Group 7-day waking average?

My current sensor is actually spot on, for a pleasant change. I didn't dawdle over breakfast this morning, as I normally would as BS was falling, as you can see, due to a little too much wine last night while watching iSpy (madcap spy spoof with Melissa McCarthy, Rose Byrne and Jason Statham - pure fluff but funny). I'll be keeping the OJ handy too, just in case the morning is a little bumpy.

Good morning, clear skies, chilly breeze and BG of 5.9, could be worse.
Spent a lot of Friday trying to get insurance cover for the boys to fell some trees - eventually found the problem as neither has a valid certificate for all chainsaw work - Alex has only done crosscut course, not felling, and apparently the Ukrainians don't bother about such things. I knew I was covered by the agricultural exemption but didn't recall that it was time limited. Seems silly that I am allowed to climb/fell/cut up etc at 75 as I started using a chainsaw before 1998....the boys would then have been 6 and 14. So I took the opportunity to uprate my public liability and spent most of yesterday searching for contractors. The minimum quotes made my eyes water.
On a positive note the nebuliser seems to be doing the trick - still got soreness on right side, particularly on deep breaths, but much better and reduced sputum, and walk seems to be increasing in speed and duration. Made it down to the hens without having to stop. Today have 2 rails to replace on fence which will give me a chance to play with my new toys - new cordless impact driver and drill replacing the old friend which died after many years. New ones are much lighter - hope they last as long or at least see me out.
Off to cook up a nice rib eye steak for breakfast. Have a happy Sunday everyone.
Morning all. 5.3 AND a lie in! Was it the Pinot Grigio I wonder?:confused:

Had a good afternoon with my friends, home for 5.30 but still didn’t get last week’s Strictly watched so didn’t watch last night’s, so still shhh!

Domestic stuff today, make cauliflower soup, a gingerbread or courgette cake, can’t decide but as we came home to a huge courgette, which had obviously been hiding, and two smaller ones they need used up. Then ironing ( I’ll watch Strictly then, hopefully) and then a nice Sunday dinner of lamb chops, roasties and lots of vegetables with a redcurrant jus.

Well done @Northerner and @Gwynn on your HSs today.
@TinaD i need a lie down after hearing all that. You’re an inspiration.

Have a super Sunday all.🙂
Morning all.

Afraid I am giving @Michael12421 a little competition in the low levels stakes this morning...... 2.5 on my Libre 😱 when I woke up all warm and cosy after a lovely deep sleep.... and half the night in the red. 😳 Finger prick double check gave me a rather less scary 3.8 but still not good. I am really surprised at this as I fully expected to be high because I didn't inject any evening Levemir. Levels were a bit low towards bedtime 4.3 (according to Libre so probably nearer 5.5) so I had a square of dark choc and a couple of spoons of peanut butter and as I climbed into bed I realized that I hadn't had my Levemir but levels were still only 4.7. Didn't want to start eating JBs when I had just cleaned my teeth, so decided not to inject any evening insulin and fully expected that levels would just drift slowly upwards overnight. Wrong! 🙄 I have cut my morning Levemir by 2 this morning and will see how that goes, but generally I have been needing corrections during the day the last few days. No doubt it will all come right eventually, but this morning I have a new personal worst of 13% in the red 😱for the last 7 days according to Libre . New sensor in 30mins, so hope this one brings me better results.

Many congratulations to @Gwynn and @Northerner on your House Specials this morning. That is one very impressive flatfish Alan!
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Good morning everyone! Little bit of a lie in this morning and guess what? 5.2!

So I join the ranks today along with @Northerner , @Gwynn and @MeeTooTeeTwo congratulations all!

Flu jab later today and an unplanned trip to Specsavers to see if they can rescue a scratched lens on my reading glasses (adding air into the car tyres then trying to carry inflator, glasses, keys, etc. back into the house I dropped the glasses and they, of course, landed on the lenses on some stones). I suspect I’ll end up having to buy new glasses, oh well!

Then a visit to my parents whom we haven’t seen for a few weeks now due to my wife having had a covid outbreak at work and us wanting to be ultra careful and not give them anything especially as they are in their 90s (luckily we were both ok and didn’t catch it but it meant my wife was in PPE for a couple of weeks at work).

Hope everyone has a great day!
Morning all. Congrats to @Northerner @Gwynn @MeeTooTeeTwo and @Eternal422 on your HS.

I woke to 9.8 this morning. Despite 3 (1u) stacked corrections last night after tea, levels stayed up all evening and overnight. I wonder if i'm coming down with sonething as they've been higher since Thursday night and corrections don't seem to be doing much.

Only a bit of ironing to do this morning. When hubby gets back from work we may go out somewhere if the weather stays as it is atm, btight sunshine and pale blue sky, we'll see.

Have a good day whatever you are planning today.
Morning all, what a gorgeous day!

4.2 this morning. I am beginning to see a pattern. Last night put a -5% temp basal on for 6 hours and got a nice straight line, soon as that finished around 06:00 it started to drop. So need to adjust basals, though not sure I can do it by 5% given I can only reduce per hour by 0.05u with the Omnipod rather than 0.01u per hour as I could with the Combo.

Apolgies: rant follows!
Today I need to go to the Lloyds pharmacy in Sainsbury's with loins girded for a ridiculous scenario. Last Monday I put in a prescription request for 4 items, which included blood pressure pills (Felodipine) and thyroid meds (Liothyronine and Levothyroxine). Patient access says all 4 have been prescribed. On Tuesday I had a phone call from the surgery, they want me to move from 5 mg Liothyronine tablets at £110.04 per 28 (gasp!) to capsules @ £55 per 28. I am fine with that - in fact I am horrified at the cost! even of the cheaper ones! I agree and the person on the phone says Lloyds can't supply capsules but do I mind if the script is sent to Boots in town. I say OK, though it's more difficult for me to get to town rather than Sainsburys. So on Weds pm I pop into Boots and they deny having any prescription for me, but tell me to ring Lloyds and get them to send it over. I ring Lloyds who don't seem to know what I am asking, but eventually say they will do it. I ring Boots and tell them to retrieve the script from the "spine" and say I will pop in on Saturday afternoon. I took my last BP pill on Friday night. I went into Boots yesterday who still did not have my script. Eventually they extract a script for the Liothyronine from the spine and give me 14 tablets. Apparently despite all the hoo ha, the prescription says it's for the expensive tablets rather than the capsules. However, the rest of the prescription is missing inc the BP tablets I am desperate for. The lady in Boots rang Lloyds who deny all knowledge of any prescription for me. This happens frequently. My choice was to get on the bus and get off the bus at Sainsburys and then wait an hour for another bus home. Soooo.... I went straight home and need to go argue the toss this morning when I can go in the car. Meantime BP is 168/110 this morning. Talk about frustrated!

The ridiculous thing is that since my prescription was reduced from 10mg Liothyronine when I was splitting the much cheaper 20mg tablets, no one has given me a blood test for the breakdown of TSH/T3/T4 to see if 5mg is working, because apparently the test is expensive.

Anyway, sorry to bore the pants off you.

Congratulations @MeeTooTeeTwo @Eternal422 @Northerner and @Gwynn - what a bumper crop of HSs.

Have a nice day everyone.
Morning folks

7.0 for me

Had mum up for tea again last night, she's said she's already ordered a present for my birthday next month as she was a bit concerned about leaving it too long (my birthday is the 15th and the possible strike dates are a lot of days running up to it) she thinks she'll ping me some money for wax melts too, off me she got £20 account funds for a wax melt vendor, a book, a box of dairy milk and a wee box of wax melts sent to hers so we're as bad as each other there but Bruce is getting into choosing as well so that's nice lol

Also chilled and had a vanilla vodka and diet coke on Friday and last night, my how things are changing xxxx
Morning all, what a gorgeous day!

4.2 this morning. I am beginning to see a pattern. Last night put a -5% temp basal on for 6 hours and got a nice straight line, soon as that finished around 06:00 it started to drop. So need to adjust basals, though not sure I can do it by 5% given I can only reduce per hour by 0.05u with the Omnipod rather than 0.01u per hour as I could with the Combo.

Apolgies: rant follows!
Today I need to go to the Lloyds pharmacy in Sainsbury's with loins girded for a ridiculous scenario. Last Monday I put in a prescription request for 4 items, which included blood pressure pills (Felodipine) and thyroid meds (Liothyronine and Levothyroxine). Patient access says all 4 have been prescribed. On Tuesday I had a phone call from the surgery, they want me to move from 5 mg Liothyronine tablets at £110.04 per 28 (gasp!) to capsules @ £55 per 28. I am fine with that - in fact I am horrified at the cost! even of the cheaper ones! I agree and the person on the phone says Lloyds can't supply capsules but do I mind if the script is sent to Boots in town. I say OK, though it's more difficult for me to get to town rather than Sainsburys. So on Weds pm I pop into Boots and they deny having any prescription for me, but tell me to ring Lloyds and get them to send it over. I ring Lloyds who don't seem to know what I am asking, but eventually say they will do it. I ring Boots and tell them to retrieve the script from the "spine" and say I will pop in on Saturday afternoon. I took my last BP pill on Friday night. I went into Boots yesterday who still did not have my script. Eventually they extract a script for the Liothyronine from the spine and give me 14 tablets. Apparently despite all the hoo ha, the prescription says it's for the expensive tablets rather than the capsules. However, the rest of the prescription is missing inc the BP tablets I am desperate for. The lady in Boots rang Lloyds who deny all knowledge of any prescription for me. This happens frequently. My choice was to get on the bus and get off the bus at Sainsburys and then wait an hour for another bus home. Soooo.... I went straight home and need to go argue the toss this morning when I can go in the car. Meantime BP is 168/110 this morning. Talk about frustrated!

The ridiculous thing is that since my prescription was reduced from 10mg Liothyronine when I was splitting the much cheaper 20mg tablets, no one has given me a blood test for the breakdown of TSH/T3/T4 to see if 5mg is working, because apparently the test is expensive.

Anyway, sorry to bore the pants off you.

Congratulations @MeeTooTeeTwo @Eternal422 @Northerner and @Gwynn - what a bumper crop of HSs.

Have a nice day everyone.
How frustrating!! I hope you get it sorted out quickly!
And a 4.6 for me this fine sunny morning.
@Pattidevans Oh, Patti! I don't blame you being extremely frustrated. Personally I think this is the problem caused by privatization and therefore choice with many things.... including essential services and rail. Too easy for one party to blame another, poorer communication and no accountability and you end up chasing your tail trying to fix a problem they caused when it all goes wrong.
Can totally understand where you are coming from about the cost of testing potentially being more cost effective than remaining on the current expensive regime too, but no doubt the person who orders the medication has no say over the testing.

I am lucky in that my GP practice also runs a pharmacy within the practice and whilst we do have a choice to opt out I believe, I think it is far easier to remain there so that if there are any queries, it is much easier to sort and if they can't supply anything (like when HRT was in very short supply) they give me script to hawk around other pharmacies to obtain it. My GP surgery is very well run thankfully and seems to adopt forward thinking practices like econsult from the earliest opportunity as well as retaining normal services for those who struggle with the modern tech. Modern innovation coupled with old fashioned values. Best of both worlds.
@Pattidevans our chemist situation is a bit of a nightmare.

My usual chemist is closed currently after a fire a couple of doors down (incidentally I used to live in a flat above there and worked there before I had my daughter too) so everyone is using the only other chemist in town which has them running behind on everything.

Took me 3 weeks to get my needle script sorted (they did do me an emergency scrip with a replacement brand so can't fault them there) but as a bus not a car traveller, its no as easy as staff think to just keep popping in and trying to solve issues like missing items or whole scripts. My son often tries to pickup for me but he doesn't know enough as to what he is picking up and how to advocate for me when there are missing items.
We have a local eco/e-bike powered collection service for scripts. While I trust them to do the job, there have been so many screw ups, I need to pick it up myself these days.
Calling the GPs can be a 30 min ordeal to track down stuff too.
When it was the usual 2 chemists they have time to help track stuff down.
No ones fault but still worrisome so I am being early with everything to make sure I have a buffer.