Group 7-day waking average?

I caught her last night after my 15.9 but she escaped from a padlocked whicker cat basket - ate through the side!
Thinks she's got on to me now think that and the porridge. This is pushing towards saying yes to luymjev


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Good morning. 5.6 this morning. Rather relieved at that as went to bed seething.

Guests returned after a day out to ask me to run children to school and Mum to work as "car will not go up hill" - this, on investigation, turned out to be "Anna cannot do a hill start". I have put a deadline down of a week for her to bally well learn.
Then, in the middle of the Djokovik match, which I was watching with some interest, I was interrupted with "We have run out of gas again". 95 quid's worth for cooking in less than 4 weeks? It seems they are baking sour dough bread every day....It would stick in my craw a little less if they offered any help at all - they watched my young friends poo picking and me weeding on Saturday but they eat the vegies too. I shall not be sorry when the 6 months is up.

Treated myself to smoked salmon for breakfast very soothing! If the rain holds off the remainder of the day will be spent on more weeding.
Perhaps you should give them a list of 'chores' that have to be done before they get more gas or veggies. Or is that not allowed.
Good morning everyone! 6.4.

They had tiny pains au chocolat at work and I picked one, and a manager went "uuh, Elena, you are diabetic!" To this the other manager, aka his wife, replies "you are diabetic as well and you are always eating sweets!!" :rofl:

I am starting a mental health course (as a patient, not professional!) tomorrow, had to ask for Tuesday evenings off for a few weeks. Said it was for a course for health and the manager assumed it was for diabetes, which is not entirely accurate but...I guessed it would make him more understanding and save me explanations, so I didn't correct him. One part of me wants to be open about getting help in this area, as it should be normal, but at the same time is a very personal topic and I feel some people in my workplace would be more judgemental.
Good morning everyone! 6.4.

They had tiny pains au chocolat at work and I picked one, and a manager went "uuh, Elena, you are diabetic!" To this the other manager, aka his wife, replies "you are diabetic as well and you are always eating sweets!!" :rofl:

I am starting a mental health course (as a patient, not professional!) tomorrow, had to ask for Tuesday evenings off for a few weeks. Said it was for a course for health and the manager assumed it was for diabetes, which is not entirely accurate but...I guessed it would make him more understanding and save me explanations, so I didn't correct him. One part of me wants to be open about getting help in this area, as it should be normal, but at the same time is a very personal topic and I feel some people in my workplace would be more judgemental.
You’re in control of who you tell, what you tell them and when.
@eggyg My courgettes are another week behind yours at least, but I was late getting them in. Nice to start getting produce from the garden. I need to pick gooseberries before the birds get them but no idea what I am going to do with them as freezer is full. Apricots are starting to turn now so may have a glut of those in another couple of weeks.
I am picking courgettes, French beans, beetroot, mangetout, a cabbage that had escaped attention that weighted 2kg, cherries stoned and frozen 2kg though the kitchen looks like a blood bath.
Gooseberries and red currents to pick today weather permitting.

A very tearful 9 this morning, forgot to take meds yesterday, this sciatic pain really is a pain in the butt, no idea what I did on Saturday to start to off again, it better when I am moving around, but not much chance of that with work. Feel very tired and dizzy but that could be combo of high bg levels and taking paracetamol every 4 hrs yesterday and starting again at 6:30 this morning, was tempted to take the co-codamol left over from my op last year as they are still in date, but they make me even more sleepy so no good when working. Hoping the dizziness wears off.

Hubby and son thoroughly enjoyed their first experience of going to a Grand Prix and palling to go again, so I had to remind them to take me. Although I know I saw more of the action on the TV.

Anyway decided today going to start being careful what I eat, set an alarm to make sure I take my meds and start regular exercise again. I am going to put 6.30pm as my cut off time for finishing work as that is 2 hrs past my official finishing time. I need to take back control and speak up as I know they have even more work they want to give me.
I am picking courgettes, French beans, beetroot, mangetout, a cabbage that had escaped attention that weighted 2kg, cherries stoned and frozen 2kg though the kitchen looks like a blood bath.
Gooseberries and red currents to pick today weather permitting.
Our French beans are weeks behind. We’ve had new potatoes and lettuce so far as well as the two courgettes. Onions are doing well. Carrots a bit small yet. Redcurrant bush is doing well, got it netted last week otherwise the birds strip it as soon as they ripen. The beetroot is doing well but not ready for picking yet. Need some sunshine!
Our French beans are weeks behind. We’ve had new potatoes and lettuce so far as well as the two courgettes. Onions are doing well. Carrots a bit small yet. Redcurrant bush is doing well, got it netted last week otherwise the birds strip it as soon as they ripen. The beetroot is doing well but not ready for picking yet. Need some sunshine!
I have had to put a fortress around my carrots as the badgers dug under the cage with environmesh on and got in and trashed the carrots, hopefully some will be ok. We caught them on camera dragging a carrot out to eat.
Not even morning now but 15.2 if you call the short nap a sleep. Cant get numbers down for love nor money so body is being grumpy about something I suspect, or pancreas is taking the day off.

Had my nurse phonecall (GP nurse) with blood results. Foliate low (I knew that when i got a txt about a prescription for folic acid) & white blood count is higher than last time.
Repeat bloods in 2 months (full blood count) and 4 months (foliate).
I've to double water tablets for a week to try and move some more fluid and if nothing, call back. I did ask if there was a magic way to get an appointment when I actually phone that's not weeks away. She laughed...I didn't 😉.
Have gone to make the appointments before I forget and huge shocker...can't get thru to them.

Anyway going to see if I can do the awake thing for the rest of the day. At least now I don't feel like such a lazy bones for napping if foliate is low. Between that and running fairly high, I'm a snoozy mess :rofl:

@MikeyBikey that's terrifying o_O
hugs to everyone who is struggling today.
Just caught up with all the posts today. That pesky DF is everywhere today, either that or she's roped in some friends! I woke to a 5.7, was 7.4 after breakfast. Next time i had chance to scan it had shot to 14 and had been there all morning. Had a correction with lunch but 3 hrs later it still hadn't come down so had another correction at 2.45pm. Its only just got down to 8.
I do feel a bit snuffly so either i'm coming down with something or its hay fever. Can hay fever affect levels?? I don't usually suffer. Can anyone let me know?
Good morning everyone.

BG a teasing 5.1 Grrrrrr!!!!

Today will be a quiet calm day as by doze is a bit blocked up and I feel a bit tired. Best rest.

Have a great day today whatever you are doung
Perhaps you should give them a list of 'chores' that have to be done before they get more gas or veggies. Or is that not allowed.
Not allowed to allocate work tasks - slavery - however most long term guests in our culture tend to muck in? Still stuck with the school/work run this morning, she is still struggling with the hill starts and cannot master reversing into laybys, but obviously my horrified response to the gas supply question hit home and generated an offer of payment which I gladly accepted. It may even have stimulated a feeling that helping might be a good idea - his nibs, finding me strimming the road bank, decided to rake up and empty the barrow. Fingers crossed.
Forgot to add my score - 6.2 this morning. I blame the crackers nibbled whilst watching Nadal.
Looks as if it may be a nice day once the thin cloud burns off.
Have to attack the lawns today - my lovely handyman and his fiancé are struck with Covid. Fortunately checking their Section D is easy as he is besotted with the foal and her Mum - get one get three - and all my fields have automatic water.

Have a great day everyone.
Morning all. 7.7 and stayed in target all night. I hope it stays that way and not shoot up into the 14s all day again. Still feeling snuffly, covid test negative so its a cold or hay fever then. I wonder when we'll all stop thinking everything is covid and take illness for what it is...

Have a good day everyone.