Group 7-day waking average?

4.8 this morning at 7.45am, quiet day to day after a hectic weekend looking after my granddaughters, looked after youngest all day yesterday while Mammy and Daddy took oldest (4.5yrs) to her first karate competition, gold in one category and silver in the other, so proud of her, she's had a great week, her class teacher sent a message to her mammy saying how polite, helpful and caring she was in the classroom. 🙂
Hope everyone has a good day !
And it was a higher than usual 6.4 this morning, must have been that flake bar I had last night.
Morning all. 8.4
I'm feeling okay but still waking up with a ton of congestion and mucus. Won't this cold just go away properly.

Oh well, onwards. Coffee needed and got a huge list of stuff to do. Have a local council uplift booked for tomorrow which all need to be curbside tonight. Son and nephew will do the heavy lifting stuff after work but I did "book" some bags of waste to fill up the allowed amount which I need make use of. Have done a bunch of clearing out so all that has to be bagged up today by yours truly.
On a plus, I will get my living room back to normal :D Its been the collection place for all the stuff to go for ages.
Now to find the email with the list of everything I actually booked, its been booked for weeks. :rofl:
Good morning everyone

@Michael12421 looks like a much better BG reading there

My own BG 4.7

Not a good evening here yesterday sadly :(

However, I did manage to make the box for the rocket and wrap it up. I was shattered by the end of it though

Here's a pic of the final result


Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Well it looks like I am late to the party! Everyone on the House Special step yesterday has gone home and I seem to be here forlornly on my own. :( There is room for late comers though....anyone care to join me??
Interestingly I took a risk and injected 2 units of Levemir last night despite hypoing on none the night before, but I had dropped my morning dose by 2 units yesterday so overall daily dose was the same, just in different proportions. Very happy with the result. Just wish all my Levemir "educated guesses" were this good!!
Needless to say, I am liking this new sensor. Hope it has many more House Specials in it. I haven't actually checked it since activating it yesterday morning... and don't want to now in case it is a mile out. 🙄
Morning all and 5.1 for me.

Sunny and breezy here. Washing on, a good drying day. Got some yew branches to cut up while I'm at it. Might try taking some cuttings as one the hedges is a bit sparse.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning all, a nice bright day.

5.5 at 08:30 with a straight line. Hadn't changed my basals, it's such a contrary condition!

Got friends arriving in 5 minutes for a Greek lunch. Have done a meze, so everyone can help themselves to lots of little dishes.

Congrats to @rebrascora on the HS.

Have a good day everyone.
Congrats on the HS @rebrascora.

Well i just don't know whats going on lately. Since Thursday night my levels have been all over the place! Last night i was in the 14s overnight and woke high this morning. I corrected with breakfast then had a hypo at work followed by a rebound high (i only treated it as usual which should have kept me mid target). I corrected at lunch but was still high when i left work to cone home! Just had anothet unit and its finally starting to come down.

All these highs and lows are giving me a headache. I think i must be coming down with something, either that or its stress as theres a lot of that atm!
Good moaning! An awful 12.5! Don't know what's going on. I seemed to be mostly over stomach upset yesterday but woke woke at 3:00 feeling rather nauseous. Settled after a black tea but woke with headache and ready for bed! :(
Was a better 7.1 before lunch but something ails me as all this has given me a headache. Did Wordle, Quordle and Octordle but resting my brain for Mastermind and University Challenge. I skip Only Connect as.jt usually doesn't! :(

Now to revise periodic table! 🙂
Update on other half
The caged lion has been released from hospital, the diagnosis they are going with is stump appendicitis. A very rare complication of a previous appendectomy which he had 50 years ago. They have booked him in for a colonoscopy to investigate further but for now the infection is controlled but he is on low residue diet. Of course, that is completely opposite from what we normally have. It will be a suck it and see what he can tolerate.
He was getting a bit of acid reflux, but they didn't want to give him anything.
He will just have to take it easy to acclimatise to the outside world.
Onwards and upwards
Was a better 7.1 before lunch but something ails me as all this has given me a headache. Did Wordle, Quordle and Octordle but resting my brain for Mastermind and University Challenge. I skip Only Connect as.jt usually doesn't! :(

Now to revise periodic table! 🙂
Oooh I hadn't realised Only Connect had started again. I'll add that to the iPlayer watch list
Not quite a HS this morning, 5.3. But I'll still happily take that!
Was a better 7.1 before lunch but something ails me as all this has given me a headache. Did Wordle, Quordle and Octordle but resting my brain for Mastermind and University Challenge. I skip Only Connect as.jt usually doesn't! :(

Now to revise periodic table! 🙂

Well the periodic table came in useful for UC tonight when they asked about Lanthanum and Potassium!
Good morning a respectable 5.1 today

have a podiatrist appointment first thing this morning
(following on having had ulcer a few months ago)
it to my untrained eye has all but completely healed
hopefully they will be happy when they see my toes

Have a great day everybody 😎
Good morning. BG 5.7. What a difference a decent sleep makes. 22.00p.m- 0600.
Yesterday could hear the Grim Reaper sharpening his scythe and seem to have decided to lend him a better whetstone: ate a late lunch so carb heavy that it sent my BG up to 16.2 and still at 8.8 at bedtime. Watched daytime TV, a certain inducement to suicide, despite lovely sunshine outside. Head full of fog, body full of pain, lungs full of everything except oxygen.
This morning left the bed with elan and only the mildest discomfort under right shoulder blade. Mood definitely in the ascendent. Not planning on leaping any tall buildings at a single bound but may well be up to the splitting/stacking that had to be ignored yesterday. May even lure the mare and foal into the yard for worming. Peachy is a doddle but young Primrose has views about mouthfuls of paste... may settle for offering a pan of nuts and some bonding until a very large friend can pop over and do the dirty deed.
Hope everyone has a good day.