Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning - 6.4
Good morning, 6.9 also from me
looking busy on the 6.9 step today

I have podiatrist appointment this morning,
hoping they are happy with what they see
ok the ulcer might not be 100% healed up,
but to my non expert eye it looking much better.

have a great day everyone 😎
Morning all, 7.1 here. I had awful hay fever earlier this week, @freesia so much so that I wondered if it was a cold/covid (tested negative) and my levels have been all over the place. So maybe, or it could be a coincidence. I’ve also made a concerted effort to remember to take my statin this week, and wonder if it’s that that’s making my levels high and unpredictable.(I was persuaded to take a low dose, even though my cholesterol levels aren’t that bad, but they have risen a bit since they stopped doing it as a fasting test, not surprisingly). I might give them a break and see if BGs improve. It doesn’t just seem a question of upping my insulin, they’re just more unpredictability stubborn.
Forgot to add my score - 6.2 this morning. I blame the crackers nibbled whilst watching Nadal.
I’d blame Nadal me-self - watching those lovely brown limbs of his’d raise my BG, grrrrr.

Morning folks. 🙂 6.0 for me...aah, that’s better. Let’s hope yesterday’s basal tweaks keep the highs at bay.

Off on our hols tomorrow, so lots to do today.
6.3 woke up to 2.7 just before 2 o'clock this morning that didn't fall back asleep after treating it until gone 5 so pretty nakered now.
Morning. 5.7 today. It’s dry, so far, but a bit dismal looking.

Annual eye test today. See how the Weiss ring is doing. Vitreous detachment in other words. Discovered last year at my eye test, I think it’s got worse ie seeing floaters all the time, not just in bright light. My right eye is the worst but the left eye seems to be catching up I think. It’s a real nuisance as it feels like you’ve hairs in your eyes all the time. I’m not going to drive down as last year she needed to put eye drops in and couldn’t as I was in the car and I had to go back another day. It’ll get me some miles in as I’ve haven’t done any walking for a few days.

Have a good day. 🙂

I'm joining @freesia on the 7.7 today

Finding a pair of trainers suitable for Bruce is really starting to stress me out, if he'd just wear white trainers I could've had a pair ordered within half an hour of starting the search!

Have a parcel of something else due today, get it weekly, it's supposed to be shipped 1-2 working days after ordering and it's RM 24, its started that if you order during the week it takes 2 days to be shipped and then 2 days later it's delivered so ordered on a Sunday last week to make sure it was here in time and it was shipped Monday delivered Wednesday, ordered Sunday again and it's due today, odd if you ask me lol xx
5.7 for me today. 🙂

Morning all, 7.1 here. I had awful hay fever earlier this week, @freesia so much so that I wondered if it was a cold/covid (tested negative) and my levels have been all over the place. So maybe, or it could be a coincidence. I’ve also made a concerted effort to remember to take my statin this week, and wonder if it’s that that’s making my levels high and unpredictable.(I was persuaded to take a low dose, even though my cholesterol levels aren’t that bad, but they have risen a bit since they stopped doing it as a fasting test, not surprisingly). I might give them a break and see if BGs improve. It doesn’t just seem a question of upping my insulin, they’re just more unpredictability stubborn.

I gave never found statins to be an issue thought Google will tell you otherwise. Iam on Atorvastatin taken in the morning with GP's approval as too easy to forget in the evening. Atorvastatin allows this but others like Simvastatin do not.
I gave never found statins to be an issue thought Google will tell you otherwise. Iam on Atorvastatin taken in the morning with GP's approval as too easy to forget in the evening. Atorvastatin allows this but others like Simvastatin do not.
I’m on Rosuvastatin, the PIL says you can take it at any time of the day, so I have been taking it in the morning, as it’s easier to remember for me too. I’m only on a 5mg dose, so I wouldn’t have thought it would make that much difference in my Blood Glucose, but it’s one of several possible variants that I'm keeping an eye on.
Morning all and 6.1 for me.

Looks like the ivy at the side of the house needs trimming again.

Have a good day everyone.
Is that a euphemism?!
8 this morning, so a slight improvement, got out running yesterday evening and made a meal from scratch, so a small start but a little victory for my mindsett. Having left overs for lunch.
morning all - bit overcast.

8.4 - sick of the 8s, would really like to get back to the 5s which used to be so effortless on my old pump.

Off to St Ives on the bus today to meet an old school friend for lunch. We went to school in Nottingham, so it's amazing we have reconnected all the way down here in Cornwall.

Have a good day everyone.
Good afternoon people! 8,2 this morning, not surprised as had a bit too much bread last night. I also suspect my period might be raising my levels these days.

The plan for today is the online course and, if I have the energy, a trip to Lidl. My fridge is looking pretty sad and I like a change of scenery from Tesco. My life is full of adventure :rofl:
Oh, and my manager who is Type 2 and thinks the course is about diabetes, told me today that those courses are bullsh** and only tell you that you can't eat anything! 🙄
Oh, and my manager who is Type 2 and thinks the course is about diabetes, told me today that those courses are bullsh** and only tell you that you can't eat anything! 🙄

Seems to need a bit of education on type 1
Seems to need a bit of education on type 1
Clearly he had a course directed to type 2 that he didn't enjoy, and I guess he assumes all courses for diabetics are the same.