Group 7-day waking average?

And it’s a 5.7 for me this fine morning, and that’s after going to bed on a 13.9 last night, must have been the two jam and cream scones I had during the evening.
Good morning 7.1 a welcome weekend lay in for me (woke up about about an hour ago)
at the weekend I like treat myself to some toasted sourdough bread
forgot to get a loaf and none in freeze, so off to Lidl to get a fresh loaf shorty,

Have a great day & weekend everyone 😎
Morning all. 6.9 for me. Having a lazy morning so far, lie in, bacon butty for breakfast and a leisurely coffee. Washing is hung out and the sun is shining, its really mild out. Hubby has the day off and we might go out for a wander around shops/a walk later.

Have a good day whatever you are doing.
Woke up to a 3.4 on the Libre but a 4.6 when double checked with a finger prick so I am OK with that but obviously today will not be a unicorn day either. I refused to eat a JB just to placate my Libre so I injected my bolus and basal and got up and got breakfast and my coffee expecting levels to start rising a little as they always do when I get up, but they continued to drop a bit, so I ended up on 2.9 Libre (4.2 finger prick) before levels changed direction. It looks bad on my Libre that I was hypo and let it drop further and did nothing but I am trying not to let it make me feel guilty. I am not a slave to my Libre! It is just a tool that helps me to manage my diabetes and sometimes it is wrong.... I am writing this out loud to reassure myself as this guilt/judgement mentality with Libre can become a problem for me. Anyway, it looks like I have levelled out at a nice 6.0 now that breakfast has digested.

It is the anniversary of my Dad's death today and I plan to commemorate him with a garden fire, which was one of the things that my sister and I both have fond memories of helping him with and goodness knows I am overdue for some tidying up. Will have to be careful to make sure there are no hibernating hegehogs in any of the piles of rubbish I have to burn.
Morning all - another grey day.

7.7 this morning after going to bed on 5.8 - late dinner taking it's time digesting? Had mussels in a tomato sauce, with some french fries loaded with mayo. Though I didn't have an awful lot of the fries.

Usually meet friends on Saturday but they are away so not that much to do. Will make broccoli and stilton soup and then attack the photo book again with hubby, so far we're only half way through the 700 odd photos we took on holiday. Still, we have until end Feb to use the voucher I bought on Groupon for the book. Dinner is already cooked, a pork shoulder casserole that I made yesterday with lots of veg, cider and cream that just needs warming through and I'll throw some jacket potatoes in the oven.

Enjoy your weekend everyone.
Had a lie in this morning, slept in then read a book in bed. Much needed as haven't managed one the past few weekends! 5.6 when I finally got up.

Today there will be a lot of cooking (I have mince to use up and youngest wants me to make them a quorn chicken & cheese sauce lasagne, so I shall make some bolognese sauce and make eldest a normal lasagne too; bread needing using up so plan to make kids a cheesy bread & butter pudding for tomorrow - assuming it hasn't tipped over the point of needing using and become mouldy; I cooked a small ham last night in pressure cooker so think I shall use some of that with pumpkin puree to make soup for me - debating whether to add some lettuce that needs using as well, and some I'll turn into honey roast chunks for eldest). I'm also determined to make some progress on the small room I'm meant to have got decorated by now, so need to pop to get some more masking tape.
@Elenka_HM {{hugs}} I hate that frustration of not knowing whether to retest or wait and see. Personally I would probably leave it today but retest tomorrow if period hadn't started, but I hope for you that it starts and saves you having to stress!
Hey all. was 6.5 when I got up 🙂

Finally have a clear ish day where I don't need to go anywhere or do anything in particular :D
12:49 BS 9.5 & that’s the 1st reading since 20/10: didn’t test at all yesterday; didn’t care what all that stress did to my BS on top of everything else! Just as long as I wasn’t hypo: obviously not; work needed to get my waking BS back in line now!

A Very G’day Mates to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

A bit of a relapse, yet again, after yesterday’s outings to the freezing hall: needed extra inhalers for a very hard, for me to describe feeling of HR & breathing; had a REALLY hard time describing to A&E doctors in October 2015 the 1st time my fast HR showed up! Heart rate is fast with shortness of breath without wheezing but, my breath feels freezing cold like after taking a mouthful of very cold ice cream, sorbet, or ice cubes: that moment of inhaling the coldness after swallowing it; I believe that’s what’s called “brain freeze” from eating something very cold! I used to love icy cold drinks & I never had any brain freeze but, I did feel a bit short of breath after an icy cold drink! It wasn’t good for my asthma & spent quite a kong time breaking myself from that habit & I mostly drink water at room temperature fir quite a kong time: it took SOME getting used to!

That 1st time I felt that freezing cold breathing, going in, back in 2015 in A&E although I kept mentioning, once I figured out how to describe it, the doctors seemed sceptical & dismissive of it as the ward was very cold late at night!

I’ve had that feeling a few times now & yesterday with the hearer turned up high in bed, after all the kafuffle, the air in the bedroom was definitely NOT freezing! I still had that feeling of breathing in in very cold air so, gave myself extra inhalers even though I wasn’t wheezing! Took a while fir my breathing to warm up after that but, it did & I slept a lot, on & off with a bit of apnoea, & up late today!

Meds & tresiba in before posting & now going to have breakfast after I finish posting. Nose is a bit snuffly & semi blocked again but, signs yet of any movement towards the chest: fingers crossed I can stop that from happening?

Just ordered another prescription for NR as I have no buffer now with just 1 box & used a lot of time & ingenuity in saying as concisely, limited number of characters allowed, as possible all I want to say:- the odd intermittently repeated missing prescriptions; a reasonabke buffer of about 2 weeks with 2 full extra boxes plus the current opened box in use & am I the ONLY one that with missing prescriptions? The : & ; are very useful in the construction of concise sentences & I use them a lot! 🙄:confused: BUT, I DO occasionally use 1 too many in a long sentence when posting on here!:rofl:😉

Right, my stomach is demanding food now & I have to feed the monster! 🙄😛
Morning all. And @Michael12421 I hope you’re feeling better soon.

6.8 this morning for me. After the run of numbers I’ve had recently I’ll take that thank you very much.

Yesterday I decided to treat myself so I bought a walking stick which really makes a huge difference to getting about. 3C183CE2-B0E3-46EE-9792-5CA1F02DC00F.jpeg
And it got me a seat on the tube so that’s a win!

The other treat was Tosca at the ENO. Last minute booking. Second row, middle of the Dress Circle. Never seen it before or even heard it. Suffice to say I think this Puccini bloke might have a career in writing Opera but I’d give this story a happy ending. Maybe make the whole thing a Bobby in the shower moment and everyone’s really alive at the end.
Good morning everyone

BG 5.0
BP 118/78
Pulse 57

O3 to O6 ratio 1 : 2.4 (nice) - ideal is 1 : 2 or 1 : 1 (depending on what you read)

when I look back over the years I see that my diet has significantly changed (for the better)

Its nearly November already. Incredible.

Today church this morning.

I am hoping that my daughter will visit this afternoon.

And to add an even better note my wife has had 3 good days in a row.. excellent.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Good morning! 7.3 this morning.

Really annoyed. Had a Britannia BS account that became a Co-op one. Not a lot of money (£500) in it but they are demanding endless proof of ID as bad as if you want to open an account these days! The Co-op has lost its way compared to the Co-op of my youth!
Morning all, 6.7 here from the Soggy South. In a reversal of the usual pattern, we left Preston in sunshine yesterday, it clouded over around Staffordshire, just got home and the heavens opened as we were unpacking the car. Woke up at 6am this morning, or rather was woken up by rain hammering on the roof. It’s still raining, though it’s supposed to stop just before I’m due to go riding. Will be wading through mud on our hack, I expect.