Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. 8.1 after a KFC yesterday, my bro was hankering for one so I went with it. So expensive for what it is. 🙄 Back to the Slimfast... have a great day all.
Morning all, started off with clear blue sky, but has clouded over a bit since. Forecast says a tiny spot of rain at 13:00.

5.3 this morning after 2 x JB and about 1/3rd of a stem ginger cookie at 4:30 as I was 4.1. Love the alarms helping me ward off hypos, but curse them when they interrupt my sleep!

@42istheanswer congratulations on the HS

@rebrascora the band was inside the pub, there is little room for dancing - about 6 people can get up. I did dance twice though. In summer when it's outside there is plenty of room if you don't mind dancing on pebbles. It was a good night though and we just had some toast when we got home, so was glad we'd had a full meal at lunchtime.

@Robin good luck with the farce.... I remember Mr Rix's productions well.

Well, off into town this afternoon for a minor bit of shopping and pick up my script then meeting friends for a drink before a quiet night in later.

Have a good day everyone.
I wear rimless and they are varifocals. astonishing how no rim costs more than with rim.
I took some of my old pairs (at least 4) to Specsavers for their charity collection.
when I ordered my latest pair of varifocals, I did ask about rather than having new frames having the existing frames reglazed, this they told me was available but would’ve £20 more than having new lenses put in new frames which seems quite a waste, I didn’t realise supersavers still collected old glasses for charity, I should look into giving several pairs 😎
Hey all 6.5
So DNS phoned me with a no to lilbre (and shes frustrated with me on that answer as she knows how much I get from it).

Anyone know if there is special funding or a way to appeal? I'm sure I have read that there are ways.
I’m not sure where the logic is in where and how the decide who gets fundin, I know somebody who has tried but can’t get her libre funded (she’s T1 and she self funds her libre)
however a colleague of my wife’s is T2 and she has a libre that is funded,
both these people would be under the same health authority.
I’m not sure where the logic is in where and how the decide who gets fundin, I know somebody who has tried but can’t get her libre funded (she’s T1 and she self funds her libre)
however a colleague of my wife’s is T2 and she has a libre that is funded,
both these people would be under the same health authority.
They need to shout and scream. And take the guidelines along next time they have their appointment.
@goodybags, tell them to delay no more. Don't wait for the next appointment. Challenge this now, thereby showing that they are determined to not be trampled on. Quote the NICE Guidelines from this year and link that to Partha Kar's observation today that this is no no more standard care. Demand, courteously, explanation for the decision, providing something specific to appeal against.
5.7 when I took mine at 7.25 this morning after a horrendous night with what I now think is a gastric flu type bug, spoke too soon when I said I thought it had gone :-(
not wanted to eat much today and really craved a bacon sandwich enjoyed every morsel!!! Didn't do my stomach much good though 🙂
Well as I seem to woken up now iill give this reading 6. I do feel a bit odd though so wondering if that means something's happened(or I'm just feeling odd anyway).I did wake up in the middle of the night and was going to check but fell back asleep before I managed.
06:51 BS 7.0

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

I wake up & the fluttery heart I had all day yesterday seems to be gone: felt very weak, tired & my heart felt very fluttery; HR was up a bit around 90! It’s still 90 just now but, my heart feels more steady & stronger this morning! :confused:

My nose, the narrower right nostril on the side of the gap of the cleft palette, is blocked this morning & after a few gentle exploratory blows it’s clear I’d better NOT blow at all or I’ll end up with a nose bleed? It’s at times like this I REALLY miss sudafed & vicks nose inhaler! But, at least I don’t have a headache that was intermittent all day yesterday! Still haven’t taken any cetirizine, yet as HR is already a bit higher than normal!

So far it’s still a little head cold sniffle & hopefully after a bit more rest in bed, all day duvet day yesterday, it won’t move to chest? Fingers crossed emoji!

Ahhhh! Sitting upright typing this my nose is starting to clear & the blocked feeling is starting to go! 🙂 I can feel the blood pressure changing, lessening, inside my nose: I can feel the difference between a lessening pressure & an increasing one just before a nose bleed!:confused: It’s a relief that I can blow a little now so, hopefully not long now to be completely unblocked?🙂

Don’t feel up to pulling the bed out yet though or anything that requires an effort as I still feel slightly off but, stronger than yesterday! 🙂
Morning everyone.

A chilly start (though not as nippy as recent mornings).

A 5.8 for me this morning.

Hope you feel better soon @Lanny

Scary low @Michael12421 😱 - hope you treated before posting!
Morning all. 8.4 here...which is odd, after yesterday’s increased activity. Oh, der, stupid me, this IS diabetes I’m dealing with LOL. 😉

I stuck my head out the back door earlier - brrrr. I’m glad I’ll just be watching the Coastal Rowing events later on and not taking part - the sea must be ch-ch-ch-chilly, especially for the teams from places like Egypt, Morocco and Portugal. I hope they’ve had a warm welcome in Wales, at least.

Happy Sunday folks. 🙂
Good morning everyone. Very late up at 6:30am. Then mucked about for a good 30 minutes before doing the blood test....

BG 5.2 again. Yessss!!! What happened to any dawn effect?
BP 118/74
Pulse 59

Actually got round to mending the rocket yesterday !!!!


Now, today I must make a box for it and then wrap it up. The box will be made from 2 large cardboard boxes kindly given to me by a local gift shop yesterday. Walking them home from the shop in rather windy conditions was a bit tough !!! 🙂

@Michael12421 incredibly low again! Hope you are ok

Have a great day today whatever you are doing