Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning everyone and Happy Friday! Hope you’re all well and looking forward to the weekend!

@ColinUK - thinking of you and appreciate a bit of what you are going through. As I get older I too get reminded of our mortality so I don’t think you are being over dramatic about a potential surgery on your ankle. I’m sure you’ll be ok, keep positive thoughts!

5.7 for me this morning and a plan to tackle my spikes, especially breakfast ones! I know that a lot of people will already be doing this, but I’m still finding my way a bit, especially now I can actually see what is happening to my BG on the Libre.

Here’s my version of a Unicorn Day (Note the sharp unicorn horn after breakfast)

But - I managed to get my lunchtime to not spike by the simple act of taking my bolus 25 minutes before eating. I’m trying the same tactic with breakfast today and that seems to be working for me with a much smaller spike (same food as yesterday but taking the bolus 25 minutes before eating) :

Really pleased! If only I had known about this years ago!
Oh MY!!! 😱

I’m in a right pickle: in the middle of a fight I’m not fully up to fighting; between my health centre who say they defined did my insulin prescription yesterday & my chemist who say they don’t have it! I’m about to start my last pen today & at 116 units a day it’ll will only last 2 days! It’s not enough to last the weekend AND the chemist WILL NOT budge on giving me any insulin without a script! In back to back calls to the chemist, 3 times, & twice with the long Friday queues to the health I’ve completely drained my landline phone battery & it’s charging but, it won’t switch on!

In desperation I wrote all that fir another script online & I wasn’t able to find my mobile sim card so, no mobile either; told them I have no mobile phone either now!

I’m waiting until I get a charge on the landline & go down to the health in person to get this sorted out!

I was getting better slowly these last couple days of absence on the forum with HR going to 88 then, 86 yesterday! My HR & blood pressure is going through the roof now!

I DID think I could increase my tresiba to cover me over the weekend as a last resort but, will have to STAY AWAKE & eat regularly as that’ll steadily keep my BS going down? I don’t WANT to that!
Still nothing with the landline & it’s been charging since 09:45. I completely drained it while queuing on the phone to health centre & lost connection!

I AM stressed & muddle headed! Just thought a better resort would be to go to A&E wouldn’t it? If I have to! Nobody is here but, me with them all in HK! I DID think at first after they left on 11/10 that there’s no emergency contacts here if any happens & one is needed!

I can’t shut up & speaking a LOT aloud as my stress levels are so high!
Yes, if you can't get it sorted by the end of the day/GP surgery closing time then A&E would be able to provide you with an emergency prescription (or even maybe GP out of hours service?). Hopefully you will be able to persuade the GP practice to re-issue the prescription urgently today though
Phone just switched but, won’t stay on even in the cradle as I tried to call twice: lost connection at 11 seconds; waited a bit longer & lost connection at 27 seconds. Have to be patient to get a decent charge to make a call!
I had two boxes of NR just before the winter increases & it just used up my pens faster. I must stockpile 3 boxes now, instead of 2, to have a decent buffer!

It’s not the first time problems between the health centre & the chemist have arisen & there’s been delays! This time I only realised on Wednesday that there were 3 pens left & ordered a box too!

I REALLY need to be to order more than 1 box at a time as it takes time to create a stockpile for a buffer!
DRAT! DRAT, DRAT! Even in the cradle the phone keeps losing connection!

I’m exhausted & too stressed to eat anyway, no breakfast yet as I git up at 9:18 whence the phone battle began!

I’m going to sleep for while & put tresiba & meds now, a bit early as it’s bang on 11:00 as I type this!

I’m not up to battle now!
I’m back in bed now with the heater on higher: it was freezing in the hall; not doing my sniffle any good! I thought I had the battle won & stopped it going to the chest & HR had started going down! Must remember to wrap up, forgot to in my stress, when I check the landline later! I’m only realising how cold I’ve been out in the hall!
FINALLY! Made call to health centre, a few frantic messages ordering the same prescription over & over again as I can send info messages without ordering SOMETHING, as the phone in the cradle can hold a connection now even though it’s not at 1 out 4 bars battery charge yet! They say the script is being done urgently & to call them back after lunch after 2pm to see if it’s signed etc. before I can ring the chemist to deliver it today & it HAS to be today as no deliveries on Saturday!

Wrapped up in the hall this time & back in bed where I’ll rest for another outing to the hall after 2pm. Just coming up at 12:00 now, so, tresiba & meds going in now.

This day ISN’T over yet! Sigh! I just don’t have the energy to fight!
I completely undersatand your concern about your ankle, tendon damage seems to take more time to heal that broken bones. It is 1 year this week since my knee tendon repair and although much better it is still not normal and I suspect never will be.
I found a supportive knee brace really helpful and you can get similar for ankles. The strap round with velco so can be worn when you need them. I did use a stick after I came off the crutches, what seemed counter intuitive was that you use the stick on the opposite side to the injury.
I found my balance was a problem but the physio gave me some exercises, standing on one leg, then the other and holding the position as long as I could, that has really helped.
I hope they sort out a plan of treatment asap.
The whole stick on the other side thing I get completely. I recall playing a character who used a cane and arguing with the director that I wanted to use it correctly and they said not to as it didn't look right!
I WAS INDEED muddleheaded: realised I did my sums wrong; it’s a minimum of 120 units a day of NR & sometimes I eat 4 times or am a bit naughty or ill, this week or so, & need extra! I DEFINITELY need a 3 boxes buffer & top it up when I start the 2nd box which is only a day or two over 7 days so, order 2 boxes every week! I asked for 2 at once & it’s been approved! So, hopefully that proves to be true the next time I order AFTER this crisis?

My panic is starting to ease off now so, my HR, BP & talking is going down: actually HAD to stop thinking aloud earlier as I’ve gone hoarse; normally I use my level of talk to gage how stressed I am as I just can’t help think aloud under stress & keep saying “calm down Lanny, calm down Lanny” when I can’t shut up! A bit of a physician heal thyself or as I think of it as psychiatrist, or therapist, heal thyself! :rofl: I can joke now as my stress levels are coming down! It’s either laugh or cry?🙄
Prescription at the chemist & they will deliver it to me today! Now, I have to stay awake until it comes THEN, crash! Finally ate just before making calls, long Friday queues every time at the health centre! Forgot to put in NR never mind test but, I literally don’t care what my BS? NR going in now & it’s going to be conservative as I don’t know how long I’ll sleep ONCE the NR is here! A Limp Wrung Out Piece of Cloth emoji!
Oh! Yes tresiba & meds went in earlier just after midday: didn’t forget THAT!

I was one panicked headless chicken earlier but, I’m akmost back to normal now!

Just typing these posts helped me with an outlet: my HR & blood pressure thanks you lovely lot! 🙂
Oh dear! Hope he gets a better one tomorrow! 🙂
How about for a bit of fun if people who test in the mornings post their waking levels? I think it would be interesting to see what the average works out at after a week 🙂

I'll start with mine - I was 6.0 when I woke up this morning 🙂

(please don't let me be the only person to enter one! 😉)
Ive been 10 for weeks (after getting up) . Cant get the results down hence can rise to 15, 17, 20 in the day
Well, afternoon all. What a contrast to yesterday which was glorious, it's just vile today.

4.4 at 07:30 when I got up to get to a 9:30 appointment for bloods at the surgery. Then got my prescription from Boots in town before they stop cars going up the main street at 10:30 then shopping in two different supermarkets before lunch. Now got a pork shoulder casserole into the oven and can finally post.

Yesterday was so lovely, like a mini-holiday, had a walk round the harbour and a drink in the open air on the harbourside. The inner harbour was still as a lake and people were swimming. The outer harbour was quite rough, but the sun shone and people were out and about just wearing TShirts. The village is really quite picturesque. The S&K pies were delicious. Lovely bus ride there and back, you see so much more from the top of a bus than when you are driving.

@gll I know nothing about fluid retention, but I would mention that Psoriasis is another auto-immune condition which does lend itself to your diabetes being more likely auto-immune than T2. I have several auto-immune conditions, including Psoriasis - fortunately not at all bad these days since I retired and aren't under the stress I was having at work.

@ColinUK I just really want to give you lots of big hugs.... the ankle isn't a sign of old-age it's a blooming sports injury for goodness sake! Use a stylish stick with pride! A friend of mine snapped some tendons in his ankle, but the operation was successful and you'd never know now as not even a slight limp. Hoping the same for you.


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Well, afternoon all. What a contrast to yesterday which was glorious, it's just vile today.

4.4 at 07:30 when I got up to get to a 9:30 appointment for bloods at the surgery. Then got my prescription from Boots in town before they stop cars going up the main street at 10:30 then shopping in two different supermarkets before lunch. Now got a pork shoulder casserole into the oven and can finally post.

Yesterday was so lovely, like a mini-holiday, had a walk round the harbour and a drink in the open air on the harbourside. The inner harbour was still as a lake and people were swimming. The outer harbour was quite rough, but the sun shone and people were out and about just wearing TShirts. The village is really quite picturesque. The S&K pies were delicious. Lovely bus ride there and back, you see so much more from the top of a bus than when you are driving.

@gll I know nothing about fluid retention, but I would mention that Psoriasis is another auto-immune condition which does lend itself to your diabetes being more likely auto-immune than T2. I have several auto-immune conditions, including Psoriasis - fortunately not at all bad these days since I retired and aren't under the stress I was having at work.

@ColinUK I just really want to give you lots of big hugs.... the ankle isn't a sign of old-age it's a blooming sports injury for goodness sake! Use a stylish stick with pride! A friend of mine snapped some tendons in his ankle, but the operation was successful and you'd never know now as not even a slight limp. Hoping the same for you.
Thank you. That’s what I needed to hear.
I know lots of folks who’ve had endless problems post hip and knee type operations but none are actually blood relations.
NR s here: literally only 1 box: it’s as if Wednesday’s prescription has disappeared; this keeps happening with the odd prescription for some time now! Will order more over the weekend & see if I get two more boxes: keep ordering more to build up a stockpile; keep bugging them for 2 boxes per order! I DO NOT WANT THIS TO HAPPEN AGAIN!
NR s here: literally only 1 box: it’s as if Wednesday’s prescription has disappeared; this keeps happening with the odd prescription for some time now! Will order more over the weekend & see if I get two more boxes: keep ordering more to build up a stockpile; keep bugging them for 2 boxes per order! I DO NOT WANT THIS TO HAPPEN AGAIN!
Lanny, I am giving you a gold star for managing to get it sorted out.... but a "Phew" of relief would probably be a more appropriate response! It is really concerning if this is happening regularly.

Hope you can now have a relaxing sleep and then when you wake up, give priority to finding that sim card so that you have a back up phone if that landline is acting up. I feel like I need a stiff drink after all that anxiety!