Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all and it’s a oh so close 5.3.

Today’s plan has been scuppered. :( We were going to pop to the Lake District to catch the autumn colours, we’ve only today and tomorrow free and today is the best of the weather, but we now have a parcel being delivered, I only ordered it yesterday with free postage so wasn’t expecting it yet. Mr Eggy has now to take his mother to the doctors as the brother that was, now can’t. And we’re getting our annual coal delivery today too. Again, only ordered yesterday! Ah well, maybe next week. Heavy rain and gusty winds tomorrow so that’s a no go. I’m going to attempt piri piri chicken today, I better get marinading!

Have a fab day. 🙂
@rebrascora congrats on yesterday’s one and only HS.
@TinaD take it easy, that Grim Reaper might still be about ! 😉
Update on other half
The caged lion has been released from hospital, the diagnosis they are going with is stump appendicitis. A very rare complication of a previous appendectomy which he had 50 years ago. They have booked him in for a colonoscopy to investigate further but for now the infection is controlled but he is on low residue diet. Of course, that is completely opposite from what we normally have. It will be a suck it and see what he can tolerate.
He was getting a bit of acid reflux, but they didn't want to give him anything.
He will just have to take it easy to acclimatise to the outside world.
Onwards and upwards
I follow a mostly low residue diet because of my small bowel adhesion problems. It does take some getting used to. As you say, it’s the complete opposite to what we are encouraged to eat. No grain, fibre or anything brown, no nuts, seeds, skins. Limited fruit and vegetables. I’m suffering this week because I’ve been eating tomatoes, I should know better, but I love them but unfortunately, they hate me! I hope it’s not too bad for him.
Morning good peeps. 🙂 10.4 here - something needs tweaking, methinks!

Well, I found out my shiny new A1c yesterday - it just goes to show what can be achieved with a lovely bunch of people taking care of me (fab DSNs, fab consultant) and the right equipment (initially half unit pens and now a pump) and tons of support...7.3% or 56. Needless to say, I’m a very happy bunny.

Lots to do today! Must dash....
Well I've been a wake for a while a moved about a bit before testing. Buts it's 10.8 before backfast even though just before 4 I was 6.5(not sure if I've managed to get back to sleep proberby so might take the 6.5
7.8 for me this morning on the Freestyle meter, though I think the current box of strips is reading on the low side, so that actually number is closer to the 8.8 shown by the Librelink iPhone app. And that's after taking 2 units of NovoRapid at 4am because my xDrip+ 'dawn phenomenon' alert woke me and, when I did a finger test using the Contour Next meter I keep in my bedside table, it showed 10.0. I swear, that xDrip+ alert alone, when it works, is a God-send. Starting the day over 10 is, for me, a real pain. It seems to take hours for my blood sugar to settle back down.
5.3 this morning same as @eggyg - so close! Have a good day everyone!
Yesterday I tracked carbs. Over the day I had less than 50g of them and today I’m greeted with a 7.7 upon waking.
4.6 this morning and the sun is shining, a bit chilly but at least its not windy
Have a great day everyone
5.8 this morning. Not enough sleep last night so don't want to be in work but lots to do 🙄
Maybe not enough?
Dunno. You’d think there’d be enough carbs stored up inside for me to draw on but I’m sure the batch of blackberry muffins I’ve just made will help redress the imbalance.
I follow a mostly low residue diet because of my small bowel adhesion problems. It does take some getting used to. As you say, it’s the complete opposite to what we are encouraged to eat. No grain, fibre or anything brown, no nuts, seeds, skins. Limited fruit and vegetables. I’m suffering this week because I’ve been eating tomatoes, I should know better, but I love them but unfortunately, they hate me! I hope it’s not too bad for him.
Do you think if you cook tomatoes then blitz them and sieve the puree so there are no seeds or bit of skin that will be low residue.
He coped well with salmon and some broccoli with cheese sauce and a yoghurt last night.
After a 11.4 at bedtime last night it’s a 5.2 for me at 8.45 this morning.
5.6 for me on this misty moisty morning. 🙂


PS I entered this at 7:45AM but which silly billy forgot to press enter. 😳🙄
Well I am on a double, but I did well and truly sleep in this morning and it would have been slightly higher if I had woken up earlier....(late night doing Ordles before bed 🙄)
Went with 2 units of Levemir again last night but I was on 8.7 when I climbed into bed so believe it or not, I injected half a unit correction o_O..... How sad/obsessive am I?? It allows me to take full credit for that 5.2 though. 😎 It was clearly a good call.

I also had a unicorn day yesterday.... JUST! I like to use the full width of my range!
My levels are starting to dip a little quickly before breakfast these days and I have had to eat a single JB to stop me hitting the red before I ate breakfast. Normally I can set a clock by 45 mins but 33mins yesterday caught me unawares on 44 and a downward sloping arrow, but a JB before eating breakfast kept me in range. I wasn't paying attention to it today and 38mins saw me at 4.2... so another JB before my yoghurt. In reality these numbers will not be as close to the red line as they seem because Libre is reading lower, but I do need to adjust my morning routine a little so that I am not sailing quite so close to the wind. 😳

@TinaD I do worm egg counts now rather than routine worming and it saves me a lot of the aggravation of worming. The Tapeworm test is a saliva one which checks for antibodies and that is interesting to collect but none of the protests like there are regarding the paste. I rarely get a positive test although the old lady has started to have low to medium egg counts for Strongyles now occasionally. She of course is the worst to worm. The others all put their heads up to try to evade the wormer, but she puts her head right down to the ground, crafty madam. 🙄
So pleased you are feeling better today. I love the tone of your posts and as others have said, your will to get stuff done and workload is impressive indeed.