Group 7-day waking average?

Clearly he had a course directed to type 2 that he didn't enjoy, and I guess he assumes all courses for diabetics are the same.
mean yes but as the mean course for type one DAFNE stands for does adjustment for normal eating that assumption couldn't be more then wrong(I've heard nothing but pharse about DANFE) 🙂
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Doing a @Lanny "G'Day mates" as my sleep pattern is totally off kilter. Was lovely out there at 4am though. 4.2 for me this afternoon when I woke up after a naughty 2.3 on the Libre a couple of hours before... didn't double check as I was obviously hypo, just grabbed a couple of JBs and went back to sleep.
Difficult trying to figure out how much Levemir to take when my daytime dose becomes my bedtime dose as there is such a massive disparity between them. Took 5 last night (an increase of 1) as I had been battling highs all afternoon/evening and then knocked 4 units off my usual daytime dose this morning, down to 18u when I climbed into bed. Not surprising it was still too much for whilst I was asleep but not far off with just needing 2 JBs (10g) to keep me afloat.

Talking of @Lanny.... It looks like she may be MIA.... could it be a golf tournament keeping her from us?? Hope you are OK Lanny!
I’m on Rosuvastatin, the PIL says you can take it at any time of the day, so I have been taking it in the morning, as it’s easier to remember for me too. I’m only on a 5mg dose, so I wouldn’t have thought it would make that much difference in my Blood Glucose, but it’s one of several possible variants that I'm keeping an eye on.
I'm on Atorvastatin and i've never had issues with levels. I think its definitely hay fever, i've upped my basal half a unit so will see what happens. Its quite stressful at work atm as well, thats probably not helping.
I'm on Atorvastatin and i've never had issues with levels. I think its definitely hay fever, i've upped my basal half a unit so will see what happens. Its quite stressful at work atm as well, thats probably not helping.
I think I've solved my problem. Can you spot the point in the day when I put a new Novorapid cartridge in my pen?
Good morning everyone. Looks like I am first up too. Not surprising as I have developed a stinker of a cold and a bad sore throat and headache all night (up at 3am). Had to get up as I felt overwhelmed.

BG 5.5. Amazing. I thought it was supposed to go up if ill. Midyou my normal readings are in thr low 4's. Hmmm.
BP good
Temp. A tad high for me but still in the normal range.

Today. I close up all drawbridges and rest all day. Hoping that I start to recover and feel better.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing.
Good morning everyone. Looks like I am first up too. Not surprising as I have developed a stinker of a cold and a bad sore throat and headache all night (up at 3am). Had to get up as I felt overwhelmed.

BG 5.5. Amazing. I thought it was supposed to go up if ill. Midyou my normal readings are in thr low 4's. Hmmm.
BP good
Temp. A tad high for me but still in the normal range.

Today. I close up all drawbridges and rest all day. Hoping that I start to recover and feel better.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing.
Hope you're feeling much better very soon @Gwynn 🙂
I am definitely feeling a lot better right now at 7am. A bit shaky on my feet but way better. No sore throat. No headache. No temperature. Still a bit bunged up.

Strangest and fastest cold I have ever had. Glad to be this side of it (although a way to yet). I will take the morning easy....
Good morning. 10.3 for me. Trying an antihistamine today as work is surrounded by fields and trees and this hay fever is getting to me. Pharmacist and internet say it shouldn't affect levels so we'll see. Fingers crossed.
No sore throat. No headache. No temperature. Still a bit bunged up.
Are you sure its not hay fever? The pollen levels are very high atm. I don't usually suffer but i am right now.
Hmmm never ever suffered from hay fever, but it is good to keep my eyes open for it just in case. The symptoms that I have experienced were definitely those of a cold though and not hay fever as far as I can tell.
An nice early start for me today. :D

Good morning - 6.0
Morning all. 🙂 4.4 here.

Well, we won’t be off on our hols today after all - hubby just tested positive for Covid. He’s furious, so I’ll be avoiding him as much as possible! o_O😛 My test last night was negative...hmmm, maybe me n the dogs should just go without him.:confused:😉

Nice work again @MeeTooTeeTwo !!! Maybe you should change your forum name to MeeFivePointTwo.
Good morning 5.3 today “TBT as @Gwynn would say”

had a follow up appointment with podiatrist @the hospital yesterday, he was a bit concerned that foot ulcer hadn’t completely healed, and that I had walked in wearing normal shoes, I wasn’t wearing the sandal I had been given a few weeks ago at another location, I had driven there and I’m trying to work (plus I thought it was healing)
anyway it sounds like had I seen him originally it might’ve been total pressure off the foot and healed by now, so I now have a designer, ok it’s not Gucci but courtesy of the NHS pressure relieving shoe and an appointment to go back at the end of the month,
I think I’ve matched it with a similar casual shoe rather than a brogue..
spot the difference (see photo) what a look with my suit … lol

@Bloden sorry to hear your holiday plans are scuppered
well done on the HS @MeeTooTeeTwo

have a great day everybody😎


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9.2 but tested after weighing out my backfast I was 5.7 at around 4 this morning so good job I did decide to leave that 10.7 when I went to bed following the advice about not correcting after a earlier hypo(I may ended up decided to leave alone regardless).