Group 7-day waking average?

Hi All. Been absent a few days.

Rudely awakened by low alarm at 9am sorted and went back to sleep. I’m so tired.

Just cleaned house, tidied and sorted the washing - a date with a book now. Too hot for much else even sitting in the garden.

Dreading the heat of next week in a large glass on both sides classroom!

Have a good rest of the day
Good morning everyone. This cold is lingering on sadly and yet....

BG 5.2 good effort !
BP 111/73 excellent
Pulse 64 very reasonable
Temp 36.4 spot on

Anyone would think I wasn't ill !!! 🙂

Today I will attempt to restart my exercise regimen AND rest (?). I will not be defeated !!!! (Famous last words). Hmm it is looking like it might rain....

Have a great day everyone whatever you are doing.
Morning all 10.5 (by skipping last nights dinner and letting the probably too high basal do some work) and a whopping 1% in target (improvement). (2 days till appointment 😉)

So in todays news, got plans to meet up with the fantabulous @Lucyr for lunch as she drives up Scotland today :D:D:D:D.

...which means I need to get myself moving, going to be a nice day today so will hopefully empty the washing baskets before I head out and they wont put themselves on :D

BG 7.7
BP 112/62

Have a good day folks!
Morning good peeps. 🙂 A disappointing 8.8, but I’m still in the mild clutches of Covid and haven’t exercised since Wednesday, so I must be patient!

Nice number @gll - I hope you and @Lucyr have a fine time together.

A Sunday HS @Gwynn - well done you.

Nowt much on the cards here, except to get moving again. I’m way too insulin resistant for my liking. o_O😛
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10 this morning, though 14 now because DP. Looking forward to seeing @gll today too, maybe I too should get dressed, and packed.

Today is also my first day of dexcom one instead of libre, put the sensor on last night so need to fingerprick and find out how close the bgs are. Numbers it’s given so far feel believable though.
Well this hasn't happened for a while 12.2 but could be dawn phermom as had been moving around for a bit I kind of ermed at aged weather to do a correrrection but ended up did so probably need to monitor it. Yesterday evening I ended up having my 5th hypo of the week only 3.8 which I somehow managed to over treet with lift tablets so I managed to over treet with lift tablets(somehow eat more then I thought I was) then there later one I managed to make the silly mistake of injecting Novo rapid instead of Livermore my blood sugar was 13.7 at the the time so I did decide to accord for a small correction. Which I know worked because it's 8 at just before 1.

So I think I'm going to change my evening raditio back and then get some background tests done when I can. (Sometimes it's reverted back before I had the chance)
Morning all

6.7 today, going for a short run before it gets too hot, then more housework with a break to watch the Grand Prix.

Have a good day everyone
Morning folks. 7.1 pour moi. See, @ColinUK, my O Level French comes in handy aussi! :rofl:

Looks a bit cloudy at the moment but the good old BBC weather app has promised sunshine from 11am and a whopping 23 degrees! Better get my ironing done before that happens. Otherwise more of the same as yesterday, reading and lounging in the dappled shade of the grape vine.

@Lucyr and @gll enjoy your meet up.
@Gwynn congrats on HS.

Have a super, sunny Sunday everyone. 😎
6.1 for me today. 🙂

Good morning - 5.4

Just had an email from school - no blazers or ties for the rest of term because of the weather!
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Congrats @Gwynn on the HS.
@gll and @Lucyr enjoy your lunch.

Morning everyone. Well despite going to bed with a 6 and a snack, i reached the dizzy heights of 12 and stayed there all night, finally dropping to 9 when i woke up.

Another hot day today, bbc weather app says 27° feeling like 29°! It will feel hotter than that in the garden as its a sun trap. I'd better get the ironing done and kitchen floor cleaned before it gets too hot in there.

Have a good day everyone. Stay hydrated.
Good morning sunshine Sunday 7.1 for me today

congrats on the HS @Gwynn
another lazy Sunday for me (a good excuse to try and keep weight off foot ulcer anyway) it’s still not 100% healed up quite frightening really - lesson learnt (on foot care)

Grand Prix on TV this afternoon, I’m thinking it probably won’t be as exciting as last Sunday

have a great day everybody 😎
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10.4 for me this morning and been at that level for most of the night despite a basal increase. Slept very badly as I always do when levels are high. Didn't help that it is hot although I keep the curtains drawn during the day to keep out most of the heat and the walls are thick stone which helps. Anyway, that was 7.08am and I am still waiting for levels to come down far enough to eat breakfast and there was a large correction went in as well as breakfast bolus and increased basal.

There is a club drive today in the midday heat 😱 and it is supposed to be hotter than yesterday so not ideal for us or horses. Neither Ian nor myself are fans of the heat. Even driving out at 7pm it has been quite warm enough. Just taking Arthur today and a smaller lighter exercise vehicle. Hope they just take it steady.

Many congrats to @Gwynn on your House Special this morning.

Quite jealous of @Lucyr and @gll having a meet up. Hope you have a lovely time and can find somewhere cool... probably less of a problem in Scotland.
It is getting hot here already and the sun hasn't come over the hill top into the garden yet. Hope my plants in the poly tunnel will be OK. I have given them a good drink.
Good morning. Woke at 02.30 - BG then 5.7. Fell asleep over book - BG at 08.30 6.2 so take your pick!

Managed to get more of the rubbish cleared yesterday - about half way through but the ground is getting steeper. Effort is measured by tanksful of petrol. Taras did 6 tfs - me a measly 2. Think some of the brambles must be the result of mad scientist bioengineering - triffids would be easier. Still once it is done the arboriculturalist (aka tree feller and log seller aka Ginger Keith) will hopefully be able to get at the massive diseased ash trees. Sadly I think we will have to take a good fence down to let them fall safely. Ah the joys of country living.

Handyman now smitten by Covid and his fiance is struggling to throw it off. So far I and the Ukrs are OK. The horses are spending the days half asleep under the shade from the great beeches on the boundary, neatly grouped so that they can share their flicking tails against the pestilential horse flies. Wolf is pottering about with his tongue hanging out only breaking into a jog to collect a gravy bone from my pocket: no fun being a black long haired GSD in this weather. If it gets as hot as the forecast suggests we may both enjoy his overdue bath.

Vegetable garden in glut but grapevines restricting themselves to pin head sized grapes. I think that dull book is calling again... a day for snoozing rather than working perhaps.