Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. 10.1 rising, according to my less than 24 hours old sensor or 7.6 ( which is high for me) on my meter. The last sensor read very low for days, this one had me in the 16s last night! TBF I was nearing 13 which was the result of a stressful and migraine filled day ( and a pastel de nata for lunch and a homemade mince and veg pie). Migraine gone, I’m not leaving the house today, Zara day, and waiting for a parcel, still! They have promised it today. So hopefully get back on track today.

@ColinUK don’t be silly, we have a top of the range car and it has reversing cameras, no necks will be cricked on the trip! 😛

Have a fab Friday. Who’ll “resign” today? It’s more unbelievable than a soap opera, and that’s saying something!
Good morning. Here follows a venting/stream of consciousness.

A whopping 12.8 this morning.

I’m putting that down to having my ankle poked and prodded quite a bit yesterday as they continue to investigate why it’s not healing properly.
Ultrasound yesterday revealed that my ankle isn’t pregnant but the tendons are buggered quite badly.
They reckon that the tendons were damaged years ago and doing the half marathon damaged them further as did getting knocked off the bike and the awkward landing.

Ended up with three medicos in the room as each sought a more senior/experienced opinion as to the state of things.
According to the ultrasound the tensions are barely attached. They think there are three fibres connected but the rest are not.
I’m now being referred urgently to UCH for MRI and further investigation and will be under a surgical team who will determine what to do and when to do it.

Apparently this is now a complex tendon reconstruction operation.

In all my 55 years I’ve never had any hospital surgery so I’m wrestling with concepts of aging and my own mortality etc (which I accept is a bit over dramatic).

I trust the medics and I’m sure I’ll trust the surgical team however my mind is going to “What if they bugger the (highly likely) operation up and things are worse?”
Then I accept that at the moment I find walking exhausting because I’m not able to flex my ankle/foot naturally and wonder how much worse it can be.

I looked at walking sticks online last night as well. I’m wondering if a stick might help with balance and reducing pain etc immediately whilst I’m waiting for whatever happens next. But I’m resistant because it’s only old people who use a walking stock and I’m not old.

If I did get one then it would be a stylish one. Possibly silver handled or beautifully carved hardwood. I can’t imagine borrowing a “standard” one from the folks.

The added stress all this has caused, alongside my therapist being ill and cancelling all appointments for a month, advancements with the oh-so-slow legal case now getting towards the sharp end and the other side deliberately running up costs in order to frighten us with the prospect of facing seven figure costs if we loose, and I’ve found it tough to cope.

My Go To response has been to overeat. Not anywhere near the extent it used to be but still to the point where it’s not supportive of a healthy me.

In response to that I’ve started to attend Overeaters Anonymous (OA) meetings.
I’m not sure whether long term they’re for me or not tbh but they’re giving me something I need right now and that’s enough of a reason to continue going.

All of this, coupled with a maximum of three hours sleep a night, is why I’ve been a little quiet on here recently.

I’ve not mentioned any of this on wider social media but know I can do so here in a supportive and non-judgemental forum which I’m truly grateful to be a member of.

I’m not sure if there’s anything I want or need or hope to get by posting this here other than the release of sharing it all.

Thank you.
Blimey Colin, that must have been a shock for you, but it sounds like they are on the ball. At 55 you’re very lucky not to have had any surgery on any of your bits. It does make you feel old being in hospital in my opinion/experience. I always seem to be on a ward with very old ladies and there’s no craic at all! Bones /tendons etc is a young, sporty persons ailment so you’ll be in the company of young strapping rugby players if they keep you in. 😉
As for sticks, I know it may look a bit odd walking around the streets of London, but what about walking poles? You could pretend you’re doing that Nordic thingy. Otherwise I agree, no borrowing off the old folks, silver topped cane, top hat and cravet is the way forward. The Japanese tourists will want to take selfies with you, as that’s how they see a typical English man, you can dust off your thespian skills too. :rofl:
It’s c**p about your therapist though, but even health care professionals get ill, as inconvenient as it may be. We will all have to be your therapists ( my rates are pretty good). Im sure your overeating will be short lived, in the meantime don’t feel guilty, I bet there is no one on here that can say they’ve never eaten their feelings. We all do it, but you get back on the bike and start again.

Getting older is pants sometimes, but it’s better than the alternative. Big hugs. X
@ColinUK sorry to hear you're having a tough time. Glad that the medics seem to be on the ball. Lets hope things improve all round fir you.

Ever thought of running for prime minister. Or should that be 'limping'. I hear there's a short term vacancy 🙂
Good morning
not sure what my waking BS was as it was an hour after getting up I tested 6.1 today

@ColinUK sounds like your ankle is getting plenty of attention which is good if it’s not right,
think I missed, (sometimes I glance over the posts half awake) what originally caused the problem?

a walking stick I’m sure will help to relieve some of the load,
some are aware I have an ankle problem myself (amongst other problems
following an injury that never really healed properly (fell into a manhole)
Looking back I didn’t get or chase for the poking and prodding of my ankle so much at the time (that was about 25 yrs ago)

my wife (who’s younger than me) when I go out wit my stick takes the pi
she calls me a 3 legged turtle.. haha

have a great day everybody 😎
Good morning everyone, 4.7 at 6.45 am
@ColinUK sending big hugs and hope everything improves for you soon.

Have a good day, everyone
Good morning - BG 6.6. Filthy day out, grey, wet and windy.
@ColinUK - Sorry to hear about the ankle. It sounds as though you are being referred to an excellent hospital with a good forward plan. If eating is helping mental state then plan on dieting after surgery has you dancing the tango - this is a time of stress which needs succour not starvation.
@ColinUK {{hugs}} I know someone in her late 20s who uses a stick for health reasons if it makes you feel better about trying one.

I'm on 5.6 this morning. Doing paperwork from home today so thinking about keeping fleece pj's on under a jumper for warmth
Sorry @ColinUK you're having problems with that ankle.
A 5.8 for me this morning. 🙂

Morning all, 5.1 here, so close. In fact, I had a surprising unicorn day yesterday apart from one compression dip overnight. I say surprising, because it wasn’t a good day. Set off at 2pm for the North, where we are attending a wedding today. Thought it would be nice and relaxing to travel up the day before, have a nice meal out and a restful night. Ha! Got as far as Stafford, stopped for a coffee, and when we came out, it was eerily quiet, nobody arriving into the services, just a few people leaving, rejoined the motorway which was deserted. Drove a few miles, came up on stationary traffic..and sat there for 2.5 hours while the police investigated an 'incident' ahead of us. Police finally started letting stuff through at a crawl, in one lane, but by the time we got to the scene, they’d packed up and gone home. I gather someone may have fallen/jumped off an overhead bridge. So we did the rest of the journey in the dark, and we hate night driving, especially on motorways, just managed to check into the hotel and whizz out to the pub for a meal just before it stopped serving at 8.45. Was well beyond wanting anything to eat by this time, so had a comfort bowl of couscous and salad with grilled chicken, and a large glass of Sauvignon Blanc , then returned to the hotel and fell into bed.

@ColinUK ! loads of hugs (imagine a whole row of emojis. I’m sounding like @Lanny here). Confronting old age and future decrepitude is no fun. I hope the medics can sort you out. Meanwhile, I think @eggyg 's idea for walking poles and a disguise as a Nordic Walker is the way forward.
Morning all, 5.1 here, so close. In fact, I had a surprising unicorn day yesterday apart from one compression dip overnight. I say surprising, because it wasn’t a good day. Set off at 2pm for the North, where we are attending a wedding today. Thought it would be nice and relaxing to travel up the day before, have a nice meal out and a restful night. Ha! Got as far as Stafford, stopped for a coffee, and when we came out, it was eerily quiet, nobody arriving into the services, just a few people leaving, rejoined the motorway which was deserted. Drove a few miles, came up on stationary traffic..and sat there for 2.5 hours while the police investigated an 'incident' ahead of us. Police finally started letting stuff through at a crawl, in one lane, but by the time we got to the scene, they’d packed up and gone home. I gather someone may have fallen/jumped off an overhead bridge. So we did the rest of the journey in the dark, and we hate night driving, especially on motorways, just managed to check into the hotel and whizz out to the pub for a meal just before it stopped serving at 8.45. Was well beyond wanting anything to eat by this time, so had a comfort bowl of couscous and salad with grilled chicken, and a large glass of Sauvignon Blanc , then returned to the hotel and fell into bed.

@ColinUK ! loads of hugs (imagine a whole row of emojis. I’m sounding like @Lanny here). Confronting old age and future decrepitude is no fun. I hope the medics can sort you out. Meanwhile, I think @eggyg 's idea for walking poles and a disguise as a Nordic Walker is the way forward.
Oh dear Robin. How awful for all concerned. Hope the wedding goes well. Fingers crossed it doesn’t rain like it did yesterday.
Good morning. Here follows a venting/stream of consciousness.

A whopping 12.8 this morning.

I’m putting that down to having my ankle poked and prodded quite a bit yesterday as they continue to investigate why it’s not healing properly.
Ultrasound yesterday revealed that my ankle isn’t pregnant but the tendons are buggered quite badly.
They reckon that the tendons were damaged years ago and doing the half marathon damaged them further as did getting knocked off the bike and the awkward landing.

Ended up with three medicos in the room as each sought a more senior/experienced opinion as to the state of things.
According to the ultrasound the tensions are barely attached. They think there are three fibres connected but the rest are not.
I’m now being referred urgently to UCH for MRI and further investigation and will be under a surgical team who will determine what to do and when to do it.

Apparently this is now a complex tendon reconstruction operation.

In all my 55 years I’ve never had any hospital surgery so I’m wrestling with concepts of aging and my own mortality etc (which I accept is a bit over dramatic).

I trust the medics and I’m sure I’ll trust the surgical team however my mind is going to “What if they bugger the (highly likely) operation up and things are worse?”
Then I accept that at the moment I find walking exhausting because I’m not able to flex my ankle/foot naturally and wonder how much worse it can be.

I looked at walking sticks online last night as well. I’m wondering if a stick might help with balance and reducing pain etc immediately whilst I’m waiting for whatever happens next. But I’m resistant because it’s only old people who use a walking stock and I’m not old.

If I did get one then it would be a stylish one. Possibly silver handled or beautifully carved hardwood. I can’t imagine borrowing a “standard” one from the folks.

The added stress all this has caused, alongside my therapist being ill and cancelling all appointments for a month, advancements with the oh-so-slow legal case now getting towards the sharp end and the other side deliberately running up costs in order to frighten us with the prospect of facing seven figure costs if we loose, and I’ve found it tough to cope.

My Go To response has been to overeat. Not anywhere near the extent it used to be but still to the point where it’s not supportive of a healthy me.

In response to that I’ve started to attend Overeaters Anonymous (OA) meetings.
I’m not sure whether long term they’re for me or not tbh but they’re giving me something I need right now and that’s enough of a reason to continue going.

All of this, coupled with a maximum of three hours sleep a night, is why I’ve been a little quiet on here recently.

I’ve not mentioned any of this on wider social media but know I can do so here in a supportive and non-judgemental forum which I’m truly grateful to be a member of.

I’m not sure if there’s anything I want or need or hope to get by posting this here other than the release of sharing it all.

Thank you.
I completely undersatand your concern about your ankle, tendon damage seems to take more time to heal that broken bones. It is 1 year this week since my knee tendon repair and although much better it is still not normal and I suspect never will be.
I found a supportive knee brace really helpful and you can get similar for ankles. The strap round with velco so can be worn when you need them. I did use a stick after I came off the crutches, what seemed counter intuitive was that you use the stick on the opposite side to the injury.
I found my balance was a problem but the physio gave me some exercises, standing on one leg, then the other and holding the position as long as I could, that has really helped.
I hope they sort out a plan of treatment asap.
Hey all 8.0 but that was an out of bed test as the phone woke me up and I had to actually leave my cosy bed to answer it 😛
Had a big catch up with my brother though which was nice. He's on the other side of the world so getting timezones to align to chat properly is a bit of a nightmare 🙂

Going to grab brekkie and go see my sis in law and great nephew who is on school hols so at hers today. Have missed my boy so will be nice to hang out with him for a few hours :D

Have had to skim read this morning, gotta get moving but I did read your post @ColinUK and want to send some of that non judgmental support (and hugs) <3
p.s. did you know if you put trendy stickers on a walking stick it magically just makes you cool and not old at all :D
And it’s a 5.7 for me today.
Morning all and 6.1 for me.

Made it to IKEA yesterday but didn't have any meatballs as the queue was horrendous but for some frozen ones to have tonight 🙂

Not gardening weather but at least it's not as bad as yesterday.

Have a good day everyone.