Group 7-day waking average?

A middle of the road 5.5 for me today! 🙂

On a wet and windy morning here it’s a 5.6 for me today. Looks it could be another day of rest.
6.7 with an upward sloping arrow and some obvious DP for me today although I managed to draw a straight line along the bottom of my range for some of the night having battled 9s with corrections before and as I went to bed, so very happy with that. I hit it with 3 units of Fiasp which was overkill but allowed me to scrump one of my neighbour's apples. next to the stables.... It just doesn't seem the same when he has given me an open invitation to "fill my boots" though 🙄 ..... I go every few days and collect the windfalls for the horses and select the best one for myself.... I've got apples myself here at home of course which I love the flavour and crispness of, but handy to have a carb source up at the yard too for when I am mucking out and he has one tree which is very similar to a Cox's... my absolute favourite apple as long as they are underripe. I don't remember a year for such a good apple crop.
Ian is absolutely loaded with cold which I suspect may be Covid (he won't do a test) so I am working on the principle that "an apple a day keeps the doctor (or hopefully Covid) away".... at least with the help of all the vaccines and boosters I have had.

Really sorry to hear you have a nasty infection @Michael12421 Hope you have emergency antibiotics to tackle it straight away and you feel better soon.
Morning all. A unicorn day yesterday, though struggled to stay out of hypo. Stayed in target overnight though needed 3 lots of JBs to stop lows, woke to a 4.4.
I suspect its the fact its school holidays.

Heavy rain here today. Roads are flooded and fast flowing. A day for staying in i think.
11.1 Had a movie night last night preceded by curry (homemade but quite ricey). Popcorn & maltesers and then 4 biscuits (oh and cake in the day). Need to put on my big girl pants and stop this downward spiral NOW. Cooking roast beef today and Mum coming over - that will be fine as it seems to be the evening that is the test for me. On another note we watched Where The Crawdags Sing last night (had to buy it on Prime Video). Loved it and it was very true to the book. Have a great Soggy Sunday everyone xxx
The other treat was Tosca at the ENO. Last minute booking. Second row, middle of the Dress Circle. Never seen it before or even heard it. Suffice to say I think this Puccini bloke might have a career in writing Opera but I’d give this story a happy ending.
I love Tosca!
There is a (probably apocryphal) story that does the rounds, that in one performance, the stage hands replaced the mattress that Tosca has to land on (when she hurls herself off the Castel S'Angelo) with a trampoline. Apparently the Diva involved made several reprises before she finally sank under the battlements.
6.7 with an upward sloping arrow and some obvious DP for me today although I managed to draw a straight line along the bottom of my range for some of the night having battled 9s with corrections before and as I went to bed, so very happy with that. I hit it with 3 units of Fiasp which was overkill but allowed me to scrump one of my neighbour's apples. next to the stables.... It just doesn't seem the same when he has given me an open invitation to "fill my boots" though 🙄 ..... I go every few days and collect the windfalls for the horses and select the best one for myself.... I've got apples myself here at home of course which I love the flavour and crispness of, but handy to have a carb source up at the yard too for when I am mucking out and he has one tree which is very similar to a Cox's... my absolute favourite apple as long as they are underripe. I don't remember a year for such a good apple crop.
Ian is absolutely loaded with cold which I suspect may be Covid (he won't do a test) so I am working on the principle that "an apple a day keeps the doctor (or hopefully Covid) away".... at least with the help of all the vaccines and boosters I have had.

Really sorry to hear you have a nasty infection @Michael12421 Hope you have emergency antibiotics to tackle it straight away and you feel better soon.
The apples this year are bonkers! Our trees’ branches have been nearly touching the ground with the weight of them! I’ve got one really delicious variety too. One of my dogs puts weight on every year at this time with all the apples and plums and unfortunately it always coincides with her annual check and weigh-in at the vets )
Good morning. Bad day yesterday, severe infection, mild hypo around dinner and 11.0 this morning.
Can I just ask roughly how often do you have a hypo as it seems to be very often.
It was 8.6 for me.
Can I just ask roughly how often do you have a hypo as it seems to be very often.
I have not counted but I think also that what some members call a hypo is not the same as my definition. If I am 4 or so in the morning that is normal for me and I get no weird syptoms. I have to be nearer 2 and even then sometimes I am fine.
It has been said many hundreds, if not thousands. of times that we are all different and I accept that as one of my differences. I do not like being high in the morning - this sets off the infection that I have at the moment.
6.3 this morning. Full eye test this afternoon to see what glasses are recommended and pick some out. It'll feel very weird wearing glasses when they are ready.... and youngest has already said it'll be weird seeing me with glasses...
I have not counted but I think also that what some members call a hypo is not the same as my definition. If I am 4 or so in the morning that is normal for me and I get no weird syptoms. I have to be nearer 2 and even then sometimes I am fine.
It has been said many hundreds, if not thousands. of times that we are all different and I accept that as one of my differences. I do not like being high in the morning - this sets off the infection that I have at the moment.
Just because you don't feel it. Doesn't mean it's a not a hypo. Anything below for 4 for people and insulin is condersided an hypo
awareness from what you posted but correct me if I'm wrong. It seems like you your going down the lines of thinking it betters to be low then high as long as you feel fine this is not case remember you have more time to react to high blood sugar than low blood sugar.
Morning all - quite a nice day today with blue sky and thin cloud, but forecast to rain this afternoon.

6.6 at 08:50, though I tested 9.9 at 4 am, probably due to the 3 JBs and 3/4 of a ginger cookie at bedtime as I was 4.2

Nothing much doing today apart from preparing the dinner. Roast chicken with cream cheese, tarragon and lemon rind stuffed under the skin, roast beetroot with fennel seed, green beans and new potatoes. Plus stewed plums - they've been sitting in the fruit bowl for 10 days and won't ripen. Hope to spend more time on the photobook as we made good progress yesterday and can at last see the light at the end of the tunnel.

@ColinUK so glad to hear the stick is helping!

@Michael12421 I hear what you say about feeling better when your numbers are low, but being at 2.0 without feeling bad merely means you are losing hypo awareness, it doesn't mean you are not hypo. Losing hypo awareness is very dangerous, especially for someone living alone.

Have a good day all.
Roast chicken with cream cheese, tarragon and lemon rind stuffed under the skin, roast beetroot with fennel seed, green beans and new potatoes. Plus stewed plums - they've been sitting in the fruit bowl for 10 days and won't ripen.
Sounds delicious!
Good morning. Up at 05.40. Did BG - 6.8. Fed dog, took drugs, and went firmly back to bed with a book. The day hasn't improved, the rain is still providing a fine imitation of a power shower.
Good thing Alex gave the lawn its final mow yesterday - I doubt he could get out in a hovercraft today. Equally good - Carla did a fine act as a domestic goddess so I genuinely haven't a thing to do except don the oilskins and fling a bit of food around the menagerie. Fortunately, I downloaded another couple of books on to kindle yesterday. I don't know how I would do without that convenient device as I am getting short of walls for hardbacks.
Have a good day whatever you are up to.
I love Tosca!
There is a (probably apocryphal) story that does the rounds, that in one performance, the stage hands replaced the mattress that Tosca has to land on (when she hurls herself off the Castel S'Angelo) with a trampoline. Apparently the Diva involved made several reprises before she finally sank under the battlements.
Last night she did the most over the top sideways dive from the ledge that I’ve ever seen. It made some of the audience titter somewhat!
Isn't that stick a bit short for a tall guy like you @ColinUK ?? :rofl:
I’ve shoved it in to a plant pot so it will grow. If it doesn’t then I do have these magic beans someone sold me once…
I love Tosca!
There is a (probably apocryphal) story that does the rounds, that in one performance, the stage hands replaced the mattress that Tosca has to land on (when she hurls herself off the Castel S'Angelo) with a trampoline. Apparently the Diva involved made several reprises before she finally sank under the battlements.
It was at the Vienna State Opera, the Tosca in question was soprano Ljuba Welitsch (‘not a small lady’) and the conductor was Herbert von Karajan (‘who was not at all amused’).

Another well known and true story is that at the Metropolitan Opera in New York the singer who was playing Rodolfo approached Mimi to sing Your tiny hand is frozen, shoved a hot sausage into her hand.
Good morning (just!), well it is a Sunday! 5.3 for me on getting up at 9am after the Libre alarm at 4.3 woke me 45 minutes earlier. I guess a little DP pushed it into a normal range. Somehow, despite not being able to wait for my breakfast and eating right after the bolus, I managed to not have a spike, just hitting 7.6 and now starting to drop slowly. Maybe D takes a break on a Sunday?

Looks to be rainy all day today, luckily our running around yesterday was all successful and done in good weather, so today will be a lazy indoors day apart from going out to meet my wife’s niece and partner tonight for drinks.

Hope everyone enjoys today!