Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. 5.6 on the meter 7.7 on the Libre. I’m getting really annoyed with it now. Think maybe a call to Abbott is on the cards, what a pain though. Might give it another couple of days.

Again our plan for a day out has been scuppered and it doesn’t include grandchildren or elderly parents. It’s the dishwasher this week! It decided to conk out, again, last Wednesday night. The night all the argy bargy was going on in parliament. It was like that here too, pushing and shoving ( of the dishwasher I hasten to add), and lots of swearing ( the swearing was mostly from me)! I just want to buy a new one, it’s about 20 years old, Mr Eggy said it was an expensive one and it’s fixable. He calls it Trigger’s dishwasher! That’s an Only Fools and Horses reference. It’s the pump this time and the part is arriving today between 11.30-2.30, slap bang in the middle of the day.

Nevermind, I’ll have a day off. No cooking today, we’ve left overs from the roast dinner I made yesterday. And, touch wood, the dishwasher will be fixed before I throttle Mr Eggy!

Have a good day all.
@Gwynn congrats on your HS and sorry but yes, your dentist can go private as mine did many, many years ago. I only pay as you go now, Denplan et al don’t pay out for every penny you spend on treatment, think check ups are included, they only pay the NHS cost and you are left to stump up the rest. We got caught out with that when Mr Eggy had root canal treatment and they paid out a whopping, NOT, £32! Look into the Ts&Cs very carefully if you decide to go down that route.
Well done @Gwynn on the 5.2.
5.8 for me today. 🙂

9.1 so better than the last two days. Woken up with a headache again (it went during the day yesterday). Wondering if it’s a side effect of my Covid jab but that was 8 days ago now. Was meant to have a house viewing today but got a message to say the man’s woken up with flu so I’m glad they’ve cancelled but I’d changed other plans (volunteering I do once a week at local Childrens Hospice). Mind you - I shouldn’t go in with a headache anyway just in case. So a lazy day here and then have my Mum and twin nieces coming over for supper tonight as they’re visiting for ½ term so I’m making Spag Bol. Have a great day everyone. xxx
Morning all and 5.8 for me.

Washing out first thing so hopefully dry before dark.

Woodpecker on the fatball feeder yesterday. It looked like one of this year's young males.

More leaves to sweep, more good organic matter for the garden. A few bulbs we found of uncertain vintage to pop in and see if they do anything.

Have a good day everyone.
Good morning everyone! A night of 4s again, and woke up with 4.2. DP took that to 5.7 and I forced myself to wait 20mins after my bolus before starting my porridge this morning. Loads better! The peak was just 8.4 and now I’m back to 5.7 two hours later.

@Gwynn - congratulations on your HS! I’ve been on Denplan for years and included in the monthly fee I get a 3 monthly hygienist appointment and 6 monthly dentist checkup. Any work done by the dentist is also included all I have to pay extra for is any “lab” work, such as making crowns,etc. However, that does cost me about £30 per month. I didn’t get a choice when the dentist switched from NHS, but to be honest it has been good and the dentist focus is on preventative treatment and help to improve oral health (which means less work/cost for them and less issues for me!).
I only pay as you go now, Denplan et al don’t pay out for every penny you spend on treatment, think check ups are included, they only pay the NHS cost and you are left to stump up the rest. We got caught out with that when Mr Eggy had root canal treatment and they paid out a whopping, NOT, £32! Look into the Ts&Cs very carefully if you decide to go down that route.
The NHS cost for root canal is something like £200 (level 3) so I'm surprised they only gave you level 1.

Hope that Mr Eggy does get that dishwasher working!
5.2 at 5.00 am and 5.0 when I got up at 7.30.
Congrats on the HS @Gwynn
Have a good day everyone 🙂
Morning all. Bit changeable today. At the moment quite nice, but black clouds on the horizon

4.0 this morning. As soon as I woke at 8.30 the alarm rang on my phone. 2 x JBs and half a cookie and it shot up to 10! I seem very sensitive to carbs first thing.

Waited in all afternoon yesterday for a phone call from the pharmacist who was going to review my meds. It never came! It's so frustrating when that happens.

Going to try cooking gammon in cider in the slow cooker today. Fingers crossed - I had more or less consigned the slow cooker to the dustbin. But needs must try to save electricity.

@Gwynn , congratulations on the HS. For what it's worth try ringing 0300 330 1348, they will put you on a waiting list for NHS dentist vacancies and tell you how long the waiting list is. Some years ago we waited nearly 2 years (using a private dentist meanwhile) and finally got an NHS one. They proved absolutely useless, cancelling more appointments than we ever had, so we moved back private with a truly excellent surgery and Denplan covers us for everything except lab work. It's something like £30 a month each.

and then have my Mum and twin nieces coming over for supper tonight as they’re visiting for ½ term so I’m making Spag Bol.
Beware the spaghetti! I find Linguine has less effect on BGs so long as I only have a small portion and load on the bolognaise.

@eggyg hope you get the dishwasher repaired. Ours broke last Christmas eve. It was a cheap one that came with the fitted kitchen that was part of the newly built house when we bought it, so we just bought another one cos the repair man said the part would cost near enough the price of the dishwasher. New one does a much better job than the one that broke ever did.

Have a good day all.
And it was a 5.7 for me this fine sunny and mild morning.
Morning all 6.7 for me . Pleased as it's been as high as 14 .tTook a correction dose and it only dropped down to 12 next time I tested Had a hypo when I was out with dog last night. Only had a few jbs in my pocket and a bar of white chocolate . Not the normal peanut butter chocolate finger from marks and Spencer . I allways carry on me . With the jbs . That white chocolate was nice but the sugar content must have been high . Took 3 units an hour after I'd eaten it ... Unfortunately no information on the wrapper . You live and learn . Just stick with my jbs and peanut butter chocolate finger. Hope everyone is doing well
Someone cut my tongue out will you!! 🙄 It will teach me to crow about my diabetes playing nicely yesterday. :(

8.7 this morning and battled high levels all afternoon and evening with numerous stacked corrections which didn't quite keep it in single figures. Got really heavy handed with it in the end and ran up and down stairs 20x and that helped and got it down to mid 5s but a couple of hours later it was heading up again. Walked up to the yard and did a couple of hours of really industrious work up there and that eventually brought it down to a pretty stable 4.8 at bedtime, but then I worried that it was a bit too low to go to bed on, so I had one single jelly baby and that took me back up into the 8s!! where I stayed all night..... Still I suppose it could have been worse.....and actually would have been if I didn't have Libre to keep tabs on it!

Anyway, I have upped my morning Levemir by 2 units and been heavy handed with the Fiasp this morning for breakfast and thankfully that is holding me in the mid 5s now. Ian is loaded with a heavy cold (as are many other people locally) so perhaps my body is trying to fight it off and I shouldn't really be complaining about it. I just hate having to use so much more insulin.... just to keep a lid on things!

Congratualtions to @Gwynn and @Wannie although we really should insist that you get out of bed when you get an HS Wannie and at the very least do a little dance of celebration! :D That applies to you too Gwynn but then I think you probably already do because I know how thrilled you are to get that "perfect" result on a morning..... Please don't spoil my mental image and tell me you don't! o_O 😉
Morning all. Bit changeable today. At the moment quite nice, but black clouds on the horizon

4.0 this morning. As soon as I woke at 8.30 the alarm rang on my phone. 2 x JBs and half a cookie and it shot up to 10! I seem very sensitive to carbs first thing.

Waited in all afternoon yesterday for a phone call from the pharmacist who was going to review my meds. It never came! It's so frustrating when that happens.

Going to try cooking gammon in cider in the slow cooker today. Fingers crossed - I had more or less consigned the slow cooker to the dustbin. But needs must try to save electricity.

@Gwynn , congratulations on the HS. For what it's worth try ringing 0300 330 1348, they will put you on a waiting list for NHS dentist vacancies and tell you how long the waiting list is. Some years ago we waited nearly 2 years (using a private dentist meanwhile) and finally got an NHS one. They proved absolutely useless, cancelling more appointments than we ever had, so we moved back private with a truly excellent surgery and Denplan covers us for everything except lab work. It's something like £30 a month each.

Beware the spaghetti! I find Linguine has less effect on BGs so long as I only have a small portion and load on the bolognaise.

@eggyg hope you get the dishwasher repaired. Ours broke last Christmas eve. It was a cheap one that came with the fitted kitchen that was part of the newly built house when we bought it, so we just bought another one cos the repair man said the part would cost near enough the price of the dishwasher. New one does a much better job than the one that broke ever did.

Have a good day all.
Thanks - I'm going to use wholewheat but don't really know if that will be a difference - we shall see in the morning!
12:40 BS 8.1 It’s starting to come down! 🙂

A Very G’day Mates & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

I’ve been waking in the 8’s, while absent, & in the 6’s between meals of which it’s still only 1, mostly, & 2 a day if I remember to eat again!

The cold breathing is coming & going: extra inhalers means I CAN breath through my nose; still feel the coldness when the air going in my nose hits my windpipe, though! It’s just less cold with the heater turned up so, it’s definitely not due to breathing in ACTUAL cold air! My HR has been back down to normal & even a teeny bit lower at times at 80 to 84. It’s just the intermittent cold breath that’s like my windpipe is extra sensitive to temperature & I wonder if it’s another new face to my neuropathy? I’m sensitive to changes in temperatures especially colder temperatures & it’s the gradient of the difference: the greater the difference; the more I feel the tingles!

Bought myself a new BT cordless phone for £19:99 & it’s being delivered, amazon prime as they’re promoting AGAIN with 30 days free, today around 14:45 to 17:45 & it’s very convenient to see the drop by drop info of the driver as he makes his deliveries a bit closer to the time!

So, that’ll be me fully connected landline & mobile wise now & a worry off my mind!

Nose JUST the odd time when it’s block, right side, & no signs of sniffle heading south! In fact, I think I’m more or less over it? :confused:🙂

Uhm! :confused: Just had a though as I was about to press the button to post!

Now that my HR is back down I’ll try taking cetirizine again & see if it helps with the cold breath if it’s a kind of slight allergic reaction I feel that doesn’t restrict? 😉

Already taken my meds & tresiba & will take an allergy pill now. Can always stop it again if HR goes up too much: I’ll take 84 to 86!

It’s been quite nice to be able to breath through my nose now when breathing through my mouth during this prolonged sniffle! 🙂
7.7 for me.
I reduced basal 2 days ago bit but think i need to tweak some more. Been generally in the 7 and 8s waking/pre meals so will try in the middle of my old dose and current one.

I picked up my new air fryer last night from argos so now I need to do some rearranging as its a beast and takes up so much space. Then I need to work our how to actually cook with it but one step at a time :rofl:.

@Lanny let me know if its any good, I need to get a new cordless phone. I replaced the wired landline a few months ago but cordless is still on my list. We get such a crap signal inside my house on mobiles that it just isn't reliable enough to use them exclusively.
7.7 for me.
I reduced basal 2 days ago bit but think i need to tweak some more. Been generally in the 7 and 8s waking/pre meals so will try in the middle of my old dose and current one.

I picked up my new air fryer last night from argos so now I need to do some rearranging as its a beast and takes up so much space. Then I need to work our how to actually cook with it but one step at a time :rofl:.

@Lanny let me know if its any good, I need to get a new cordless phone. I replaced the wired landline a few months ago but cordless is still on my list. We get such a crap signal inside my house on mobiles that it just isn't reliable enough to use them exclusively.
We keep our Air Fryer in a cupboard when not in use.
Phone & new sim delivered 16:20 🙂

Landline plugged in but, not connected to phone line yet: needs to be charged for 16 hours; when I get up, after 0820, I’ll plug in the phone line which is still in the old phone!

Just tried calling O2 & they’re very busy so, it was a voice automated service only: couldn’t get the dratted system to get what I want & it kept saying say I need something else; I do but, it’s back to an unbreakable loop of asking what’s wrong! Will call back later!

I’ll wait a bit & see what this basic cordless phone is like & give you the details later to buy on Amazon @gll 🙂
A bit of a palaver there as I called back 4 times to that same loop on the voice activated service! Finally I said no I’m not calling about this number & then said yes to a lost sim or phone & they put me on a long wait for someone to speak to! 30 minutes later my call is answered it will take 4 to 24 hours to transfer the old number & everything is the same with the same All Calls tariff I was on! But, had to provide a lot of details about text message numbers I sent & received & my balance! Gave my nephew’s number & the hospital number for appointment reminders! Verified that & my numbers will be switched!

It’s not as big a bother as I feared it would be! 🙂

I will be mobile connected by tomorrow night at the latest! 🙂

Well done O2! :D