Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all on this grey day.

First of all congratulations to @harbottle and @Robin on the HS.

3.6 this morning and it would appear that I had been at that level since around 1am. I tested bloods and it was 4.1, so not all that far out. Couldn't scan when I tried in the middle of the night because once again my phone battery was flat. I think the battery is on it's way out.

Went to the chiropractor yesterday and he suggested that my sore shoulders are because of Fybromyalgia Rheumatica. It's curable, but the cure isn't very palatable as it's steroid treatment for anything up to 2 years. Back in 1971 my father was on heavy steroids and indirectly they caused his death, so I am wary. Anyway, rang the GP this morning who told me to go in at 12:20 for blood tests. She is going to ring me tomorrow with the results..... can't believe how fast this is moving.

Meantime, thank you Covid. To add to the fun I just realised I have lost my sense of taste and smell. I hadn't really noticed until hubby was complaining about a disgusting smell of drains/seaweed coming from the beach and I couldn't smell a thing, then realised I could barely tell what was in my sandwich today (ham and sliced beef with garlic cream cheese and tomatoes). Ho hum... never mind I have 2 lovely days of socialising in front of me starting this afternoon.

Have a good journey home @eggyg
How fun was GBBO last night?! I’m looking forward to seeing Extra Slice this week as the eliminated one is likely to be excellent entertainment!
No spoilers please! I am only on week 2!


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@Pattidevans "Sad" that your stats got wrecked by all that red but Wow! what a straight red line it is! Also very sad that you have lost your sense of smell and taste particularly. Ok, maybe a benefit for bad smells but sad nonetheless. Hope it fully resolves soon.
Hope you have an enjoyable couple of days with friends.
Afternoon you lovely lot

It was 10 for me this morning dropping to 7.0 by the time I went to the loo and came downstairs

Last 3 days in the house have felt a little uncomfortable, next door neighbours arguing big style to the point an x box and numerous other things were launched out the window at him and he shouted some threats pretty much about the whole of the street today, Bubbles doesn't like shouting so this is terrifying him xx
Afternoon you lovely lot

It was 10 for me this morning dropping to 7.0 by the time I went to the loo and came downstairs

Last 3 days in the house have felt a little uncomfortable, next door neighbours arguing big style to the point an x box and numerous other things were launched out the window at him and he shouted some threats pretty much about the whole of the street today, Bubbles doesn't like shouting so this is terrifying him xx
Oh sorry to hear this.Sending you hugs.
Took me all six chances today and I got the last four letters on line three! Ooh I was annoyed. 😡

Don’t talk about GBBO! I’ve missed it nearly as much as the grandkids! Lots of catching up to do when I get home.
I got the last 4 letters on 3, had already ruled out a couple more start letter options... and didn't get it. I think the answer was the only remaining possibility I didn't try....
Good morning everyone

BG 5.3
BP 119/79
Pulse 56

Going out into the cold soon. Not keen on dark cold mornings

A DPD delivery later on. The Hermes delivery the other week never ever materialised. At least I got my money back.

I really must get around to mending the rocket.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
A final bom dia from me. 6.6.

Been up since 5.45. Had a lovely last dinner in a fish restaurant we’ve been to before, quite posh and expensive by Albufeira standards but it’s fab. Mr Eggy had octopus, he said it was amazing. I wanted red mullet but they hadn’t caught any, asked for snapper but only had it for two, settled on boring, but reliable salmon, it was lovely. We were back in apartment for 8.30!

I haven’t slept well, headache ( first of the holiday) started last night at 6pm. After two paracetamol and two ibuprofen I still had it when I went to bed at 10. Was really hot and sweaty too. Head still a bit achy, just over my right eye, maybe I am getting a cold after all, did a lot of sneezing yesterday. Taxi picking us up at 8. Should be in old Blightly about 2pm. Home for 4ish if our luggage isn’t last off. Local Indian restaurant for tea, it’s all of 100meters away from our front door.

Hope you all have a great day. I’m looking forward to seeing rain and feeling cold! Some folks are never happy, are they? 😉

Last photos from last night.


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Morning all. 5.1.

Have a safe journey back @eggyg. I hope you feel better soon.
Good morning 5.6
have a great day everybody 😎
Good morning! 🙂 9.0 here...I ran myself a bit higher overnight cos I was struggling to keep my BG up all afternoon and evening after yesterday’s paint n deco activity. Running a 12-hour TBR today to see if that helps, otherwise I won’t be going to Welsh choir practice this evening!

That octopus looks deeelicious @eggyg - get well soon & safe trip home!
Morning! 5.4 today. Work having chippy lunch today for someone's promotion/ leaving so since BG was fine with chippy fish last time I'm going to try small fish and a few chips today
Good morning. 6.3.
Gave up all plans yesterday as breathing was so bad - dug out the nebulizer, which I dislike as it is noisy and tastes like dockyard drains, and settled down to a book in bed sort of day. Used it again on waking at 04.30 and am breathing a bit better. Walking seems improved too.
I was feeling rather more cheerful, particularly on seeing only one log section left on yard, well done Taras, until I turned on the BBC news to hear a depressing discussion about the nuclear crisis. Well, I can do damn all about Putin, so, given forecast of sun later in this rather grey day, I'll plan on resuming the postponed log stacking. I don't wonder why the younger generation are having increased mental health problems, I recall how terrifying the Cuban Missile crisis was. Rather doubt that the "statesmen" (and women) in charge today are of the same quality.
"Meanwhile, back at the ranch..." plenty of projects to keep me busy. If the body resumes poor behaviour I'll get on to the big freezer re-stock list.
Wishing everyone a good day.
Morning eventually 9.1. had a rough night last night. Thought things I had settled so had a cake that needed eaten(gave insulin for food and correction)thst I got from two good to good to go was a tad on the high side but wasn't looking too bad two hours letter so thought it should be okay. But woke up in the middle of the night 17.6!(at least my body woke me to tell me something was wron) Then a little bit letter it was 10.1 so did another correction it was 10.1 so given another unit. I might see what happens tonight with food eaten because I might need to up my background a bit as well(although orinallt I was planning to eat something as got my gastonogisr appointment tomorrow as planing to have backfast after I got od the train which would be leter) I do wonder now if the jump I get in the even means carbs are realising later whatever I eat/).
Got my double jabs yesterday. In and out in under 2 minutes. 🙂
Apart from the hair that's started growing on the palms of my hands, no ill effects. 😱

Oh and a nice 4.8 this morning - so vaccinations are good for you!!

Morning eventually 9.1. had a rough night last night. Thought things I had settled so had a cake that needed eaten(gave insulin for food and correction)thst I got from two good to good to go was a tad on the high side but wasn't looking too bad two hours letter so thought it should be okay. But woke up in the middle of the night 17.6!(at least my body woke me to tell me something was wron) Then a little bit letter it was 10.1 so did another correction it was 10.1 so given another unit. I might see what happens tonight with food eaten because I might need to up my background a bit as well(although orinallt I was planning to eat something as got my gastonogisr appointment tomorrow as planing to have backfast after I got od the train which would be leter) I do wonder now if the jump I get in the even means carbs are realising later whatever I eat/).
I wonder if my area will ever match the guidelines of proving people choices last I heard that they expect to have guidelines in autumn 22(after previously saying summer) and it autym nows it probably would be useful to be woken before I got that High(and the libre really didn't seem to work on me)
5.2 this morning, surprising after I woke up hypo at midnight and was properly half asleep when I treated it

Been optimistic and hung the washing out in the light drizzle in the hopes it doesn’t rain all day

Also collected some new intermediate glasses yesterday for work and music, which I was glad I like (never sure whether I’ve chosen well), and am hoping might help the headaches


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Good morning everyone! 4.4 this morning for me after a night of lows, gradually rising now and had breakfast so should be ok for the rest of the day!

Congratulations to @Lucyr on your HS!

Have a good day everyone!