Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning. Had a splendid night's sleep and a BG of 5.3.

A domestic day yesterday defrosting and re-stocking the freezers, catching up on laundry etc. The wind was extremely strong so, despite sunshine, was forced to tumble dry - sorry planet. Mr Wolf thoroughly appreciated my efforts as he had out of date chicken for dinner. Kept an ear on the political news which prevented boredom - better than The Goon Show so long as one doesn't consider the potential repercussions.

Wishing everyone a good day.
Good morning all. 🙂 Still haven't located the strips, I know for a fact I put them in one of the yellow drawers.

Horrendous night, but at least got some sleep, just woke at 3 with the thudding keeping me awake a while. The increased Bisoprolol mustn't have kicked in yet and the chemist won't let me have the new lot till I show her my meds in case I take too much and stop my heart, so from one extreme to the other. Fed up isn't in it. Watched fave Doc Martin last night and that poor lady arrested on the beach and they said had tachycardia like me and that she'd been on antibiotics and that might have caused it. What the frilly heck? I've had three lots of antibiotics this year for that dastardly cough and three lots of x rays. I wouldn't have touched them if I'd known they can cause heart problems as I've got enough already. 😡
Morning. 5.6 for me, and a phone call from the garage to say the part for my car didn't arrive on the main morning delivery so they won't get it till about 11 and therefore it'll be lunchtime-ish when I'll be able to get my car. So got the courtesy car a little longer, not that I'll be driving it more because of having it an extra couple of hours as I'm working from home this morning since work is in the opposite direction of the garage and I'm on call so no visits to do. I'll probably go into the office once I have my car as collecting kids from school today (youngest wants to do after school club, so will miss the school bus, and not much point to eldest travelling back by public transport to then be picked up and go straight back to pick youngest up... we will go to a cafe instead and have a drink. I'm not keen on their coffee so will have a tea!)
Morning all and a wide of the mark 7.9 for me. Was 4.1 at bed time so had a couple of precautionary glucose tabs. Hey ho such is life.

A trip to IKEA on the cards today. Meat balls could well be on the menu.

Have a good day everyone.
9.5 this morning. Body doing its usual randomness.

Nurse (GPs) just off the phone with the blood results from 2 weeks ago and infection/inflammation markers gone up. Had results printed out yesterday when I was in so can see the increases have been going on over the last year. More blood tests in 2 weeks.
Morning all. What a glorious day with clear blue skies... this was not forecast. In our little "sea glimpse" I can see people kite surfing!

4.2 this morning at 08:30. Surprising as I had pizza last night - a rare occurrence and only 2 slices, but I did do a 1u correction at bedtime.

Some friends of ours own the Deli in a harbour village down the coast. They are doing "Pie night" tonight, so we are off on the bus late afternoon to have steak and kidney pies. It's a really nice bus ride as there's so much to see from the top deck and it means we can both have a glass of wine.

@eggyg you've made me realise our next booked holiday is 8 months away. Will have to do something about that, assuming fuel costs don't go up any more and in the unlikely event Liz Truss doesn't change her mind about the predicted rise in pensions.

@freesia glad to see things are improving a little.
Nurse (GPs) just off the phone with the blood results from 2 weeks ago and infection/inflammation markers gone up. Had results printed out yesterday when I was in so can see the increases have been going on over the last year. More blood tests in 2 weeks.
Just wondering what your inflammation is indicating? I had the tests for inflammation re: Polymyalgia and the GP said that the markers were low, doesn't stop my shoulders being extremely sore... but now they're more worried about low sodium.

Have a good day all....
Ooooooh, where to next?
Off to Ambleside beginning of December for a week’s walking and, weather permitting, Wainwright bagging. Booked a lovely studio apartment in an old house through Lakeland Cottages, we had a lovely cottage through them last year in Hawkshead and it was beautiful. All antique furniture and a dishwasher! It was decorated for Christmas too and the Lake District is fab at that time of year. It’s our new tradition instead of buying each other “stuff” that we don’t need for the sake of it.
We’re talking about our next years holidays at the moment. We might do another road trip like we did three years ago. France, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Holland and Belguim but in reverse this time and different places.
Just wondering what your inflammation is indicating? I had the tests for inflammation re: Polymyalgia and the GP said that the markers were low, doesn't stop my shoulders being extremely sore... but now they're more worried about low sodium.
The only clear issues I have are fluid in my legs (mainly lower legs) and psoriasis flair ups (and the low level crap in-between them). (both pre diagnosis with diabetes by a year or two)
Cardio have cleared me for anything CV related for the fluid.
Kidney function was yesterday so will see what that kicks back. egfr has been just below the line of normal for the last year and unchanged and creatine flagged on the last one (not yesterdays - waiting on results there) but that can happen when on water tablets.
I get bg fixed and other parts of me start to fall apart :rofl:
I was happily on the 4.2 step with Patti earlier. I had a last minute 1 unit correction after I got into bed and then a gentle glide down to the bottom of my range although if I could have been bothered to finger prick it was probably low 5s. My Libre says I missed a Unicorn day by a whisker yesterday as there is the teensiest spot of red on my graph which I tested and was actually 4.2 so not unhappy about that, but I have reduced my daytime Levemir by 2 units this morning as I want to do more exercise today. The 22/2 doses the last few days has been perfect aside from needing a little correction or two in the middle of the day so this may well upset the apple cart but where is the challenge in keeping things the same...
I will no doubt be cursing myself tomorrow when my levels go pear or more likely Himalayan shaped!!

For those interested in Strictly.... Vincent's show last night was brilliant if rather sensual/raunchy.... but then tango is wild and full of passion. Vincent himself was on top form, looking very fit and a little slimmer I think than the last time I saw him. Same cheeky/cocky persona that makes him so lovable. He was working with 6 other very talented young people including a young lady who danced at a high level, sang several solos in Spanish and played the violin virtuoso. Very impressive. Had fab seats which my sister had booked and then sadly couldn't go because she is still testing positive for Covid, so my lovely neighbour got to fill in for her again. Great night and loved the venue at the Custom's House.

9.something for me

Bruce was in Tesco last night picking up a few bits for tea so said he should look there for a microwave, he took pics of what they had and we've decided on the nice Breville one they have at £64 xx
A bit late today but my BG was 5.4 at 8.45 this morning.
Off to Ambleside beginning of December for a week’s walking and, weather permitting, Wainwright bagging. Booked a lovely studio apartment in an old house through Lakeland Cottages, we had a lovely cottage through them last year in Hawkshead and it was beautiful. All antique furniture and a dishwasher! It was decorated for Christmas too and the Lake District is fab at that time of year. It’s our new tradition instead of buying each other “stuff” that we don’t need for the sake of it.
We’re talking about our next years holidays at the moment. We might do another road trip like we did three years ago. France, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Holland and Belguim but in reverse this time and different places.
A driving holiday in reverse takes some doing. And doesn’t Mr Eggy get a crick in his neck looking over his shoulder the whole time or does he just use the mirror?
Good morning everyone

BG 4.6
BP 118/74
Pulse 64

All good

It was a good day yesterday 🙂

OMG PM has resigned. Why do so many politicians seem to be so destructive and negative causing resignations and a faultering economy/country. If we could somehow all pull together and be a positve force maybe we could rescue our country. It seems a bit of a mess right now.

Have a good day today whatever you are doing
Good morning. Here follows a venting/stream of consciousness.

A whopping 12.8 this morning.

I’m putting that down to having my ankle poked and prodded quite a bit yesterday as they continue to investigate why it’s not healing properly.
Ultrasound yesterday revealed that my ankle isn’t pregnant but the tendons are buggered quite badly.
They reckon that the tendons were damaged years ago and doing the half marathon damaged them further as did getting knocked off the bike and the awkward landing.

Ended up with three medicos in the room as each sought a more senior/experienced opinion as to the state of things.
According to the ultrasound the tensions are barely attached. They think there are three fibres connected but the rest are not.
I’m now being referred urgently to UCH for MRI and further investigation and will be under a surgical team who will determine what to do and when to do it.

Apparently this is now a complex tendon reconstruction operation.

In all my 55 years I’ve never had any hospital surgery so I’m wrestling with concepts of aging and my own mortality etc (which I accept is a bit over dramatic).

I trust the medics and I’m sure I’ll trust the surgical team however my mind is going to “What if they bugger the (highly likely) operation up and things are worse?”
Then I accept that at the moment I find walking exhausting because I’m not able to flex my ankle/foot naturally and wonder how much worse it can be.

I looked at walking sticks online last night as well. I’m wondering if a stick might help with balance and reducing pain etc immediately whilst I’m waiting for whatever happens next. But I’m resistant because it’s only old people who use a walking stock and I’m not old.

If I did get one then it would be a stylish one. Possibly silver handled or beautifully carved hardwood. I can’t imagine borrowing a “standard” one from the folks.

The added stress all this has caused, alongside my therapist being ill and cancelling all appointments for a month, advancements with the oh-so-slow legal case now getting towards the sharp end and the other side deliberately running up costs in order to frighten us with the prospect of facing seven figure costs if we loose, and I’ve found it tough to cope.

My Go To response has been to overeat. Not anywhere near the extent it used to be but still to the point where it’s not supportive of a healthy me.

In response to that I’ve started to attend Overeaters Anonymous (OA) meetings.
I’m not sure whether long term they’re for me or not tbh but they’re giving me something I need right now and that’s enough of a reason to continue going.

All of this, coupled with a maximum of three hours sleep a night, is why I’ve been a little quiet on here recently.

I’ve not mentioned any of this on wider social media but know I can do so here in a supportive and non-judgemental forum which I’m truly grateful to be a member of.

I’m not sure if there’s anything I want or need or hope to get by posting this here other than the release of sharing it all.

Thank you.
Not getting up yet but woke up so checked. It's 5.4