Group 7-day waking average?

It was at the Vienna State Opera, the Tosca in question was soprano Ljuba Welitsch (‘not a small lady’) and the conductor was Herbert von Karajan (‘who was not at all amused’).

Another well known and true story is that at the Metropolitan Opera in New York the singer who was playing Rodolfo approached Mimi to sing Your tiny hand is frozen, shoved a hot sausage into her hand.
There’s a fair few houses claiming the trampoline story but only one claiming the firing squad mass suicide…

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6.8 🙂
6.7 yesterday, so this is 5th consecutive pre-meal less than 10. 10 isn't great but when over 40% are above 10, it's good.
After having so much trouble getting BG down, this morning has been opposite. Changed QA injections to outer regions of tummy, so suspect that is the problem.
12:10 BS 9.5 Well, it’s the same as yesterday so, not higher & that’s SOMETHING at least! A Mona Lisa 🙂

A Very G’day Mates to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Still no signs of my sniffle heading south so, that’s another plus! A Proper One 🙂
I’m here! Still alive after our walk home in sodden fields in the pitch black! 7.1. No signal at our hosts’ home.
Had a great night, fabulous food, too much wine and not much sleep. Been for a short walk though to try and blow the cobwebs off. Now home watching last night’s Strictly and trying to keep my eyes open. :rofl:

Hope everyone’s day is going well. I’ve sped read everyone’s posts, hope I haven’t missed any HSs. 🙂
Nearly blobbed but it was a 5.8 for me.

Not quite as persistent as it was first thing but safe to say the garden is out of bounds at the moment.

Needed to write an intro to a song which I think I've done. Must get it loaded onto the keyboard next week.

Have a good day everyone.
There’s a fair few houses claiming the trampoline story but only one claiming the firing squad mass suicide…

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I've only seen Tosca once. It was performed by the English Touring Opera at the Hall for Cornwall. There was no scenery just some background that looked like dark grey slate with several different levels. I was very disappointed! Half the fun of opera is the outrageous scenery and acting and there wasn't much of either! Would have loved to have seen some of the stuff in your clipping @ColinUK
Had my eye test. Optician advised for my job I will be better getting varifocals, as correcting the distance vision with single vision glasses messes my close up focus up, and I need to switch between both while working. Which makes complete sense, rather than constantly moving glasses up or down (I don't really need reading glasses otherwise), but does also feel a little odd that I will go straight to those from not wearing glasses! I picked the middle option for quality rather than the best quality option they had for price reasons. I'll see how I get on with them when they arrive...
was 5.0 at 7am this morning, another busy but lovely day with my granddaughters who are now safely back home with Mummy and Daddy. Hope everyone's had a good day 🙂
Well I've not unfortunately not spelt and it doesn't look like I'm going to now so it doesn't look like im going to do I'll give my no waking reading of 6.2
Good morning everyone

BG 4.9
BP 113/73
Pulse 63

All good.

We had a good day yesterday. My daughter came over to celebrate her daughters birthday. Cake. Presents. Happiness. 🙂

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Good morning everyone! 6'7.

My insulin pen gave me a hard time this morning. Insulin didn't flow, no matter what I did: change needles, take the cartridge out and put back again...Had to go to work so I took one of the disposables that I still have in the fridge and got it done. Hopefully I can sort it later.
Morning all. 6.3 on my Accu-Chec, 8.3 on the Libre. This sensor, fitted Thursday, is very contrary. Reading a tad high most of the time. Has a good few hours in the middle of the day then goes off in its own little high world in the morning and evening. My TIR shocking because of it. Very annoying. :(

Today is the first of four days where we don’t have to leave the house unless we chose to. No appointments, no childcare. (We’ll make up for that on Friday when we will have four of the little angels and a sleepover for three! ) Just pootling about, still tired from our hectic weekend, making a ghoul…ash for our Halloween bash on Saturday, which I’ll freeze. I’m cooking a joint of pork slowly for tonight’s tea, so thought I’d utilise the oven whilst it was on. Got to save the pennies somehow.

Have a good day everyone, and be thankful that Doris hasn’t thrown his hat in the ring. Phew! 🙂
Morning all. Libre alarm woke me 3 times with a 4.9. Now wide awake and can't get back to sleep.
Well I did manage to get a couple of hours sleep in the end so second reading is 9.1.
5.8 for me today. 🙂

Good morning all, bit nippy. Still can't find strips, I know for a fact I had tons. I wish I didn't keep losing stuff. Bit miffed as yet again the chemist have messed up. No Levothyroxine in today's offering of meds. It's making me wonder how many times they have messed up this year and if that is why I am constantly ill and nervy with thudding heart?! I'm fed-up with Rowlands! Have a smashing day all. 🙂
Good morning. Slept like a log except for the 0100 toddle to the loo. Vaguely recall checking the news and seeing that BJ wasn't running - did I imagine it? Running late for animals so haven't yet checked the news. BG 5.6.
Wishing everyone a good day and a cessation of politics, war and rain.
11.1 and an overnight headache. Chucked out lots of ‘naughty’ carbs last night although I don’t think I actually overdid it yesterday. I did at least do a BG prick before lunch and it was 5.9. Read an article last night about insulin and diabetes after pancreatic surgery and it said that people in that cohort need less injected insulin and often have hypos - is that your experience Type 3Cs? I think I have it in my head that eventually I’ll have to start using insulin so make the most of it now by eating all the sweet things (stupid) but maybe I can keep going with the third of my pancreas I’ve got left and just diet and metformin? I’ve started wearing my Fitbit again as had got very lazy so need to do some more conscientious walking. Have a good day everyone xxx