Group 7-day waking average?

@ColinUK I am another one voting for top hat and tails and a silver topped cane and how about that pearl drop earring you were going to get?.... You could look a real "Dandy" ....... Or you could go the other way, tell the surgeons to whip it off, get an eye parch, crutch and parrot, still with the pearl drop earring of course and permanently play a swashbuckling pirate. I could see you looking equally fabulous and flambouyant in either circumstance. As others have said, it's a sports/road accident injury not old age. These things happen and thankfully we have the wonderful people within the NHS to fix them. A word of caution though.... particularly as this will involve limited mobility of your foot which needs to heal.... Maintaining good management of your BG is more important now than ever before. I know that will be difficult with all the other stress you are under but maybe find low carb comfort foods to binge on if necessary.
It was 4.8 for me this morning after a single JB to keep me out of the red an hour earlier.... Just caught it on 4.2!
I would have had another unicorn day yesterday but my Libre graph has another teeny, tiny speck of red on it and then just after midnight this morning I strayed very slightly into double figures so that has spoiled my chance for today. It was a late fish and chip supper shared with Ian to blame. Fish was nice but to be honest chips don't seem to do it for me anymore. I want things with more flavour now. It just felt like a waste of insulin and empty calories.
Wishing everyone well for the weekend. Some fine weather wouldn't go amiss. I have had to bring the GGs in to prevent them turning the field into a quagmire and they are not happy and therefore neither am I. Added to that, bird flu restrictions so chucks are confined to barracks and not happy either. When I skied I used to love the winter, now I have animals I find it really hard work.
I can’t find it: looked for it 3 times in 2 days & ordered a sim card on amazon with prepaid minutes & texts for £39:99. I’ve probably sent the tiny thing flying somewhere in my frantic searches as I had to remove all of the bedding off the bed first before pulling it out each time as it’s heavy enough with nothing on it but the fitted sheet! Nothing shows up my sheer exhaustion these days of fast breathing & heart rate than the bed: be it changing the bedding or dropping things down the wall side which I tend to leave unless it’s really important & I need it right away! I just pull it out every now & then, it’s been less often these last 2/3 years of covid, to pick things back up! I always sleep on the wall side & as a young child I went through a period of hitting the wall pretty hard: now I’ve trained myself, a long time ago, not to hit the wall & I’m always aware of where it is when asleep; it’s better than falling off the bed on the other side! And that happened , fell off the bed, fairly recently in the last 5 to 7 years ago? So, the bed NEEDS to be as flush to the wall as I can it go; it’s never completely flush as the mattress on top of the solid divan isn’t solid & movable, as it needs to be, & I keep dropping things!

Will order a new landline phone too as actually I’ve for a while now that the phone doesn’t hold a charge as long as it used to: I can’t remember how old it is?

I just can’t afford it all once & spread it out a bit especially with having budget a monthly top up with the new sim!
Good morning. 7.3

Looking at my numbers the last couple of weeks I’m running quite high overnight (testing when I frequently wake up or throughout because I’m awake); holding in the 7’s generally through to about 9am and then steadily falling down to the low 5’s.
I’m wondering if it isn’t my body trying to heal/cope with injury.
I know BG levels increase when fighting a virus etc but I’m wondering if it’s the same for muscular skeletal issues as well.

And thank you all for the support. This place, and you fine people, are truly remarkable. Thank you.
Good morning everyone

A bit tired this morning.

BG 4.7
BP 119/74
Pulse 56 (a bit low)

The thing I am pleased about this morning is that since starting to analyse omega 3 and 6 and trying to get the ratio to a more sensible level I have brought it all under control and this morning it is 1:2.3

Most days now it is closer to 1:3.5

Before I looked into this extra analysis (retrospectively looking at the data) the ratio was all over the place, always above 1:5 and often above 1:10 with some peaks above 1:25

The 'experts' say that it is important to get the ratio down for health reasons but I am not sure how the majority of mere mortals are supposed to see what their ratios are on a daily basis.


No plans for today so far...oh, trying to fix an old sustain pedal. A reasonably easy job made more complicated by my now poorer old age eyesight.

Bought a beautiful christmas angel light up decoration/night light for my daughters daughters up coming birthday. See pic.


Have a great day today whatever you are doing
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Good morning. 8'4 for me.

A bit of a rushed morning with COVID test and pregnancy test before a 6:30 am shift. I'm happy to report the COVID one is negative and I'd be even happier if the other was clearly negative as well, but I only got half of the control line, so I guess that's a invalid test? It was supposed to be a confirmation of a previous negative so I don't know if I should repeat or give my period an opportunity to show up. It used to be regular as a clock when I was younger and didn't have any reason to worry: from last year it's been chaotic and the contraceptive pills I'm taking can also stop it. I just hope they are doing their job, apart from getting on my nerves!

Sorry for the overshare, I needed a bit of a rant and it's not a subject I want to mention with my mum or friend with benefits :D
Good morning everyone, a close-but-no-cigar 5.3 this morning for me.

Got a day running around all over the place doing bits and pieces, so lunch will be on the hoof somewhere. Getting some good results taking the bolus before eating, but failed last night as I left too large a gap between bolus and eating dinner, resulting in a hypo of 2.9 just half an hour after my meal! But, of course, treating the hypo was probably wrong then as no sooner had I done that and the meal showed its effect, making me shoot up to 10.6 by bedtime. Oh well, not too bad. Today’s another day and another chance to tame BGs.

Have a great day everyone!
5.4 this morning have a good day everyone.
10.8. I had something to eat last night but then thought I was dropping a couple of hours latter so hada biscuit which a didn't need then then corrected a 10.6(which well it looks like it hasn't worked my have done becausee I didn't check a bit earlier this time was supposed to do but didn't wake up I may have also be raising at the time thinking back to how I felt.
seems like I got to set an alarm).
Morning all. 7.4 on this very wet but mild day.

Busy day, number 2 of 4 granddaughters’ birthday today, she is 10. We’re popping over this afternoon about 4ish for a cuppa and cake and exchange presents. Half hour drive to the middle of nowhere. Then we will drive in another direction to friends, also in the middle of nowhere and another half hour drive, for pre dinner drinks at 6pm. Local pub for dinner at 7.30, also in the middle of nowhere, and we’re staying over as a taxi ride is about £40! We’ve been told to bring wellies to walk the 1.5 miles home from the pub through the, probably sodden, fields! Sounds like a recipe for disaster! :rofl:

Have a great day. Hopefully, see you tomorrow! 😉
Morning all, a not too shabby 6.7, but did have to treat a 3.5 at 2am. Yesterday was a day of firefighting, canapés, sit down meal at 3.30 lasting til 5.30, several more drinks at the evening do, but I couldn’t face any more food. I kept shoving small amounts of novorapid in at regular intervals, but hovered around 11.0 all day, then about 8 hours after my last dose of novo, I crashed to the 3s!
5.8 for me today. 🙂
A Sainsbury's delivery and more rain to look forward to.

Good morning - BG 5.8. Lovely blue sky replacing yesterday's wind and rain. Glad the weather has lifted as my mood has plummeted on hearing so many people want Boris Johnson back. Unless it is just media frenzy, I fear that the overall UK IQ is lower than that of a radish. Enough about vegetables, elected or not, I need to attack the polytunnel where the Chinese greens and watercress are out of control and trying to swamp the lettuce.

Have a good day all.
Good morning - BG 5.8. Lovely blue sky replacing yesterday's wind and rain. Glad the weather has lifted as my mood has plummeted on hearing so many people want Boris Johnson back. Unless it is just media frenzy, I fear that the overall UK IQ is lower than that of a radish. Enough about vegetables, elected or not, I need to attack the polytunnel where the Chinese greens and watercress are out of control and trying to swamp the lettuce.

Have a good day all.
I hadn’t thought about the radish! Might be better than the lettuce!
Morning all. 7.4 on this very wet but mild day.

Busy day, number 2 of 4 granddaughters’ birthday today, she is 10. We’re popping over this afternoon about 4ish for a cuppa and cake and exchange presents. Half hour drive to the middle of nowhere. Then we will drive in another direction to friends, also in the middle of nowhere and another half hour drive, for pre dinner drinks at 6pm. Local pub for dinner at 7.30, also in the middle of nowhere, and we’re staying over as a taxi ride is about £40! We’ve been told to bring wellies to walk the 1.5 miles home from the pub through the, probably sodden, fields! Sounds like a recipe for disaster! :rofl:

Have a great day. Hopefully, see you tomorrow! 😉
Sounds a lovely day! We have a local pub about 1.5 miles away over fields, it feels so good to walk there and back afterwards, although the cows sometimes give us funny looks when we walk back home through their field!
Morning - 9.2 here today. I've seriously got to reign in my sugar intake again. I'm not sure what's happened to my mindset. My morning BG went up when I had the week off Metformin and then took a while to get better whilst slowly introducing the modified release but I've fallen back into my old ways with way too much sugar in the evenings. I need someone to kick me up the backside but realise that actually has to be me. I was comfortably having morning readings of between 5 and 6 and now it's nearly always over 8 and often in the 9s. I know I don't want to start using insulin any time soon so not sure why I'm self sabotaging myself. I'm not eating like a diabetic and have gone back to having 3 biscuits at tea time and then a mini magnum after supper and then even some chocolate (not the sensible dark stuff) and an orange, and even then some crisps and cheese. Any wise (and slightly encouraging) words would be very gratefully received. I am probably subconsciously doing it because I'm so miffed that I haven't been able to go on our long awaited trip to see the gorillas in Uganda. My husband and our two friends will be arriving any minute and I am feeling sorry for myself. But I've got my daughter and her boyfriend home for the weekend which is lovely and we will have a really nice time. Have a good Saturday everyone xxx