Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning all, been a while since I posted. 4.8 today after difficult days with Covid. I had high fever and it was hard to keep in range but just about managed. I upped my Lantus and maybe time to lower it again. Now just at the tiredness stage and taking it slowly.
Morning folks. A lie in, then I got distracted and stripped the bed and put it in the wash, then kids messaged, so now I’m here and I’ve forgotten what I was going to say.🙄 Oh yes, 6.9 today.

Wasn’t best news at opticians yesterday, the floaters in my left eye are now like “ frog spawn” ( optician’s words) like my right eye, vitreous gel detachment. Also my left eye, as I thought, is rubbish. I couldn’t even see the top line of the chart without my specs! New prescription, new glasses, lots of money! Although as a former employee I do get a small discount. :(

Today I will mostly be doing laundry, although the weather, although dry, is dull and dismal. But needs must.

Have a good day all. 🙂

@MeeTooTeeTwo congrats and shiny star for your HS.
@goodybags I can’t tell the difference. ( see above about opticians appointment!) 😛
@Bloden so sorry about your holiday. Is your hubby ill? I thought we didn’t have to isolate anymore? Or are you flying? The rules are confusing. :confused:
@freesia fingers crossed your hayfever behaves it’s self. My eldest has suffered since she was a small child. As a farmer and horse rider/ owner it’s not easy!

Went to bed about 10pm and read for a while before falling asleep and not stirring until about 8:30am!
Good morning everyone. Looks like I am first up too. Not surprising as I have developed a stinker of a cold and a bad sore throat and headache all night (up at 3am). Had to get up as I felt overwhelmed.

BG 5.5. Amazing. I thought it was supposed to go up if ill. Midyou my normal readings are in thr low 4's. Hmmm.
BP good
Temp. A tad high for me but still in the normal range.

Today. I close up all drawbridges and rest all day. Hoping that I start to recover and feel better.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing.
You may want to check it is not Covid as those sound like typical symptoms. I am coming across more people who have tested positive than ever before.
Hope you soon feel better.
Good morning folks!
Pleased to report I am back into a normal (ish) day night cycle. Libre said 3.4 on waking. Finger prick was a much more respectable 4.7, so not concerned. Highlight of the day will be going to see Michael Buble tonight with my sister and my friend. Fingers crossed the weather holds as we are outdoors at the Durham Cricket ground. Just 2+ years since we bought the tickets!

@Bloden That must be so frustrating! What bad luck!

@goodybags Considering some of the monstrous footwear on the catwallks these days I think you got off lightly. Hope it helps to resolve the ulcer more speedily and great that you saw a more proactive podiatrist. Shame you didn't see them earlier.

@eggyg Sorry to hear your eyes have deteriorated. Fingers crossed, new glasses improve things a bit although obviously won't correct the floaters and detachment... Can they do anything for that? I really must go and get mine tested. I haven't been since diagnosis 3 years ago and get letters and texts every couple of months.... really hate being badgered! I also find that I prefer ready readers to the prescription glasses they made me, so feels like a waste of time and money.

@ColinUK Lovely to read that you got a good night's sleep at last. Hope it becomes a habit.

@MeeTooTeeTwo Congrats yet again to the House Special King!

@New-journey Good to see you back but sorry to hear you have had a tough time with Covid. Hope you are fully recovered soon.
Oh and congrats to @khskel too. Love the description!
Hmmm never ever suffered from hay fever, but it is good to keep my eyes open for it just in case. The symptoms that I have experienced were definitely those of a cold though and not hay fever as far as I can tell.
Have you tested for Covid? Sounds much like the symptoms my hubby had when he had it.
Morning all. 15.0 after a dinner that I did not cope with at all. 14 hours to come back to the mid teens (saw up to about 23) 🙄. Time in range for last 24h - 0%
its come down a bit more after shoving my basal in a few hours ago and having a wee bit of greek yogurt for brekkie 🙂

Anyway the day ahead, sorting tesco orders and housework and then see what madam needs care wise when she makes it out of bed.

9.something here today

Getting really frustrated with this waiting for a place together, Bruce is getting really stressed about it whilst I've been trying not to show him it's effecting me too, one we were bid position 1 for was apparently offered to another bid, spoke to a woman this morning who said she'd look into that one and another we were bid position 1 for was withdrawn from advertising, my grandads old house and the one upstairs from it have been empty and unadvertised for 15 months so asked what was happening with those to be told they were undergoing extensive works and wouldn't be ready to be advertised for some time! Neither were in bad condition and the new bathroom at my grandads was installed not long after he moved and there hasn't been any workmen in either this year (we can see from our house) I just want to live with my man and have our future :( xx
Morning all - lovely sunny day - so far!

11.1 after the mother and father of all hypos last night that lasted from just gone 9pm to 1am when I finally dared to go to bed. Caused by bolussing for dinner and then not being able to eat it, due to streaming nose which came on without warning and managed to stop me breathing at the same time as streaming.

@Bloden SO sorry to hear about your holiday
@MeeTooTeeTwo Congrats yet again.... seems so effortless for you!
@Kaylz, really hope you can get a place very soon.
@eggyg so sorry to hear about your eye trouble. Can they do anything?
@Kaylz, really hope you can get a place very soon.
Thank you, we're bid position 2 on a property at the moment but it hasn't been viewed by position 1 yet for them to accept or refuse due to a meter problem, the company the council took on for works and repairs etc are currently refusing to fulfill their contract so there is a backlog but we've been on the new system since it began and it's gutting to see bid position 1 and nothing coming of it xx
@rebrascora and @Pattidevans, unfortunately nothing can be done unless it’s leads to a retinal detachment. She’s given me leaflets with the symptoms and if I have any I have to go to eye A&E ASAP! The only thing I’ve read is to steer clear of harsh lighting and wear sunglasses, TBF I do when I’m out walking even if it’s not sunny as my eyes are very sensitive. It does explain my constant headaches at the moment. Think I’ll wear my sunnies in the house! 😎
Good morning, guys! 7'6, a bit high but plan to lower it with housework and maybe a nice walk.

Had the first session of my course, it looks good, is based on practical strategies to deal with common symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression, based on CBT. Might learn some useful tips. Still have to finish the first exercise, a problem statement where you are supposed to define your main problem and how it affects you, so you can then look at your progress. It's a bit tricky as I find I have general vague symptoms and worries. Will give it a thought while I'm doing my chores today.

I woke up motivated, I did go to Lidl yesterday (got some cheese coleslaw as mentioned by @rebrascora 😉 ) and now I'm cleaning, next step is laundry and shower. Have a day off tomorrow where hopefully I'll meet a friend for lunch and I'll have time for more entertaining activities.

Also, last night I watched the Netflix special "Nanette" by Hannah Gadsby about being a lesbian, trauma, art and misogyny. It's comedy but there are some hard moments. I would recommend it.
The only thing I’ve read is to steer clear of harsh lighting and wear sunglasses
I had a problem with a slight retinal detachment (well, a small hole) and one of the things they told me was to stay well hydrated - something I am not very good at. By the next appointment it had healed over. Good luck!
6.4 today so an improvement. Slept well last night and going running again this evening. I will get this control back.

Congratulations to @MeeTooTeeTwo and @khskel on your HS.

@Bolden -sorry to hear about your holiday having to be cancelled

@eggyg - sorry to hear about your eye issues and that nothing can be done at the moment.

@Kaylz - hope you get something soon, but I know from my daughter it is very frustrating.