Group 7-day waking average?

Hello there! 🙂 5.8 for me...aah, that’s better.

I’m aching in places I didn’t know could ache LOL but at least the painting n deco part of sprucing up our bedroom is finished. Just got to put the room back together now...
Good morning. 5.7.

Yesterday’s promised parcel didn’t arrive after all that, but the coal man did and Mr Eggy still had to take his mother to the doctors so we still couldn’t have gone out.Email this morning from Evri ( AKA Hermes) another parcel due, hope it’s coming today as we’re out all day tomorrow. Still nothing from DPD who promised a one hour slot by 11am yesterday. It’s that time of year again, got two birthdays before Christmas, one parcel is a birthday present and one my first Christmas present. How organised am I? Don’t worry, I’ll probably buy nowt else until mid December!

Having Zara today for an hour whilst mummy gets her hair cut, but they’ve invited theirselves for lunch first! 😳 And this, my friends, is why we go on lots of holidays! Roll on next Monday when I believe we may have a day all to ourselves, no child/elderly parent care, no socialising, no appointments, no Camera Club, just the two of us sitting twiddling our thumbs wondering what to do with ourselves!:rofl:

Have a wonderful Wednesday. I’m off to make a fish pie for tonight’s tea and some shortcrust pastry for tomorrow’s mince and veg pie. 🙂
No triple HS for me this morning :( , but a 6.9 with a beautifully straight horizontal line all night, so it is hard to be disappointed with that. If only I had been obsessive again and injected a half unit of Fiasp at bedtime like I did the night before....I might have hit the hattrick.
Other positives were that I missed another Unicorn day by the merest hint of a red mark on my graph and when I double checked it with a finger prick it was actually a 4.2 so my levels and management are really as good as I could hope for at the moment and that is such a relief. Don't you just love it when you have your basal right and diabetes behaves itself!.... Hope I haven't jinxed it by saying that.... but we all know the plain sailing won't last...
A 4.8 for me today. 🙂

Forgot to say.... For all those Strictly fans.... I am going to see Vincent Simone at the Custom House at Shields tonight. No idea who he is dancing with (no-one can replace Flavia of course) but looking forward to it.
Morning everyone. 5.6
Need to go get bloods done this morning. Ever feel like if someone pours water into you you will spout out water like a watering can? :rofl:

Hope you all have a great day x

14.odd today, wasn't feeling too well last night and still not 100% today

Bruce is at the Dr's for his blood test just now, was nice getting a bit of extra time with him this morning rather than him leaving before half 7 lol

Ordered a new microwave from Argos last night, it's the same model as I bought my mum last year when hers broke

Had some lovely wax melts turn up, a prize from a Facebook group for winning chatterbox competition last month
RM have received the 300 tealights I ordered on Sunday night (not all for me, mum's buying when we're getting and going halfers on postage so it works out cheaper than separate orders) but goodness knows when we'll see them with the strike tomorrow xx
5.1 on this cloudy, grey morning. Have a good day everyone
Good morning everyone, a 5.7 for me today after a 3am snack was needed thanks to low 4s and the Libre alarm going off! I’ll be tired later on today!

New sensor last night seems to be behaving really well from the start! First reading after the 1 hour warm up was 7.9 which beautifully matched a BG of 8.0. I’ll probably do another spot check later today when BG is steady but will then continue with just the Libre unless it’s results don’t match how I feel.

Hope everyone has a good day!
Morning all and 6.1 for thanks to a couple of glucose tabs in the early hours.

No equipment malfunctions at the studio yesterday. We actually managed a proper rehearsal. Just need to fine tune levels and the jobs be a good 'un.

Nothing much planned for today but need to programme an intro for a song.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning all. Autumn is here. Horrible grey, windy day and the same forecast for the forseeable future. At least hubby got the lawn mowed yesterday, hoping it'll stop growing for a while. The trees across the road have seemingly gone overnight from green to bare and the road is awash with dead leaves.

3.8 this morning, with no alarms!!!! 4 JBs sent it up to 6.4

Having Zara today for an hour whilst mummy gets her hair cut, but they’ve invited theirselves for lunch first! 😳 And this, my friends, is why we go on lots of holidays!
We don't need excuses to go on holiday @eggyg. You've got me lusting after fish pie though.... will have to see what's in the freezer.

@rebrascora hope you enjoy your show tonight.

No HSs today?

Have a good day all.
Update on the new Libre sensor accuracy after a period of steady BG - Libre 7.2, BG 7.6 - really pleased!
It was a 6.1 for me at 8.20 this morning.

Have a great day all.
A bit of good news, the insurance company have agreed the claim for our water damage from the leak in the loft from the failed ballcock. The walls are showing 100% moisture still so they will organise professional drying as no good decorating unless the walls are dry. We will not know if the plaster is compromised until the wallpaper is taken off.
They cover the extra electricity cost of the drying which is pretty good.
I envisage an awful mess but relieved they will cover it.
A bit of good news, the insurance company have agreed the claim for our water damage from the leak in the loft from the failed ballcock. The walls are showing 100% moisture still so they will organise professional drying as no good decorating unless the walls are dry. We will not know if the plaster is compromised until the wallpaper is taken off.
They cover the extra electricity cost of the drying which is pretty good.
I envisage an awful mess but relieved they will cover it.
Oh what a relief for you! Can they also unblock the overflow pipe?