Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning everyone

It is bucketing it down this morning. No walking in that! And it is unusually datk too.

BG 4.9
BP 119/77
Pulse 62

Rocket is mostly mended. Almost ready for launch. I need to make a box for it but the local wood shop is closed and I have no cardboard (I think).

So today will be all about improvising a strong box for the rocket to give as a present.

Yesterday I had a bit of a shock. Got up and the sight in my right eye was very very blurry. Glasses didn't help. The other eye was finre. It did worry me. Thankfully, but very slowly, over the following few hours the blurriness went away. Not sure what had caused it but jolly glad it fixed itself.

Made egg noodles and mushrooms for tea but put too much salt in it. Doh! It was ok...just :(

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Good morning everyone

It is bucketing it down this morning. No walking in that! And it is unusually datk too.

BG 4.9
BP 119/77
Pulse 62

Rocket is mostly mended. Almost ready for launch. I need to make a box for it but the local wood shop is closed and I have no cardboard (I think).

So today will be all about improvising a strong box for the rocket to give as a present.

Yesterday I had a bit of a shock. Got up and the sight in my right eye was very very blurry. Glasses didn't help. The other eye was finre. It did worry me. Thankfully, but very slowly, over the following few hours the blurriness went away. Not sure what had caused it but jolly glad it fixed itself.

Made egg noodles and mushrooms for tea but put too much salt in it. Doh! It was ok...just :(

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Hopefully whatever happened with your eye was nothing serious and was just one of those weird things our bodies do from time to time.
Morning all. 🙂 3.3 first thing.

Today should be very exciting - the little seaside village that I live in has been hosting the world - yes world! - Coastal Rowing competition for the past week and this weekend it’s the world - yes world! - final of a soon-to-be-new-Olympic sport called Beach Sprint. Basically, four rowers and a cox row a tea-tray hell for leather out to sea, go thru a slalom, do a sharp turn, then row back towards the beach without easing up until they hit the beach (literally), then one of them jumps out and runs for the finish line. I watched a training session yesterday and it’s very exciting...a bit like a kids’ party game exciting. 🙂 If the rain holds off, I’ll be down the beach watching...
Enjoy your weekends folks.
Morning all, 7.1 here. Complicated logistics today. Son and daughter are meeting here to go to a local beer festival, then sleep at our house. OH is still testing positive for Covid. We are all going to a family wedding next weekend, so kids don’t want to catch it now. So will spend this evening and tomorrow morning with everyone trying to keep apart, I get the feeling it’s going to turn into a Brian Rix farce (for those old enough to have heard of him) with people exiting smartly through one door as someone else enters by another.
Morning all. 5.9 on this very wet morning. 36 hours we’ve been home and all it’s done is rain! I told you I’d be whinging. The poor Portuguese are desperate for rain, if they don’t get any soon next summer is going to be problematic for them. Like lots of countries I expect.

Today I am mostly going to be drinking. I’m off “out, out” with some former colleagues. 1pm! 😱 Blimey, I’m not feeling it to be fair, but I’m sure when I get a bacon sarnie into me, a shower, my new Tesco frock on ( which I bought yesterday whilst doing the grocery shopping and haven’t tried on) I’ll be fine.🙄 I will be home for Strictly, although I haven’t watched last weeks yet and don’t know who went out, so shhh! I’ll have to try and squeeze it in this morning.

Have a great day. See you all tomorrow, all bright eyed and bushy tailed, I hope.🙂
@Bloden your day sounds fab, swap?
@Robin as long as no one’s trousers are around any ankles all will be fine! :rofl:
It was 9 I had a stack last name night in what was supposed to be before bed as I was 5.2 letter on it the night I got to to 10.6 so did a correction which evet didn't do much but or it went back up again not to worry though I'll do that increase tonight.

Ive actually signed up for diabetes and tech conference even though I'm not on any tech I'm still kind of interested.
Morning all.

New sensor says 8.8, finger prick 7.4, not too far apart but hopefully as it beds in more it will be closer. The last few have been fairly spot on so fingers crossed. I did think this one was a dud initially. After thr hours activation was over, it kept flashing the 10 minute thing for another hour before it finally started. Funny, i said to hubby that i might have to ring Abbott on Monday before it finally scanned.

Cleaning, changing the bed and washing to be done today. I'd much rather be doing what you're up to today @Bloden and @eggyg! @eggyg the outings you're not looking forward to are usually the best. Enjoy.

Have a good day everyone, whatever you are planning.
I get the feeling it’s going to turn into a Brian Rix farce . . .
Don't you need to have the vicar round for tea as well? 😉

5.4 for me this cold morning.

Good morning everyone, 6.4 today for me.

As posted on another thread I had a dietician appointment yesterday and was met by my DSN for the same meeting. Not seen her before as all previous appointments had been by phone, so that was really great. Even better she couldn’t praise me enough for how my Libre charts are and how my control is obviously improving since I started on Libre in July. Still feeling chuffed and lots more confident that what I am doing is right for me.

Hope everyone has a good day today and enjoys the weekend, despite the dreary skies and rain!
7.8 for me. Had a takeaway too (not upset tum, just didn't love it). Guess I bolused about right for it. Only really +1 from what I would expect so taking that win.
Was wondering if it was worth starting a separate thread for Wordle/Quordle as people's results are getting lost in the breakfast time BG thread.

Any thoughts?

Am also reading a book where the detective is Type 1. Will review when I have finished.
That sounds like a good idea to me.

It was a 5.4 for me at 8.00 this morning.
Photo not uploading for some reason, but 5.2 this morning. Plenty of walking later and think I'll try at least part of a pretzel (cheese topped to add some protein and fat to the carbs) later

edit let me add the photo
08:03 BS 6.6 🙂

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Haven’t actually had a second search yet for sim card as a) recovering after the set back of being out in the wind & the rain, no innuendos this morning I promise, & b) I got TOTALLY sidetracked & distracted finishing off Ancient Love Poetry! 🙄

Oh! This can be skipped as it’s about Ancient Love Poetry!

I ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT! In fact it’s the best Chinese drama I’ve seen since the very beginning in 1983 as a 11 year old watching the very 1st one with the family: I started on the best record breaking The Condor Heroes that to this day is the highest rated drama EVER on HK tv; a rating of 92% meaning out of everyone watching tv, that year when it was on, 9 out of every 10 people watched that drama! 😱😛😎

YES!!! It’s THAT good! I went through the whole gamut of human emotions watching this AND I got a happy ending too: can’t ask for much more than that! Loads of drama in between & loads of discussions, all over the internet, about the whys & wheretofores of the plot! :confused:

It’s been a grand introduction, for me, to this still fairly new genre that’s a progression from the fantasy kung fu of my childhood! 😛 I looked it up & Xianxia is a blend of Chinese legend, mythology, fantasy, kung fu, magic, Taoism & Buddhism!

It’s all very stunning to look at & a really touching & pretty seamless blending of the big soundtrack of songs throughout this drama: it’s the most songs I’ve come across recently; I REALLY hate soundtracks that jars with the drama! Some have & one, Fake Princess, actually made me ALMOST stop watching it altogether: the WAY too modern Mandarin pop jarred SO much with the historical period drama that I muted the sound when a song came up so, I could finish watching the drama to see the ending! 😱

I’ll just give a wee overview so, I won’t spoil it for any of you that might watch this? And I REALLY recommend this one & would say if you only watch one; this would be that one! Apart from maybe the record holder the Cantonese drama of 1983 The Condor Heroes: it HAS to be THAT one as it’s been remade since then; in Mandarin too & none came anywhere close to the ratings of the 1983 HK Cantonese one! But, then again, maybe not as the special effects would be seriously outdated & the visually gorgeous CGI in Ancient Love Poetry is STUNNING! :confused:

ALP is a love story between a god & a goddess that lasted over 60,000 years in a setting rather like the Chinese version of the gods & goddesses of Mount Olympus in the west!

There are 3 true gods in the god realm that oversees the 3 lower realms:- the immortals that technically live forever but, are not gods; the demons & the mortals meaning humans. In that god realm new gods & goddesses can be cultivated over tens of thousands of years by immortals after they pass a god trail of 25 lightning strikes but, they’re all lower in power & rank than the true gods.

There’s going to be a 4th true god, goddess actually, but, at only 10,000, or 1 Wan is the Chinese unit/denomination of ten thousand/s that the west don’t have, years old she’s not a god yet. Two of the true gods brought her up, the gods take hundreds & thousands of years to grow up, & in her adolescence want her to be trained by the 3rd very aloof true god as she’s to be the chief god of chaos above the lot of them!

All of this is because there’s a BIG disaster that’s been foretold for 100,000 years, The Tribulation of Chaos, that would wipe out everything: the god realm, the lower realms & all existence, basically, that only the chief goddess of Chaos can avert.

So, Bai Jue the true god of war, whose power is of fire, the most powerful of the 3 is tricked/coerced into training Shang Gu, the chief goddess to be, whose power is to be chaos, by the other 2 saying shes obedient, docile etc etc & would never be a bother: the complete opposite as she’s been spoilt, wilful, pampered etc etc; as 1 of them is saying this to Bai Jue, called by all of them as the ice cube for his aloof coldness & impartiality, the other one turns his head & winces unseen by BJ! :rofl:

So, Shang Gu, SG, is taken on by BJ as a disciple & master apprenticeship! He very quickly learns the truth of SG’s personality & the two bicker as he teaches her about the 3 realms, the responsibility etc etc! The two start to understand each other, eventually, & falling for other as she first becomes a god, he secretly flew up above the clouds to take the brunt of the lightning strikes off her while she thinks she’s SO lucky that not one of the strikes actually hit her! :rofl: Then, goes off to the nether world of demons to cultivate her power of chaos for 1,000 years. When she comes back having cultivated her full power she becomes the chief goddess & everyone bows down to her as the foretold Tribulation of Chaos comes upon them!

But, it turns out that the 3 realms can only be saved if the chief goddess sacrifices herself, disappear into dust, becomes nothing, allows the tribulation to shatter her soul so she can’t reincarnate: the ultimate death you can’t come back from. BJ only finds this out with 2 days to go & tries his best to stop SG but, she figured it out too & knew he’d try to stop her so, incapacitated him as she’s more powerful than him now! He could only watch her die in front of him! The god realm is attacked by demons afterwards & gods & goddesses are killed, yes the gods & immortals have an infinite lifespan but, they can still be killed, & BJ dies as well, protecting the 3 realms as SG’s last words to him is to protect them for her, & his last words are “I did it”! That’s the long 15.5 episodes of backstory.

Now, from the 2nd half of episode 16 the main bulk of the drama begins 60,000 years later after the fall of the god realm that’s now been closed off from the 3 realms.

Two immortals Hou Chi, looks exactly like Shan Gu, & Qing Mu, looks exactly like Bai Jue, meet each other & QM feels a familiarity with her straight away & is attracted to her but, HC doesn’t & thinks he’s a shameless pervert! :rofl:

QM keeps pursuing HC as they both slowly start having memories of SG & BJ & they start questioning, as is everyone around them is too, are they the reincarnated BJ & SG? HC gets to know QM, comes around & falls for him too. That’s the middle part of the drama: the romance if Qing Mu & Hou Chi! All with the backdrop of who are they, will they be replaced by BJ & SG, disappear, die basically, if they’re reincarnations & the spirits of the true gods wake up within them?

I’m just going to leave out the last part as I don’t want to spoil it for anyone who wants to watch it where all these questions are answered! With loads of drama, touching, tragic, comdeic, angst & philosophical moments!

I LOVED IT! I took my time here watching everything in one go on round 1 as my Mandarin really has improved a lot & I’m glad I did! Now, I’ll have a wee mini break to reflect on my own conclusions, there’s lots of different opinions on that as people discuss this on the internet as this is a MASSIVE hit both inside China & globally outside! WILL have a search for that sim card at some point & then, enjoy another round, or two or three, of watching this OUTSTANDING drama again! 😛😎:rofl:😉

WOW! 😱 It took me SO long to post this! Oops!😳

No wonder my stomach eruptions are getting seismic, I’m just noticing now as I come to the end! I must test again for any DP before eating breakfast! 🙄
3.8 for me according to Libre. 4.9 finger prick, so not particularly concerned about this morning's reading apart from damaging my stats again. :( 😡

Got Wordle on the last attempt. As others.... just too many options and kept choosing the wrong one. I hate those ones where there is no skill or head scratching involved. A rare fail at Quordle for me today, but I got Octordle in 11 which is about normal..... I guess I need to migrate to the new thread....

Congrats to @42istheanswer on your House Special this morning.
My other half is still in hospital (two weeks now) but a bit of better news yesterday morning.
When they looked at the CT on Monday, they could see what they call a stump appendix which can be left when somebody has had their appendix removed which he had 50 years ago, and they think it may be implicated in the current issue as the colon didn't seem as damaged as they would have expected but there was an area of infection which they said would need a drain. That was not organised until Thursday but when they took him down to radiology there was some confusion as apparently somebody had 'exploded ' in the CT scanner and they had to do a full-scale decontamination, so he lost the slot. However, when they took him down yesterday morning, they said the abscess had gone and he didn't need a drain. So that turned out for the best.
He will still be in until at least Monday as he is still on the nutrient IV drip and antibiotics but is waiting to hear what the next step in in the treatment. Apparently, they are going to have a case conference to discuss on going treatment options. He may be a medical phenomenon if it turns out to be the stump appendicitis as there are only a few cases recorded.
He is staying reasonably cheerful given the circumstances.
He has been allowed 'soft' foods including syrup sponge and custard.