Group 7-day waking average?


Tough day yesterday. I was reeling from therapy the day before basically so I ate. Amongst other things I ate 900ml of ice cream.

It’s all part of the process of dealing with the trauma.
I also walked 8km through the parks and ordered some books on dealing with sexual trauma.

And today I woke up and scored an ok BG figure. Both things I’m grateful for.
Morning…a ridiculous 13 for me this morning. 3am shot up…who knows…not me….has taken a while to come down this morning. I did have a hospital appt at 8, but wasn’t aware I was stressed about this :confused:

@freesia glad to see you woke to a good number…no doubt you’ll have lovely numbers for a while now and it’ll be one of those things you’ll put down to the “who knows”… I hope so anyway. It is exhausting.

So I’m off up the M3 to the big metropolis today for a weekend with our daughter…vague plans for pottering around London…a few gardens to look at maybe and who knows maybe a little bit of shopping…I think whatever we do will be with an eye on the forecasted 26c …so possibly more leisurely walks and gardens…will be taking my little book re hidden London, I’m looking forward to it whatever we do.

Have lovely days and good numbers everyone.

Tough day yesterday. I was reeling from therapy the day before basically so I ate. Amongst other things I ate 900ml of ice cream.

It’s all part of the process of dealing with the trauma.
I also walked 8km through the parks and ordered some books on dealing with sexual trauma.

And today I woke up and scored an ok BG figure. Both things I’m grateful for.
Sounds like a difficult day yesterday…I hope you have a better day today Colin x
6.3 this morning! That's better!

@ColinUK hope you are feeling better today. Take care of yourself! HUGS.

@freesia looks like things are a little better, hope it lasts. Sympathies to @Lisa66 too.

Grey and windy this morning after a lovely afternoon and evening yesterday. Nothing much planned except some long overdue housework.

8.something today xx
Morning )well just about)

6.2 on waking so pleased with that, however 2 cups of coffee (sonly small cups as it is from a pod) later it was 9.1, so guessing that is the caffeine and may be the stresses of work. But at least the waking figure is improving.
Slow start for me this morning. Libre said 3.5 and in the red for quite some time, finger prick 4.7 so not concerned. I hypoed last night (early hours actually when we got back from Michael Buble concert) which was no doubt due to 2+hours of dancing 🙄 I reduced my basal but clearly not enough. Had another whopper hypo this morning as my reduced Fiasp dose for breakfast kicked in much quicker than usual. Not just lips and tongue tingling but whole throat (not had that before) and still is despite being mid 6s now. It is fading though thankfully. At least I know the reason is for my BG chaos. I really feel for you guys...@freesia @Lisa66 and @MikeyBikey who are battling erratic levels without a cause. So frustrating!
Felt a bit knackered after 2 hours strimming so had a quick lunch of cheese/ham/salad and a few ryevita thins. Rather hoped that there would be scope for a sneaky ice cream cone but at 10.9 I fear not. Pity. Happy thought whilst massacring the weeds: what is the best keto recipe for greased piglet?
Felt a bit knackered after 2 hours strimming so had a quick lunch of cheese/ham/salad and a few ryevita thins. Rather hoped that there would be scope for a sneaky ice cream cone but at 10.9 I fear not. Pity. Happy thought whilst massacring the weeds: what is the best keto recipe for greased piglet?
If it is as hot out there as it is here, your levels might be high due to dehydration or exertion. I find it surprising how quickly a large glass of water can drop my levels on a hot day.
@eggyg i hope you enjoyed your walk and the weather stayed kind. Its very warm down here atm

@Lisa66 thats about when the DF left me so she obviously came to you..sorry. Have a lovely weekend in London with your daughter.

@ColinUK i hope things are better for you today.
Good morning here goes a nice surprise today
Have a great day everybody 😎


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Morning all. 8.3 and a better day/night yesterday, only needing one correction. Very glad its Friday.

Congrats on the HS @goodybags
Morning all. 7.1 today which I’m very pleased with as had fish and chips last night and had a very conservative bolus with them.

Yesterday, apart from finishing the walk, I had three aims; don’t get sunburnt, don’t get bitten and don’t have any hypos. I’m pleased to report my mission was successful. :D Slathered in insect repellent and factor 20, and powered by Kendal Mint Cake I made it to the finishing line, exhausted and aching from head to foot. It’s a miracle! It was a tough walk as it turned out the sunny intervals forecast from 2pm were full sun from 11am! It was red hot and hard going, lots of farmland walking, long grass, thistles, nettles and big stones. Lots of very overgrown paths. Poor Mr Eggy had shorts on and got stung a few times. The other good news though is I feel fine today which I wasn’t expecting as my feet and legs were absolutely throbbing last night when I went to bed. Glad I did my stretches when I got back to car. 9.7 miles all in all! No rest today, it’s our Zara day. Roll on bedtime!😉

Have a fab Friday. 🙂
Congratulations @goodybags on your HS.

Here’s Pendragon Castle and one of the very overgrown paths! 😱


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