge increase after I got out of bed, I would eat a breakfast of plain greek yogurt with a few strawberries, almonds, and coffee and my glucose would spike, the highest was 15. Yikes. I just noticed it was doing this a couple weeks ago because I was not feeling like I usually do and my A1C was so high. I had been getting complacent and was not checking my after breakfast levels as I had been so stable in my readings for so long. It is such as hassle to measure at work. Now I am doing a religiously and getting a freestyle libra.
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My last H1C this month was the highest it has been at 6.9. I am usually between 5.7 and 6.2.
Right now I am sitting at 6.2 blood glucose which will likely go down to about 5.5 ish in time for my lunch here in Canada. I go up to a range 7.0-7.8 on a lunch of cheese, peanuts, and half an apple. Within a couple hours I am back in the high 5s and start to gradually decrease toward supper with low 5s or high 4s. I try to keep my after supper glucose to under 8 as I eat a bit more carbs. I am down to low 6s within a couple hours. By bedtime, after a snack of no carbs as I am hungry, I am high 7s. During the night my blood glucose averages around a 6.

Before I realized I was having this huge increase after I got out of bed, I would eat a breakfast of greek yogurt with a few strawberries, almonds, and coffee and my glucose would spike to 15. Yikes. I just noticed it was doing this a couple weeks because I was not feeling like I usually do and my A1C was so high. I had been getting complacent and was not checking my after breakfast levels as I had been so stable in my readings for so long. It is such as hassle to measure at work. Now I am doing a religiously and getting a freestyle libra.
I'm not sure what the criterion for diagnosis is in Canada but in the UK a %of 6.5 (48mmol/mol) would give you a diabetes diagnosis but at 6-6.5% would be termed as 'at risk or prediabetic'
When people test, they tend to try to keep meal rises after 2 hours to 2-3mmol/l and 2 hours after meals to less than 8mmol/l to keep their HbA1C in normal range which in the UK is below 6% or 42mmol/mol. Your breakfast of yohurt and berries is what many of us have.
I am quite surprised that your very low carb meals are giving you those readings unless something else is going on.
Hopefully a few others will have suggestions that might reassure you that your readings are actually OK
I'm not sure what the criterion for diagnosis is in Canada but in the UK a %of 6.5 (48mmol/mol) would give you a diabetes diagnosis but at 6-6.5% would be termed as 'at risk or prediabetic'
When people test, they tend to try to keep meal rises after 2 hours to 2-3mmol/l and 2 hours after meals to less than 8mmol/l to keep their HbA1C in normal range which in the UK is below 6% or 42mmol/mol. Your breakfast of yohurt and berries is what many of us have.
I am quite surprised that your very low carb meals are giving you those readings unless something else is going on.
Hopefully a few others will have suggestions that might reassure you that your readings are actually OK
When I was diagnosed with diabetes, my A1C was 7.2. I too was surprised that plain yogurt and with frozen non sweetened strawberries started doing that. I have survived on that or eggs for breakfast for years without issue. Given I was having breakfast when my bg was 9 or more, the rise is not surprising but why am I so high to start?

It sounds as if you are seeing the effect of the Foot on the Floor Phenomenon where the liver releases glucose as soon as you get out of bed and start pottering around to give you energy.
The high morning level which is what even 7.9 is should start to trend down if the rest of your meal increases stay in range.
I assume you are following a low carb regime as you mention low carbs for breakfast.
This link might help you with some new ideas.
What is your HbA1C, I hope you are getting checks of that.
You say you are staying in range, what sort of levels are you seeing.
I am looking up foot on the floor phenomenon as I have never heard of it. Is there a good way to deal with that?
I am looking up foot on the floor phenomenon as I have never heard of it. Is there a good way to deal with that?
Foot on the Floor Syndrome is I believe colloquial to this forum and is just a more sociable variation of Dawn Phenomenon. Basically FOTF waits until you get out of bed to trigger your liver to release glucose into your blood stream and for me, my levels could rise by as much as 6 whole mmols in half an hour if I didn't inject insulin.
Eating food is supposed to switch this function of the liver off, so having something to eat as soon as you wake up might help, but it depends how healthy and responsive your liver is. If you are carrying a bit of visceral fat around your liver and pancreas, this can cause the liver to chug out too much glucose and your pancreas not to get the message to increase insulin production to cover whet the liver releases. Metformin can help by discouraging the liver from releasing so much glucose and interestingly a little alcohol the night before can give the liver something more important to deal with ie removing the alcohol, so you could experiment with perhaps a small glass of red wine on an evening..... purely for scientific reasons of course 😉 for a few days and see if that changes anything. If you have fatty liver, then obviously regular consumption of alcohol would not be a good idea, but it may be that you are not a straightforward Type 2 diabetic if your low carb way of eating is not managing your levels.... or it may just mean that you need a little more help in the form of medication.....There are so many possible combinations of factors with diabetes it can be quite hard to figure it out, but the two things I would try are a glass of red maybe with some nice cheese before bed and testing before you set foot out of bed and eating something straight away as 2 possible options to try.