Group 7-day waking average?

Just waiting to get my COVID booster Any of you folks out there in diabetes land had any issues with it
Hi all
3.7 this morning at 07:20 when the Libre alarm woke me ahead of the proper alarm at 7:30. This sensor only came online in the wee small hours as I only applied it at bedtime having forgotten that my change day had moved forward by 2 days due to a sensor finishing early. Blood test said 4.1.

Late posting as I had a diabetes annual review with the consultant at 10:50 at the county hospital. The drive is actually only 30 mins but you have to allow an hour as traffic can be dire. Made it in 31 minutes this morning and sat in the car park for half an hour - thank goodness the diabetes centre has it's own free car park!

It was the first time I met with this new consultant and he's very nice, a different kettle of fish from "Mr Pompous who only believes in Hba1cs rather than Libre records". Long and short of it, apparently my control is excellent and I should stop beating myself up about blips. I have to say there are people on this forum who beat me into a cocked hat, but perhaps compared with the people they see at the clinic then my control may be very good. So I went away with a gold star and came home and cooked a full meal as we were both starving by then (1pm). Off out tonight to see a favourite swing band and therefore won't be having more than a snack later.

Congratulations to @Gwynn and @MeeTooTeeTwo on the HS.

@Kaylz just hugs, hope things improve for you soon.

@eggyg are you sure they were security people? Never seen security on my way out of an airport after a flight, but customs can be evil and really do have fun tossing people's suitcases into complete disarray. I even caught one sniffing my underwear once - but that was in a 3rd world country. I remember another time they were having an argument with the woman in front of me about how much her tennis balls cost and all I could think was "blooming hurry up" as my smuggled highly dutiable tin of caviar was sliding down the inside of my tights. Fortunately I got away before it slid into sight below my skirt hem.
I remember another time they were having an argument with the woman in front of me about how much her tennis balls cost and all I could think was "blooming hurry up" as my smuggled highly dutiable tin of caviar was sliding down the inside of my tights. Fortunately I got away before it slid into sight below my skirt hem.
Oh, this did give me a belly laugh! Thanks so much for that Patti. Also really pleased that your new consultant is an improvement on the last and was so supportive. My consultant is the same in bigging me up even when I disappointed about my HbA1c not being lower. I know my TIR is always really good but for some reason I don't seem to be able to get down to under 50 HbA1c without lots of hypos and we both agree that is not ideal.
Anyway, I am delighted that you have someone positive and supportive now.
Hope you have a great time tonight. Will you be dancing or just listening to the music?
Hi all
3.7 this morning at 07:20 when the Libre alarm woke me ahead of the proper alarm at 7:30. This sensor only came online in the wee small hours as I only applied it at bedtime having forgotten that my change day had moved forward by 2 days due to a sensor finishing early. Blood test said 4.1.

Late posting as I had a diabetes annual review with the consultant at 10:50 at the county hospital. The drive is actually only 30 mins but you have to allow an hour as traffic can be dire. Made it in 31 minutes this morning and sat in the car park for half an hour - thank goodness the diabetes centre has it's own free car park!

It was the first time I met with this new consultant and he's very nice, a different kettle of fish from "Mr Pompous who only believes in Hba1cs rather than Libre records". Long and short of it, apparently my control is excellent and I should stop beating myself up about blips. I have to say there are people on this forum who beat me into a cocked hat, but perhaps compared with the people they see at the clinic then my control may be very good. So I went away with a gold star and came home and cooked a full meal as we were both starving by then (1pm). Off out tonight to see a favourite swing band and therefore won't be having more than a snack later.

Congratulations to @Gwynn and @MeeTooTeeTwo on the HS.

@Kaylz just hugs, hope things improve for you soon.

@eggyg are you sure they were security people? Never seen security on my way out of an airport after a flight, but customs can be evil and really do have fun tossing people's suitcases into complete disarray. I even caught one sniffing my underwear once - but that was in a 3rd world country. I remember another time they were having an argument with the woman in front of me about how much her tennis balls cost and all I could think was "blooming hurry up" as my smuggled highly dutiable tin of caviar was sliding down the inside of my tights. Fortunately I got away before it slid into sight below my skirt hem.
They may have thought you were a frog if the caviar had dribbled down your legs.
My friend elderly mum brought 3 bottles of over proof rum back from Jamica in her suitcase. I suppose she thought they wouldn't bother with a little old lady.
They may have thought you were a frog if the caviar had dribbled down your legs.
My friend elderly mum brought 3 bottles of over proof rum back from Jamica in her suitcase. I suppose she thought they wouldn't bother with a little old lady.
And did she get away with it??
Just waiting to get my COVID booster Any of you folks out there in diabetes land had any issues with it
I didn't - just a slightly sore arm for a couple of days as a side effect, nothing to write home about
It is probably harder to avoid leaving DNA evidence than fingerprints these days. They can pick up and identify the teeny tiniest traces of it.
Mine are all worn off probably due to long term steroid cream use as a child and the skin on my hands being hard and dry.
It is something I am aware of because we used to practice on each other when we were trained to take fingerprints back in the day when I was policing and my poor partner in training was unable to get anything remotely acceptable from my fingers. 🙄 It does worry me a bit if we ever come to widespread use of biometric identification.
Didn’t know you were a police officer Barbara. Were you in the horse riding dept, I’m sure there’s a name for it?
I have fingerprint recognition on my iPhone and iPad and if I’ve been bleaching or had my hands in water a lot, it won’t recognise my finger for ages. Mr Eggy looses his when he’s been DIYing, like sandpapering. But as you say DNA is the way now so I think we’d all better be good boys and girls. 😉
Hi all
3.7 this morning at 07:20 when the Libre alarm woke me ahead of the proper alarm at 7:30. This sensor only came online in the wee small hours as I only applied it at bedtime having forgotten that my change day had moved forward by 2 days due to a sensor finishing early. Blood test said 4.1.

Late posting as I had a diabetes annual review with the consultant at 10:50 at the county hospital. The drive is actually only 30 mins but you have to allow an hour as traffic can be dire. Made it in 31 minutes this morning and sat in the car park for half an hour - thank goodness the diabetes centre has it's own free car park!

It was the first time I met with this new consultant and he's very nice, a different kettle of fish from "Mr Pompous who only believes in Hba1cs rather than Libre records". Long and short of it, apparently my control is excellent and I should stop beating myself up about blips. I have to say there are people on this forum who beat me into a cocked hat, but perhaps compared with the people they see at the clinic then my control may be very good. So I went away with a gold star and came home and cooked a full meal as we were both starving by then (1pm). Off out tonight to see a favourite swing band and therefore won't be having more than a snack later.

Congratulations to @Gwynn and @MeeTooTeeTwo on the HS.

@Kaylz just hugs, hope things improve for you soon.

@eggyg are you sure they were security people? Never seen security on my way out of an airport after a flight, but customs can be evil and really do have fun tossing people's suitcases into complete disarray. I even caught one sniffing my underwear once - but that was in a 3rd world country. I remember another time they were having an argument with the woman in front of me about how much her tennis balls cost and all I could think was "blooming hurry up" as my smuggled highly dutiable tin of caviar was sliding down the inside of my tights. Fortunately I got away before it slid into sight below my skirt hem.
You’ve got me wondering now. He maybe wandered in off the street looking for dirty undies! :rofl: Luckily almost all mine were clean! I was just worried about the knife!

Caviar in your tights, whatever next? 😳
Didn’t know you were a police officer Barbara. Were you in the horse riding dept, I’m sure there’s a name for it?
I have fingerprint recognition on my iPhone and iPad and if I’ve been bleaching or had my hands in water a lot, it won’t recognise my finger for ages. Mr Eggy looses his when he’s been DIYing, like sandpapering. But as you say DNA is the way now so I think we’d all better be good boys and girls. 😉
No, not mounted branch.... regular "Beat Bobby".... a bit of a rarity these days!
Mounted branch not real policing in my opinion and very much dead men's shoes to get into it, but Durham lost their mounted branch when the horse box needed renewing and someone in head office realized that you could buy 10 panda cars for the cost of one lorry and all you got for that money and the 4 long serving police officers' salaries... plus a groom.. and the keep of 5 horses, was a bit of PR ... and the section bit the dust. If they had put themselves out a bit and done back shifts patrolling problem estates or town centres on a weekend etc, it might have given them a fighting chance but they had a cushy number doing school visits and working 9-5 Mon-Fri every week and in the end they got the chop. It didn't help that Durham don't have a premier league football club so they were not required for regular public order control. It's a shame but not surprising.
Very late today, forgot to post, had my granddaughters overnight and a school run to do this morning.
Looks as if the cold tummy bug is on its way thank goodness
It was 4.8 for me this morning at 5.45am
Just got around to Quordle. Managed it in 8 and I got the top right hand tricky one with my first attempt at that particular word but overall 8th try and I only had one gold vowel which made me scratch my head a bit but limited options with letters left, so managed to get it after a minute of puzzling over it.
You know, people responding to my HS really cheers me up. Thanks to you all.
Just waiting to get my COVID booster Any of you folks out there in diabetes land had any issues with it
Ran BG a little higher for a few days after my boosters but nothing else really.
6.9 this morning which isn’t too bad considering I’ve had about 2 hours of sleep and the rest of the time I’ve been reading or resting with my eyes closed in bed listening to the World Service.