Group 7-day waking average?

A very late good morning today to everyone! Got caught up with work as soon as I got up and forgot to post on here. Anyway, 4.3 for me this morning then a nasty spike of 15.4 (!) as I was hungry and couldn’t wait for my porridge this morning after doing my bolus. Of course that then caused a dip before lunch down to 4 as presumably the bolus started acting too late. Oh well, such are the joys of this balancing act!

@rebrascora - very impressed with your unicorns! You have a veritable herd of them!

@Wannie - definitely counts as a HS - congratulations!
Could you provide a link to the article, please? That asked, I'm not sure there is much point in getting too deeply involved in trying to compare T3c insulin needs with others
Of course we are all different, but insulin needs also depend on body weight and generally men may need more as they are heavier. As to T1s that can vary whether they are on a pump or not. My total daily dose is between 17u and 18u a day, whereas before the pump - and a stone and a half heavier I needed something closer to 40u total.
Hello @zippyjojo,
I can only speak for myself in any detail - but I have noticed that some T1s seem to use more insulin than I do. I had a total panc'y in Feb 2020.

I take 8.5-10 units of basal Tresiba daily, less in summer; increased from 9.5 to 10 this morning (modest tweak). My bolus is fairly varied because my eating pattern is varied: I have a noticeable carb ratio difference for breakfast and other meals - 1:8 breakfast, 1:10 others and on average perhaps 22-24 units needed just for 3 meals in a day. BUT those 22-24 units can be reduced a lot (up to 50%) if I'm very active. Corrections at 1:2 which my Endo describes as aggressive; I've twice tried softer corrections, which didn't work. Recently I've been doing a lot of corrections, during the day and last thing before bed; not quite sure why! From all of this variety I can't give you 'real' average bolus doses per day.

I used to have loads of hypos, but since Libre 2 these are much reduced and during 2022 I've not had a single deep (low 3s or into the 2s) hypo and only about 5 mild hypos (c.3.5); I get mild hypo symptoms with those. I have my low alarm set at 5.6 and pretty rigorously monitor once that alarm sounds. My BG can get towards 4, but no hypo symptoms. Since I'm retired I can make the time to stay on top of my BG when low, by extra snacks and / or pausing when active. This definitely is interfering with my lifestyle and at times makes me seem to my family as a bit obsessive; but I point out that they have not had the dubious pleasure of being hypo and they accept that reality.

Could you provide a link to the article, please? That asked, I'm not sure there is much point in getting too deeply involved in trying to compare T3c insulin needs with others. Not only are we 'all different', but as you neatly demonstrate you can be T3c yet only needing oral meds. Also, you have no spleen and need to take certain precautions, I have no panc'y and need to ALWAYS remember my Creon. Plus at 73 I'm increasingly stumbling through various minor ailments; however much I might deny I'm getting old, it is a futile denial.
Annoyingly I can't find the article now as I found it on my phone and not sure how to get the history like I can on my laptop ... Do you get all you help and information from your diabetic nurse or from the specialist diabetes team?
Annoyingly I can't find the article now as I found it on my phone and not sure how to get the history like I can on my laptop ... Do you get all you help and information from your diabetic nurse or from the specialist diabetes team?
I share the problem of losing downloads on my phone; my IT skills are limited!

Much of what I now glean is from this forum and reading credible Internet articles. I do get decent Consults with an Endo who leads the "Oxford's Centre for Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism" (OCDEM), who are at the forefront of pancreatic transplant research in the South of England. I have exchanged a couple of emails with his DSN's and been helped promptly, but I don't feel I know them.

I am doing a DAFNE course, face to face, in November and suspect I will have to relearn various things; I'm at a point where I feel I have a reasonable understanding of D matters, yet definitely not got a fully stable management of my D - but also feel my issues are pretty trivial and I start a new day leaving behind yesterday's hiccups as a background alert, should they recur. If this makes me sound arrogantly confident and independent - I most definitely am not; I muddle on, each day has its challenges.
Annoyingly I can't find the article now as I found it on my phone and not sure how to get the history like I can on my laptop ... Do you get all you help and information from your diabetic nurse or from the specialist diabetes team?
I am Type 1 not type 3c but I get most of my info from this forum.... reading what works in certain circumstances for other people and then carefully experimenting on myself to see what works for me.... plus DAFNE course was very useful..... but obviously that is for people on insulin to help them balance their doses and keep themselves safe. If you are not using insulin yet then you would not qualify or find it helpful.
In your situation, I would either pursue a low carb higher fat way of eating, which really helped me to control my craving for high sugar and carb foods .... or ask your health care professionals about starting on insulin as it will almost certainly be necessary sooner or later in your situation anyway. Even though I am on insulin, i still use a low carb higher fat diet to help control my sugar addiction/comfort eating and help stabilize my BG levels, but that doesn't suit everyone.
I am Type 1 not type 3c but I get most of my info from this forum.... reading what works in certain circumstances for other people and then carefully experimenting on myself to see what works for me.... plus DAFNE course was very useful..... but obviously that is for people on insulin to help them balance their doses and keep themselves safe. If you are not using insulin yet then you would not qualify or find it helpful.
In your situation, I would either pursue a low carb higher fat way of eating, which really helped me to control my craving for high sugar and carb foods .... or ask your health care professionals about starting on insulin as it will almost certainly be necessary sooner or later in your situation anyway. Even though I am on insulin, i still use a low carb higher fat diet to help control my sugar addiction/comfort eating and help stabilize my BG levels, but that doesn't suit everyone.
Thanks Barbara - I’ve seen people mention LFHC diets. Am I assuming that’s high I saturated fat or do you gorge on cheese? Just wondering how it effects your cholesterol levels?
I am Type 1 not type 3c but I get most of my info from this forum.... reading what works in certain circumstances for other people and then carefully experimenting on myself to see what works for me.... plus DAFNE course was very useful..... but obviously that is for people on insulin to help them balance their doses and keep themselves safe. If you are not using insulin yet then you would not qualify or find it helpful.
In your situation, I would either pursue a low carb higher fat way of eating, which really helped me to control my craving for high sugar and carb foods .... or ask your health care professionals about starting on insulin as it will almost certainly be necessary sooner or later in your situation anyway. Even though I am on insulin, i still use a low carb higher fat diet to help control my sugar addiction/comfort eating and help stabilize my BG levels, but that doesn't suit everyone.
Oh yes I remember now that you’re treated by the OCEDEM
I share the problem of losing downloads on my phone; my IT skills are limited!

Much of what I now glean is from this forum and reading credible Internet articles. I do get decent Consults with an Endo who leads the "Oxford's Centre for Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism" (OCDEM), who are at the forefront of pancreatic transplant research in the South of England. I have exchanged a couple of emails with his DSN's and been helped promptly, but I don't feel I know them.

I am doing a DAFNE course, face to face, in November and suspect I will have to relearn various things; I'm at a point where I feel I have a reasonable understanding of D matters, yet definitely not got a fully stable management of my D - but also feel my issues are pretty trivial and I start a new day leaving behind yesterday's hiccups as a background alert, should they recur. If this makes me sound arrogantly confident and independent - I most definitely am not; I muddle on, each day has its challenges.
I share the problem of losing downloads on my phone; my IT skills are limited!

Much of what I now glean is from this forum and reading credible Internet articles. I do get decent Consults with an Endo who leads the "Oxford's Centre for Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism" (OCDEM), who are at the forefront of pancreatic transplant research in the South of England. I have exchanged a couple of emails with his DSN's and been helped promptly, but I don't feel I know them.

I am doing a DAFNE course, face to face, in November and suspect I will have to relearn various things; I'm at a point where I feel I have a reasonable understanding of D matters, yet definitely not got a fully stable management of my D - but also feel my issues are pretty trivial and I start a new day leaving behind yesterday's hiccups as a background alert, should they recur. If this makes me sound arrogantly confident and independent - I most definitely am not; I muddle on, each day has its challenges.
Oh yes I remember now that you’re treated by the OCDEM who I’m under too.
Thanks Barbara - I’ve seen people mention LFHC diets. Am I assuming that’s high I saturated fat or do you gorge on cheese? Just wondering how it effects your cholesterol levels?
I think you mean LCHF (Low Carb High Fat)

Yes, I eat lots of lovely cheeses and I have double cream in my coffee every morning.... sometimes two cups 😱 and full fat creamy Greek natural yoghurt and I cook my veg in a knob of butter and I eat fatty meat and nuts and pork scratchings are my guilty pleasure..... so yes I eat a lot of saturated fats and I make sure I have plenty of fibre and my cholesterol levels are currently 4.2, reduced from 5.2 at diagnosis 3.5 years ago when I was eating very high carb and relatively low fat.
I think the fibre, particularly soluble fibre, is an important factor in keeping cholesterol in check along with significantly reduced carbs. The saturated fat doesn't seem to make a difference one way or another but I enjoy it and I believe that these natural fats are healthier than the seed oils and artificial alternatives that are marketed as being healthy these days. My body feels happier and healthier than it has in a long time, I don't feel hungry or get cravings/comfort eat (well very very rarely and I keep low carb treats in the house for such occasions to limit any impact) and I enjoy my food, so feel like I can eat like this for the rest of my life without any great effort. I stray with the occasional treat like that mince pie (which was gorgeous) and an Indian takeaway (bit disappointing) last night but mostly my LCHF keeps me very happy.
I think you mean LCHF (Low Carb High Fat)

Yes, I eat lots of lovely cheeses and I have double cream in my coffee every morning.... sometimes two cups 😱 and full fat creamy Greek natural yoghurt and I cook my veg in a knob of butter and I eat fatty meat and nuts and pork scratchings are my guilty pleasure..... so yes I eat a lot of saturated fats and I make sure I have plenty of fibre and my cholesterol levels are currently 4.2, reduced from 5.2 at diagnosis 3.5 years ago when I was eating very high carb and relatively low fat.
I think the fibre, particularly soluble fibre, is an important factor in keeping cholesterol in check along with significantly reduced carbs. The saturated fat doesn't seem to make a difference one way or another but I enjoy it and I believe that these natural fats are healthier than the seed oils and artificial alternatives that are marketed as being healthy these days. My body feels happier and healthier than it has in a long time, I don't feel hungry or get cravings/comfort eat (well very very rarely and I keep low carb treats in the house for such occasions to limit any impact) and I enjoy my food, so feel like I can eat like this for the rest of my life without any great effort. I stray with the occasional treat like that mince pie (which was gorgeous) and an Indian takeaway (bit disappointing) last night but mostly my LCHF keeps me very happy.
Oh yes I did mean that Gosh it’s a minefield isn’t it!
Morning not up yet but I tend to check at the moment if I happen at the moment to wake up earlier to get more of sense. And to show my team that the raise is happening later(but perhaps sometimes I might be able to le#ve it) anyway t's 6.8
Top of the morning all. I've got dentist today agh, I don't wanna go. :(
Good morning Tuesday 4.8 on waking at 06:20
I didn’t post Yesterday or Sunday
they were both 7.somethings

have a great day everybody 😎
Good morning! 6'9.

Novopen still not working and period still AWOL, but at least the pregnancy test was a clear negative this time. I will try not to obsess over it (easier said than done). It did disappear for many months last year without a clear explanation, tho now I suspect it was the undiagnosed diabetes putting stress on my body. So I'll be annoyed but not surprised if something similar happens.
5.6, accidentally fell asleep on the sofa last night. Now repaired to bed to grab another hour's sleep hopefully
Good morning everyone

Talking of dentists...I have been registered with my NHS dentist for a long while now. Out of the blue the dentist has decided to stop doing any NHS work. Ie I have no dentist unless I pay significant private fees. Can they legally just dump me like that? I am quite worried.

Onto better things...

BG 5.2 yesssss !!!!!!

Have a great day today whatever you are doing