Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning all, very foggy and damp this morning. 7.8 @ 7.22am. Not bad considering.

My brother phoned in a panic, he had his gas heating on and with having a smart meter he could see it was using a pound an hour, he switched it off right quick. 🙄
Good morning all, sunny but chilly here this morning. 4.6 this morning at 6am. Full of sniffles and sneezes which started this morning after waking, BG before breakfast has jumped to 6.1 🙄 will see what breakfast does to it in a couple of hours - reaching for another tissue :D
Have a good day everyone
Good morning everyone

BG 5.3
BP 119/79
Pulse 56

Going out into the cold soon. Not keen on dark cold mornings

A DPD delivery later on. The Hermes delivery the other week never ever materialised. At least I got my money back.

I really must get around to mending the rocket.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
A bit like mine by Yodel last week, said they had tried to deliver and put a card through the door, since I was sitting within sight of the door no attempted delivery or card. So I tried to re-arrange for the next day but nothing on the tracking appreared and of course no delivery
I reported to Thompson and Morgan and they are trying to sort it out. Still no appearance of my bulbs.
09:04 BS 5.4 🙂

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

It’s time to face the executioner today with my hospital diabetic review at 2pm! Ehish! 😱

I watched 14.5 episodes yesterday & I must apologise to Amazon Prime: it took me 2 days to watch the backstory up to episode 16; didn’t expect such a long backstory but, now on episode 27 & the story, from episode 17 onwards, is only really getting started! 🙄:confused:

It’s MUCH better than The Legends, Zhoa Yoa, as it’s a cohesive story from the start: upon refection, it needed the long backstory to set everything up for me, & others new to this genre; it is almost completely new to me & ZY was a crossover genre whereas ALP is completely set in the magical Xianxia genre! :confused: It took me SO long to twig onto certain things & it was a bit of a Duh! moment when I DID! What I’ve called “A Hitting My Head, Duh!” emoji but, it seems, from others posting it, that’s it’s what others call “A Face Palm!” emoji!:rofl:😉 Either way, hipefully it expresses how I feel!:rofl::confused:😉

I’m just happy that I DON’T know how it ends, yet, & I hope it’s a good ending, tragic OR happy, unlike the confused happy one of ZY? :confused:

I’ve had a mini set back since going out with my nephew but, it’s been getting better & hopefully the long hospital corridors won’t be TOO much of a hurdle today? :confused:
Good morning, good folks.
6.2 for me today which I am very happy with. I have changed my basal even further with 24u in the morning and just 2u last night and that seemed to work really well. I had a rather interesting graph yesterday. I know it wasn't a unicorn according to Libre but I checked every one of those naughty red marks and I was above 4 each time, so technically a unicorn....
More importantly I was lovely and stable all night in the low 6s..... not that I slept well, but you can't have everything! 🙄 Probably too excited from getting Wordle in 2 last night before I went to sleep. 2 gold and a green with my first word and then a lot of head scratching and consideration before a lightbulb moment. Breathes on finger nails and polishes on lapel emoji 😎 :D

@Lucyr Many congratulations on your House Special this morning! Hope it heralds a change in your fortunes and health. Loving your snazzy meter!

@Michael12421 I don't understand why you say "Oops" for an 8.8 but never make any comment for a number in the 3s or 2s which are far more of a worry.

@eggyg Hope your headache and sneezes don't develop into anything more and are gone soon and look forward to hearing that you are home safe after a smooth journey. Lovely photos. Shame you weren't able to have your first or even second choice of fish (I blame Mr E for not scrapping his octopus choice and offering to share the snapper!!) but looks lovely anyway. Gorgeous looking venue!
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9.0 for me

Things are quiet for now but for how long is anyones guess xx
Unsurprising as I ate my feelings yesterday.
Half way through work I had a missed call and then an email from my therapist’s office informing me that she’s ill and has had to postpone my sessions through to mid November.
I see her twice a week.
Yes there’s other support in place but this is a wrench. We’ve already changed buildings and then rooms for each session and also times some days but it feels as if I’ve been let down. And of course it’s not her fault she’s ill.

I wrote a poem about it. It needs work but here it is:

Cast adrift to battle
stormy seas of memory waves
on an ocean of recollections
and rediscovered fears.

Gazing towards the horizon
trying to hold the wheel steady
and true.

Murky waters churn
with shapes familiar
from nightmares waking
and sleeping.

The wind screams twisted laughter
as the maelstrom strengthens.
Sea spray mixes with tears.

Safe harbour denied,
the voyage continues alone.
And it’s a 5.5 for me today, only just woken up it’s been a restless night just couldn’t stay asleep for very long.
@ColinUK - don't over work the poem.
I agree.

@ColinUK I think it is really good and you feel the raw emotions in the words so well. It sounds like it really captures and condenses the turbulence of what you are experiencing.... or at least what you have been expressing on the forum.
I wanted to give it a heart or star emoji, but that didn't seem quite right so I had to settle for a "care" The option of multiple emojis would be better and then you could have all 3.
Morning all

6.6 for me this morning at 08:30.

Waiting for the GP to ring re results of yesterday's blood tests regarding Fybromyalgia rheaumatica. I can see them online but can't make head nor tail of them. Meantime had a right chase round on the phone to track down a prescription, it turned out it was sent to Lloyds, but should have gone to Boots according to the phone call I had yesterday from the surgery. This is because Lloyds can't supply the cheaper form of Liothyronine, but Boots can (apparently the tablets Lloyds can supply are mega expensive). Anyway Boots say they can't understand it because they all use the same supplier. I don't care, I just want my script... why has it become my problem to sort out?

Congratulations @Lucyr on your HS.

@colin, what everyone has said, don't overwork the poem, it's very very powerful as it is.

So, off into town to meet a friend for lunch then the afternoon showing of "Mrs Harris goes to Paris". Hope the GP phones before I go into the cinema as I shall be switching my phone off.
Waiting for the GP to ring re results of yesterday's blood tests regarding Fybromyalgia rheaumatica
Is it Fibromyalgia or Polymyalgia rheumatica you’re being tested for? Polymyalgia is the Autoimmune one, and involves muscle inflammation. Fibromyalgia is more to do with the messages that the nerves are sending, I believe. A friend had Poly, (and also Temporal Arteritis that it goes hand in hand with) and it has now resolved, although it took a year of gradually reducing doses of steroids. She also didn’t have diabetes to add to the mix.
Dear, oh dear, oh dear! 😱 WHAT a time I’ve had of it this afternoon starting just after midday with 3rd day of 88 Tresiba going in & meds! Then, with taxi booked at 13:30, I checked my iPhone which was completely dead so, I plugged it in & since my old iPhone 6 still has 94% battery life left & my iPhone SE 2020 battery has dropped to 89% in slightly less than 2 years, I’ve been charging & using the older phone as at 80% battery life, as opposed to charge, the battery is unstable & needs changing & Apple will only change it once! The older still had around 70% charge so, decided to switch the sim card out BUT, literally with only about 30 minutes left until the taxi I dropped the tiny sim card when the compartment holding it sprung out from a maybe too hard a probe with the key thingy, went down the side of my bed & I had the bed pulled out from the wall, a mad scramble looking for it with my heart & breathing rate going through the roof in my stress! Had to give it up as I just couldn’t find it!

Went to the appointment & my Hab1c is at 76! 😱 EEK! But, the doctor seemed happy enough after I told him what a hard time I’ve had since February & my BS was coming back under control after upping my insulin for winter: doses are more or less set exactly as last winter; 88 tresiba, starting with 44 NR fir breakfast & I woke in the 5’s today! He said yes, I need to work now on getting the Hab1c back down to the 60’s & out of the 70’s but, confident that I know how to troubleshoot, as he put it! Next review will be in 4 months & I’m putting in the hard work to get my Hab1c out of the 70’s. He was happy about the improvement in my liver recently & said I looked better today than I did back in February!🙂 Not ALL doom & gloom, then!🙄🙂

Then, I find that finally, at the wrong time, the public phones in the hospital lobby have been taken down so, had to ask the receptionist to call me a taxi & after asking where I was going, he rang up the same Ballymoney taxi that I came up in! I’m only JUST in the door now! A Cream Crackered Knackered emoji!

I’m absolutely knackered & going to bed! I’ll pull everything out again later & have a proper hunt for the tiny sim card later when I wake! A Stream of z’s emoji & An Exasperated, Hitting My Head, Duh! emoji!
soo was going to wait to post after had my phoncall from GPs... supposed to be this morning and they still haven't phoned.
Could have been for next week without them clarifying or they just got swamped but am a bit annoyed with both scenarios. Have needed to make some calls but held off 😡

Anyway was 6.8 this morning. Feeling much less cold-y (if that's even a word lol).

I'm off to make my calls, given them all afternoon to try and get through.
@Lanny do you have a portable battery pack? I got one for a little over £20 on amazon 🙂
I DID have one a few years ago but, since covid I’m hardly out of the house & those battery packs need to be constantly charged up too: after a while of not doing so, these last 3 years at least; they can’t hold a charge anymore either! I just found that out recently with the even tinier battery in the Apple pencil: after 10 to 14 days of not using it & not charging it every day it can’t hold a charge at all now; googled it & quite a lot of people discovered that too & Apple don’t tell you that you need to keep the tiny battery constantly charged up! I’m not getting another Apple pencil now that I know about the battery problem!
i use my portable battery a lot at home too since I can plug multiple devices into it at once for a fast charge (mutters something about better to buy a proper multi charging station :rofl:)
Is it Fibromyalgia or Polymyalgia rheumatica you’re being tested for? Polymyalgia is the Autoimmune one, and involves muscle inflammation. Fibromyalgia is more to do with the messages that the nerves are sending, I believe. A friend had Poly, (and also Temporal Arteritis that it goes hand in hand with) and it has now resolved, although it took a year of gradually reducing doses of steroids. She also didn’t have diabetes to add to the mix.
DOH! It's Polymyalgia. My brain is like a sieve at times! Thank you Robin for informing me, I do appreciate the info.

Doc rang at 18:56 at which time I had given up and I went with Julian to Tesco, where there is no reception and so missed her call, but she texted me. Apparently inflammation markers are very low so she says that it's unlikely to be Polymyalgia, but I am very low on sodium so I have to add salt to my meals for the next week (thought people with high BP had to avoid it) and get another blood test next week. Sigh... I do nothing but go to medical appointments. I am unsure as to how low sodium would make my shoulders sore, but it certainly accounts for the amount of cramp I am getting at night in bed. The shoulder pain kept me awake all night last night. I do hope I can avoid the steroids.