Group 7-day waking average?

5.8 today for me. 🙂
And it's back to dull and overcast skies again.


10.something here xx

Now if only I can get that big figure down one….
Good morning everyone.

My cold is still mithering me but I am on the mend and now my wife has got it too.

It was our 200000 wedding anniversary yesterday. I cooked a nice mixed grill for tea. See pic at bottom. Fillet steak, lamb steak, pork chop. Tomato, corn, mushrooms. Nice

BG this morning a teasing 5.1 which is pretty good considering I have a cold.

Plans for today, er.....

Have a great day today whatever you are doing

Mixed Grill Special 1b.jpg
Good morning, blue sky to the horizon, overnight heavy dew drying out, looks like a scorcher. FBG 5.9. Curtains drawn against sun. Working on the great bank clearance today having built myself a fine style yesterday to avoid the painful process of fence climbing. Hope everyone enjoying the summer and that it lasts more than 2 or 3 days.
7.4. managed a hypo free day yesterday after a changeling couple of days only just though took a little bit of my tea to count from fact I had just come in from walkiling clearly not enough though but so as just under 2 hours letter I was at 4 so grabed some lift tablets and 15 minutes later it had only come up to 4.9 either I should have taken more of my diner(because I'm really it was only a tiny it because it the callecations came to 3.3 and instead of doing 3.5 I did 3) or I need to change my evening radio back. Might need to some background tests when I can next week(I say next week as there might be some that interferes with the results this week)
7.4. managed a hypo free day yesterday after a changeling couple of days only just though took a little bit of my tea to count from fact I had just come in from walkiling clearly not enough though but so as just under 2 hours letter I was at 4 so grabed some lift tablets and 15 minutes later it had only come up to 4.9 either I should have taken more of my diner(because I'm really it was only a tiny it because it the callecations came to 3.3 and instead of doing 3.5 I did 3) or I need to change my evening radio back. Might need to some background tests when I can next week(I say next week as there might be some that interferes with the results this week)
Also If just another thought if my issues are some kind of food intolerance it could explain some randomness I get sometimes because if the food doesn't digest probery then some of it might not get into my blood stream.
Morning all. 11.8 on scan which means 13-15 ish on fingers, little point in verifying unless I'm low while I have very few options of dealing with it.

Anyway today I need to go pick up the balance of a prescription (needles) and pickup insulin which I'm not thrilled about. DSN appointment is on Tuesday and I have enough here to do me until end of day Wednesday.
I am assuming even if DSN greenlights the change of insulins, it will need approval further up and then emails sent and scripts issued via GPs and then making sure chemist has whatever in stock.
I think its better to just get the script so nothing is urgently needing arranged next week. Still I hate the thought of 4 out of 5 pens going to waste if changes happen.

Need to get myself moving as I'm on go slow today and haven't made it out of PJs yet 😛

Have a great day everyone x
Good morning - 5.7

Inset day today for my school so could sleep in. My alarm didn’t go off and went straight to snooze so that’s odd and worrying as I have to be up early tomorrow
Good morning everyone.

My cold is still mithering me but I am on the mend and now my wife has got it too.

It was our 200000 wedding anniversary yesterday. I cooked a nice mixed grill for tea. See pic at bottom. Fillet steak, lamb steak, pork chop. Tomato, corn, mushrooms. Nice

BG this morning a teasing 5.1 which is pretty good considering I have a cold.

Plans for today, er.....

Have a great day today whatever you are doing

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Happy Mixed Grill Anniversary!
Morning all

A disappointing 7.1 this morning at 8.30. At 9 am it had dropped to 6.4. I had to correct with a Dextrose and a stem ginger cookie at 1am so probably that.

Absolutely glorious day... had intended to clean downstairs today but may put that off and enjoy the sun! I have a house of two halves.... sparkling clean upstairs and thick with dust down!

Autoglass finally coming today to permanently repair the back window of the car following the break in that was more than 2 weeks ago. Then we still have to sort out the dent in the door.

@Gwynn what is a 200000 anniversary? Are you both immortal? Or just time travellers?

@goodybags Congrats on your HS

@eggyg you deserve a big STAR for completing that walk!

Morning all and s perfectly reasonable 5.5 for me, but despite usual breakfast and usual insulin dropped to 3.3. I suppose it keeps me interested
Wouldn't want this D lark to get boring.

Have a good day everyone.
Good morning everyone.

My cold is still mithering me but I am on the mend and now my wife has got it too.

It was our 200000 wedding anniversary yesterday. I cooked a nice mixed grill for tea. See pic at bottom. Fillet steak, lamb steak, pork chop. Tomato, corn, mushrooms. Nice

BG this morning a teasing 5.1 which is pretty good considering I have a cold.

Plans for today, er.....

Have a great day today whatever you are doing

View attachment 21427
Looks yummy but you deserve it after being married for 200,000 years. Or does it just feel that long? 😛
Good morning folks. My levels are still playing havoc with me, so I find it hard to believe DF got on a plane down to London @MikeyBikey. 9.2 when I first woke up at 7.30am despite a 4u Fiasp correction last night at bedtime for a 11.3 with a vertical upward arrow which I thought was probably overkill, but clearly not enough. Only had chilli with some cheese coleslaw (no rice or tattie) followed by 2 multigrain crackers with some cheese for evening meal and gave it 2 units for the chilli and then another 2 units later when the protein and kidney beans started to release. I had even been out for a 4 mile very brisk walk/ jog with the horses in the scorching heat of the afternoon which should have taken me down overnight but obviously didn't. Starting to wonder if insulin is degrading. My Fiasp is getting to the very end of the cartridge and will be over 30 days now, so perhaps that is it.

Anyway, congrats to @goodybags on your House Special this morning. Nice to know that some people are managing their levels well..... gives the rest of us hope! 🙄
She's an expert at bilocation. She was definitely here earlier in the week when she was obv also with you and with @freesia .(Can you have trilocation or even quadrilocation?)
wait i thought shes been with me the last few days maybe she can be in muttples places at at once or theres more then one! :rofl: