Group 7-day waking average?

DOH! It's Polymyalgia. My brain is like a sieve at times! Thank you Robin for informing me, I do appreciate the info.

Doc rang at 18:56 at which time I had given up and I went with Julian to Tesco, where there is no reception and so missed her call, but she texted me. Apparently inflammation markers are very low so she says that it's unlikely to be Polymyalgia, but I am very low on sodium so I have to add salt to my meals for the next week (thought people with high BP had to avoid it) and get another blood test next week. Sigh... I do nothing but go to medical appointments. I am unsure as to how low sodium would make my shoulders sore, but it certainly accounts for the amount of cramp I am getting at night in bed. The shoulder pain kept me awake all night last night. I do hope I can avoid the steroids.
Re the cramp
I bought some magnesium gel which they use to rub on athletes when they get cramp which I rub on my calves and it seems to work quite well. A bit sticky but it absorbs quickly.
10 couple of corrections didn't do anything. So that does suggest a background change I can think of a reason for it this time
A very early good morning. 6.2 and back in cold, dark and damp England.

Good flight home, landed 15 minutes early, but I spoke too soon yesterday and our case was one of the last off! We then went to the loo, we were just about the last folks through the “ nothing to declare” channel and we got stopped and had to open all our luggage. Luckily, Mr Eggy remembered we had a very large kitchen knife in our suitcase and mentioned it. The security guy was fine about it, I got the impression he was fairly new to the job and he maybe hadn’t hit his quota and we were his last chance, the thing I was most annoyed at was him messing up my newly washed, dried and ironed clothes! ( I know, I’m sad, but it saved my electricity and they dried in no time on the balcony). He looked at everything, the presents we had bought the grandchildren, asked if we had any firearms, fresh meat, knives ( 😱) etc. Then we had to re pack it all. One hour we were in the airport after our flight landed! We’d already had to do the same with the hand luggage in Faro as a pack of cards in a wooden box we’d bought for our grandson had shown on the X-ray. They were also very confused about my Frio, weren’t bothered in the slightest about my two insulin pens and three spare vials, but they examined the Frio all over, squeezing it, smelling it, all with puzzled looks on their faces. It was quite funny actually. I’m beginning to think we must look dodgy!:rofl:

Big shop today and a little bit of washing to do. No rest for the wicked. Looking forward to our next holiday now, in Ambleside, in December. Just a bit of a contrast! 😉

Have a fab Friday all. 🙂
Morning all. A unicorn day yesterday but a spike overnight probably a late reaction to pasta and a creamy sauce. Woke to 10.6. Changeover day for the sensor today.

Its VERY dark outside atm. I don't want to get up!
Wordle in 3

No idea what my BG is as I’ve not gotten out of bed yet and the meter is out of reach.
Good morning 7.1 today
Woke up and felt I’m feel absolutely exhausted felt like I’m ready for bed
thinking to myself - shame it’s Friday and not Saturday LoL

picked up my new specs yesterday, same style but a different prescription.
think I’m going to have to look at online reglazing solutions
I’ve many old pairs (I’m no longer wearing rimless since I changed to varifocals)

It looks cold and dark out, have a great day everybody 😎
Good morning everyone.

BG 5.2 yessssss !!!!!!!
BP 114/75
Pulse 54

My pulse has returned to being a bit low. What an athlete I must be ! :D

Today wrapping presents for my daughters daughters birthday.

The parcel did arrive yesterday (DPD) but one part in the parcel was missing. Doh! Rang up the shop. They are sending out the missing part. Just hope it arrives in time.

Cold this morning. I do find ut harder to go out exercising when it is cold.

The rocket is still in bits. Too cold to be bothered. But today is the last day ( I think) to get it sorted. Talking of which I watched a documentary about Elon Musk last night. Quite interesting. I don't think I would like to work for him. He may smile a lot but he seemed rather hire and fire and uncaring but so so driven. Like a lot of billionaires he almost went bankrupt. I can almost do the bankrupt bit...just waiting for my billions to turn up. :D

Have a great day today whatever you are doing.
07:17BS 10.5

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Had another takeout yesterday & tried a bit more bolus for the same thing as last time: a bit better reading this time; I think I only got it wrong by 1 factor of 4 units? :confused: Was too knackered to cook yesterday & went to bed quite early, around 17:30 ish after eating! Slept for a couple of hours on & off as I’ve had a wee set back, again, going out in the wind & the rain, NO not that Chinese euphemism & get your minds out of the gutter:rofl:😉, I mean literally the weather: it was windy & lashing with rain yesterday!:D Tongue in cheek there: I don’t really mean you lovely lot’s minds are in the gutter!:D😉:rofl:

I was a bit sniffly last night & more wheezy so, apnoea & interrupted sleep! 🙄

Now, after breakfast, I’ll have a second more leisurely search for that dratted tiny sim card, why rush it & send my breathing & heart rate through the roof! 🙄 Very tedious! And if I can’t find it I’ll have to get a new sim card & call customer services to transfer my old number over: REALLY hope I find it, though as a very seldom caller I’m on the more expensive tariff of All Calls, doesn’t require contractual top ups with calls & texts paid for, that’s not been available for some time now; all the tariffs now involve a monthly top up with different prices & different minutes & texts! I’ve always barely used the phone & £10 minimum top up can last me a year! If I have to go on one of the latest tariffs that’ll be a new monthly bill I’ll have to budget for?:(

But, breakfast first with a bit of extra bolus! 🙂

PS:- in case you don’t know & haven’t read my previous posts on the subject: the Chinese colloquial term “The Wind & The Rain” is a euphemism for sex! :rofl:
A very early good morning. 6.2 and back in cold, dark and damp England.

Good flight home, landed 15 minutes early, but I spoke too soon yesterday and our case was one of the last off! We then went to the loo, we were just about the last folks through the “ nothing to declare” channel and we got stopped and had to open all our luggage. Luckily, Mr Eggy remembered we had a very large kitchen knife in our suitcase and mentioned it. The security guy was fine about it, I got the impression he was fairly new to the job and he maybe hadn’t hit his quota and we were his last chance, the thing I was most annoyed at was him messing up my newly washed, dried and ironed clothes! ( I know, I’m sad, but it saved my electricity and they dried in no time on the balcony). He looked at everything, the presents we had bought the grandchildren, asked if we had any firearms, fresh meat, knives ( 😱) etc. Then we had to re pack it all. One hour we were in the airport after our flight landed! We’d already had to do the same with the hand luggage in Faro as a pack of cards in a wooden box we’d bought for our grandson had shown on the X-ray. They were also very confused about my Frio, weren’t bothered in the slightest about my two insulin pens and three spare vials, but they examined the Frio all over, squeezing it, smelling it, all with puzzled looks on their faces. It was quite funny actually. I’m beginning to think we must look dodgy!:rofl:

Big shop today and a little bit of washing to do. No rest for the wicked. Looking forward to our next holiday now, in Ambleside, in December. Just a bit of a contrast! 😉

Have a fab Friday all. 🙂

I can see it in Eggyg World now. You get snowed in, have a hypo and the paramedics launch parachute in JBs with you shouting "No, not ze green ones" whilst Mr Eggyg takes photographs! :(
Good morning. Low cloud and mist making the outlook dark and gloomy. BG 6.1 after a rather disturbed night coughing and choking but at least the horrible stuff is coming up and I can, at last, feel air going in and out on the right side again. Felt I was operating on one lung only yesterday but managed to stack the split logs into the woodshed. Found parking the bum on the portable mounting block whilst working on the lower layers saved bending. It was a lovely sunny morning but I was glad to rest in the afternoon. Taras and Alex are determined on felling more dying ash trees, no stopping them, so today's urgent task is to nip into the NFU and make sure my insurance covers volunteers. I did arrange for contractors to come and do the job but after 6 months they have let me down.
Hope everyone has a good day,