Group 7-day waking average?

Well this hasn't happened for a while 12.2 but could be dawn phermom as had been moving around for a bit I kind of ermed at aged weather to do a correrrection but ended up did so probably need to monitor it. Yesterday evening I ended up having my 5th hypo of the week only 3.8 which I somehow managed to over treet with lift tablets so I managed to over treet with lift tablets(somehow eat more then I thought I was) then there later one I managed to make the silly mistake of injecting Novo rapid instead of Livermore my blood sugar was 13.7 at the the time so I did decide to accord for a small correction. Which I know worked because it's 8 at just before 1.

So I think I'm going to change my evening raditio back and then get some background tests done when I can. (Sometimes it's reverted back before I had the chance)
Just to say the acdenttial dose of novorapid wasn't a complete dicester because there was a choloclate twist in the kitchen that needed eating
Afternoon all - another hot one with a translucent blue sky overhead.

6.8, but that was an hour after waking as my sensor ran out at 2am and I didn't activate the new one until I woke even though I applied it yesterday.

Had a super time yesterday at the Gin and Jazz. 8 hours passed in a flash, with good food, good company and a fab atmosphere. Decided on a lazy day today....

Congrats @Gwynn on the HS.
@gll and @Lucyr enjoy your lunch.
Thanks all, enjoyed our lunch. It’s so hot in Scotland though! Bit on the low side for driving so just bumping up the levels with an ice cream before continuing the drive. Also saw a libre in the wild.
Thanks all, enjoyed our lunch. It’s so hot in Scotland though! Bit on the low side for driving so just bumping up the levels with an ice cream before continuing the drive. Also saw a libre in the wild.
You sneaked off for ice cream? 😱 actually probably better we were away because it could have gone badly :rofl:
Was lovely to sit and chill out face to face vs over messenger 🙂
Home and finally cooling off :D
After a bad night, this flat really retains the heat (over insulated), woke to a pleasing 5.7. Other stats were 115/67 (although 137/65 when I transferred out of bed), 54, BPM and 100% O2. Didn't do temperature as I felt really hot. Maybe DF has gone north to cool off!
Good morning sunshine Sunday 7.1 for me today

congrats on the HS @Gwynn
another lazy Sunday for me (a good excuse to try and keep weight off foot ulcer anyway) it’s still not 100% healed up quite frightening really - lesson learnt (on foot care)

Grand Prix on TV this afternoon, I’m thinking it probably won’t be as exciting as last Sunday

have a great day everybody 😎

Thinking it was even more exciting. Happy to see Mick Schumacher get his best ever finish after all the pressure the family name brings.
You sneaked off for ice cream? 😱 actually probably better we were away because it could have gone badly :rofl:
Was lovely to sit and chill out face to face vs over messenger 🙂
Home and finally cooling off :D
Was 4.x and sister had digested lunch enough to fit in an ice cream by then :rofl:, seemed to raise bg quickly but dropped back to 4.2 not long after. Perhaps meeting up cured my diabetes?:rofl:
Was 4.x and sister had digested lunch enough to fit in an ice cream by then :rofl:, seemed to raise bg quickly but dropped back to 4.2 not long after. Perhaps meeting up cured my diabetes?:rofl:
nahhh i snuck in some magic cinnamon as they said they would cure your diabetes today, you're welcome!!! :rofl:
(just to be clear I would never mess with anyone's food, I am 100% kidding)

Maybe DF has gone north to cool off!
nooo take it back right now (also its not too cool up here either)
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After a bad night, this flat really retains the heat (over insulated), woke to a pleasing 5.7. Other stats were 115/67 (although 137/65 when I transferred out of bed), 54, BPM and 100% O2. Didn't do temperature as I felt really hot. Maybe DF has gone north to cool off!
Poor you @MikeyBikey. You’d think all that insulation’d keep the heat out in summer.
Good morning everyone. Dark at 4am this morning.

BG 5.1 another tease.
BP 115/74 excellent
Pulse 60 bob on

BP and pulse seem to have corrected themselves since I started taking potassium and magnesium supplements. I was getting a bit concerned of my pulse being mostly in the low 50's and dropping to the mid 40's...and so was the doctor). I seem to have more energy too.

I managed to get out for 2 walks yesterday, chasing off the tail end of this cold virus. 167 minutes. Felt better for it too. The beach was pretty much packed.

Blood tests have been booked for the end of this month, trying to avoid the virus affecting the results. Not quite sure what to expect regarding HbA1c. I think it may be slightly raised.

Is it possible to become 'not diabetic', and if so how and how would you prove it. Or am I stuck with the diagnosis for life? Not that I am complaining. I have a much better way of living now and understand so much more than I did.

Plans for today, er, none, bar exercise.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing.
Yikes @Michael12421 that is very low. I seem to recall you being very low before. I hope you get it sorted quickly. As I have said before type 1's do seem to have a tough time of it.
Morning all. 12.0 for me. Its going to be very hot in the classroom today!!
@Michael12421 get those fast acting carbs down you quickly.
@Gwynn as i undedstand it, you can only put it into remission, though i may be wrong.
Have a good day everybody. Stay cool!
Good morning - 5.1