Group 7-day waking average?

:rofl: i shall make the most of the nice temperature today. Tomorrow and Monday are supposed to be 28° and 32° here too. Its going to be horrible in the classroom on Monday with that heat!
Up north we are reaching the dizzy heights of 22/23 on Monday! As a cross bred English rose/ Celt, I don’t do heat! I like it pleasant and in the shade! I couldn’t cope working in that sort of heat.

9.0 for me today xx
I am very late posting this morning, busy finalising an update to my App. Almost completed now.

Good morning everyone.

BG 5.5 fine
BP 119/74 fine
Pulse 60 (way high for me !!!!) Fine
Cold....lingering. not fine but improved

Today, mostly rest and recovery

Have a great day today whatever you are swealtering through

Just thought you might like (or not) one of my created photograph images, entitled, 'Safe and Secure'

_DSC0325 H.jpg
A nice round 5 for me today. 🙂

Good morning - 5.3
I couldn’t cope working in that sort of heat.
It's not nice. We have all the doors and windows open but theres just no air. Everyone gets too hot and sticky and irritable, then i have to get in a boiling hot car to drive home! The air conditioning in the car doesn't cool it down enough in the 15min drive home so usually a cool shower is needed.

I do love the warmth and sunshine but if the temperature hits the 30s its just too much.
Woke on a 7.0

I’m taking insulatard overnight insulin again for this pregnancy. I’ve gone up to 6 units as it’s not bringing me down. But even that isn’t doing the trick it seems. I was only ever on 4 when I was expecting Eris but then my levels were very, very good generally anyway. I’m just desperate to get those levels down to the 5s sooner rather than later.

Hate living in a ball of anxiety over pregnancy and baby’s health in there.
I don't understand Winchester. Ii's regular tonic, no other will do.

In the eighties there was a TV series called Minder. It featured a dodgy wheeler dealer called Arthur who had a Minder called Terry. Arthur's favourite drinking place was the Winchester Club where he used to say "Gin and slim please Dave". It probably means nothing to those under 30/40 now. I have to admit I enjoyed TV more then than the current general rubbish churned out these days!
Good morning - 5.4.
Yesterday was a bit hot for attacking brambles and overgrown grass but managed to get quite a bit done and had the pleasure of watching Taras, my male Ukrainian guest, volunteering to do more in the evening and making rather a good job of it. Its only an area of about half an acre but the slope makes it hard work. Yippee - I've found something he likes volunteering to help with and he was quite justifiably proud of himself.
Also on the plus side I rediscovered my capacity to sprint - cutting away industriously when a sudden cloud of insects arose accompanied by a vicious pain in face and neck - I accelerated away, flinging my tool aside, leaving my assailants 50 m to the rear at Olympic speed. Must have been wasps not bees as no stings left in the two sites they did get and the swelling is down this morning. Rather chuffed no angina afterwards but planning to leave that bramble patch until last and then burn it.
Quite chilly and grey this morning with heavy cloud and brisk breeze until 09.30 but sun has now burnt through and temperature is rising like an over yeasted loaf. The Uks are off to the seaside with packed lunches and sun cream - they are planning on Llangrannog , which will be heaving, so I've pointed out Penbryn Beach - next door and too big to fill up. About 1k of sand down which I used to gallop my horses and then cool legs in the surf: lovely.
Have a great day everyone, keep hydrated, and enjoy all that free vitamin D.
Morning all.
Since my sleep is all over the place, I never know what my waking is. 17 id you go by me waking up at 2am (slept from 7am) and about 14 if you go by 6am when last nights dinner finally seems to have been done with and I saw a drop.

3-4 days to see if they will give me some short acting and I'm getting nervous they will put it off.
Cant wait until I can just say my bg is decent in here and have nothing/little to moan about :rofl:
Morning all and just a tad under the magic number with a 5.1

Ok so blood sugar dropped again after breakfast
I'm thinking that with the warmer weather a pre bolus not required at the moment. Let's give it a (later) shot tomorrow and see what happens.

Have a good day everyone.
In the eighties there was a TV series called Minder. It featured a dodgy wheeler dealer called Arthur who had a Minder called Terry. Arthur's favourite drinking place was the Winchester Club where he used to say "Gin and slim please Dave". It probably means nothing to those under 30/40 now. I have to admit I enjoyed TV more then than the current general rubbish churned out these days!
Thank you
What a beautiful day! Forecast 22c but there is a pleasant breeze cooling everything down to manageable levels, though our garden will be a hotspot as it is so sheltered and gets full sun most of the day.

7.4 at 9:15 - didn't go to bed until nearly 2 am as watching "Just another episode" of Sherwood. Within an hour of waking I had dropped to 5.4, where it's stabilised - the heat perhaps as it was hot in the house.

Looking forward to Gin and Jazz at the local this afternoon. I shall give the gin a miss but the 2 groups playing are fantastic & lots of our friends are going.

@gll good luck with getting a proper insulin regime sooner rather than later!
@Bloden HUGS hope the BGs settle and you get your basal sorted.
@MikeyBikey I remember "Minder" well. I was half in love with Terry (aka Dennis Waterman)
@TinaD I don't know where you find the energy to do all that work!

@everyone else...wishing you great BGs, have a good day!

6.8 this morning, been for a walk to local shops (small Tesco), temperature definitely more pleasant at about 22, and a bit of cloud cover.

Have a great day everyone, I have housework.
What a beautiful day! Forecast 22c but there is a pleasant breeze cooling everything down to manageable levels, though our garden will be a hotspot as it is so sheltered and gets full sun most of the day.

7.4 at 9:15 - didn't go to bed until nearly 2 am as watching "Just another episode" of Sherwood. Within an hour of waking I had dropped to 5.4, where it's stabilised - the heat perhaps as it was hot in the house.

Looking forward to Gin and Jazz at the local this afternoon. I shall give the gin a miss but the 2 groups playing are fantastic & lots of our friends are going.

@gll good luck with getting a proper insulin regime sooner rather than later!
@Bloden HUGS hope the BGs settle and you get your basal sorted.
@MikeyBikey I remember "Minder" well. I was half in love with Terry (aka Dennis Waterman)
@TinaD I don't know where you find the energy to do all that work!

@everyone else...wishing you great BGs, have a good day!

I was in love firstly with
Angharad Rees
in Poldark,
secondly  with
Catherine Bach in The Dukes of Hazzard and
thirdly with Erika Eleniak in Bay watch!
@MikeyBikey I remember "Minder" well. I was half in love with Terry (aka Dennis Waterman)
During the first lockdown we watched the entire series (on BritBox I think)
I loved the Arthur Daley little savings like:-
Nice little earner
He's an invertebrate liar
'Er indoors
The world is my lobster
I am very late posting this morning, busy finalising an update to my App. Almost completed now.

Good morning everyone.

BG 5.5 fine
BP 119/74 fine
Pulse 60 (way high for me !!!!) Fine
Cold....lingering. not fine but improved

Today, mostly rest and recovery

Have a great day today whatever you are swealtering through

Just thought you might like (or not) one of my created photograph images, entitled, 'Safe and Secure'

View attachment 21434
I don't think I actually went to bed last night, so there is no waking figure. I've been in range since midnight, so I'm happy with that.

@Gwynn, we have dragons in Yorkshire too.