Group 7-day waking average?

I've no idea whats going on with my levels. Yesterday i struggled to get them up in the morning, ok afternoon then a spike before tea from which i dropped to 4.2 at bed. That is too low so i had a spoonful of peanut butter and went up. Overnight they hovered out of target all night then at breakfast they were still higher than i like so ii changed my ratio for more insulin and added a correction dose. 3 hours later i'd shot to over 16!!!

I corrected it then had an extra unit with lunch. Nope its still over 10 now so just had another unit. I think i'm injecting water atm. Levels have been awful since last Thursday. I wasn't well yesterday so that might explain some of it but i am feeling very fed up and frustrated.
@freesia if that were me then I'd suspect either I was coming down with something, or there was something suspect about my insulin. Try changing your cartridge for a fresh one. Might not work, but it's worth a shot.
@freesia if that were me then I'd suspect either I was coming down with something, or there was something suspect about my insulin. Try changing your cartridge for a fresh one. Might not work, but it's worth a shot.
I have been feeling achey and really tired, its getting near the end of term. It could be that.

I'll change my insulin pen for a couple of days and see if it makesca difference. Thank you, thats one thing i rarely think of doing.
Well forget part of my earlier post

Got an email from Argos at the back of one informing me that my order has been cancelled so back to square flipping 1 :( xx
Mine was 5.5 this morning. Had lunch from a cafe at another building owned by my trust today for supervision with colleagues, they had no soups on the menu even, and said they had no salads though boxed salads was listed on the main wall menu, just jacket potatoes, toast or sandwiches. So one of my colleagues and I shared a cheese toastie (she usually only has a light lunch on Wednesdays as she does the 5/2 "intermittent fasting" thing) and a bit of side salad she had with her so I could keep carbs , felt reasonably satisfied after but hungry now so might have my tea early (nice big bowl of soup and going to make some broccoli bake too). Need to write up paperwork as had to collect kids early but I think I'll concentrate better if my stomach isn't shouting at me....

And haven't got my car to collect which I was going to have to do as they ordered wrong part by mistake so have reordered but won't have it till the morning. (Got a courtesy car for now so keeping that a bit longer)
Morning all. Autumn is here. Horrible grey, windy day and the same forecast for the forseeable future. At least hubby got the lawn mowed yesterday, hoping it'll stop growing for a while. The trees across the road have seemingly gone overnight from green to bare and the road is awash with dead leaves.

3.8 this morning, with no alarms!!!! 4 JBs sent it up to 6.4

We don't need excuses to go on holiday @eggyg. You've got me lusting after fish pie though.... will have to see what's in the freezer.

@rebrascora hope you enjoy your show tonight.

No HSs today?

Have a good day all.
Only 6 weeks and two days to our next one! Not that I’m counting!
Well I don't seem to be to be able to get back to sleep so I'm going say what the reading was when I woke up 5.6 still having issues with unwanted guests(think it was that woke me up) which unfortunately can't really do anything expect set traps and hope they eventually find there way into them(and it's a rented house and pest control doesn't tend to be ordered anymore since it's a reoccurring problem (that type of house)
4.9 for me. I’m starting to think maybe I should have taken the GP’s advice and stop the Metformin.
A good early morning all. A nice round 6 and a unicorn.

Got an early start today, hair appointments and various bits and pieces to be bought and a top to take back I bought for my holiday but it was far too big and the next size down was a tad too small, will exchange for something “ wintery” instead. A visit to eldest daughter’s workplace to purchase bird feed and give her presents from our holiday. Also visit to middle daughter’s workplace to give her her families holiday pressies. Will be seeing them all on Saturday for granddaughter’s 10th birthday but I wanted it to be her day for receiving presents not everyone else’s. Could be out most of the day ( so will have to have lunch out) and just received an email to say DPD now have my parcel after it was promised to be delivered on Tuesday, absolutely typical. It’s granddaughter’s birthday present too! I’ll try and see if I can rearrange it for tomorrow.

See you tomorrow, have a good day. 🙂
Morning all. A much better 7 after a correction before bed. Lets hope levels are better today.
Good morning 6.1 today

Have a great day everybody 😎
Good morning all! A round 6.0 for me today, better than I expected as I went to bed with around 9.0. I’m thinking the drop was due to the final bolus rather than the basal as a drop of 3 overnight would be too much.

@eggyg I feel your pain with deliveries! Even though I work from home there are times when a courier insists on delivering on a weekend or at the one time I needed to pop out! I have done the rearrange delivery online with DPD (to divert a Saturday delivery to a Monday) and that worked, so may be worth a try.
Good morning all! A round 6.0 for me today, better than I expected as I went to bed with around 9.0. I’m thinking the drop was due to the final bolus rather than the basal as a drop of 3 overnight would be too much.

@eggyg I feel your pain with deliveries! Even though I work from home there are times when a courier insists on delivering on a weekend or at the one time I needed to pop out! I have done the rearrange delivery online with DPD (to divert a Saturday delivery to a Monday) and that worked, so may be worth a try.
I’ve changed it to tomorrow when I’ll be in all day, childcare day, at least DPD give a one hour slot.
Good morning everyone, the internet has been down - some trouble at the exchange. Back up agIn now. I wish they hadn't bothered. First thing though was an email from my energy supplier significantly increasing my monthly energy bills. Aghhhh! I hate paying more for nothing!!!!

BG yesterday 4.8
BG today 5.0
BP 115/74
Pulse 64

Today nothing planned except more panic over increased costs. Sigh :(

Just shoved the bins out. Very mild weather this morning. Bodes well for my eatly morning walk.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing.
4.8 this morning and its raining!
Have a good day everyone
Morning all. 🙂 8.6 here - to tweak or not to tweak?! I need to see a pattern first...come on BG, give me a pattern!

We had a mad storm last night for about 20 minutes. There was flash after flash of sheet lightning - it looked like someone was repeatedly flicking a switch between day and night. Plus wind, rain and a roaring noise. I was glad when it was over!
A near miss of 5.1 today. 🙂
