Group 7-day waking average?

Morning everyone. 6.9. Looking like another gorgeous day.

Wasn’t supposed to be up so early, Zara won’t be arriving until 10.30ish today. Mummy and Daddy are going to North Wales somewhere for a couple of nights. They are, at last, using a wedding present they were given way back in December 2019! It’s some adrenaline junkie thing, like zip wiring underground in a cave. I’ve probably got that wrong, but it’s on those lines. ( We got a toaster and some nylon sheets! How times have changed.) 😉 The pandemic, then pregnancy and subsequent birth of Zara has meant it’s been put off, but fortunately, because of the pandemic the expiry date of “the experience” was moved on. She’s staying at ours tonight and other grandparents tomorrow night. Anyhoo, I got up early as when I nipped to the loo at 6, I saw a juvenile great spotted woodpecker on the nut feeder which is only 3/4 feet from our back door. The woodies usually use the ones further up the garden away from the house. The young are obviously fearless! Watched it for quite a while and decided to go downstairs to see if I could get a photo. I did, then decided to stay up as my stomach was growling with hunger. It does mean I’ve already got a loaf of bread on the go, and I can now chill for a bit before the whirlwind arrives. :rofl:

Have a happy Monday. It’s gonna be hot, hot, hot. 😎


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Impact of taking a zopiclone and still having a relatively sleepless night… 8.7

BP a perfectly fine 113/68

Off to the gym as it’s now seven weeks to go until my second half marathon and I’m nowhere near ready.

I’ll catch up with posts later today 🙂
Good morning 5.3 this morning

have a great day everybody 😎
Morning all, 5.9 here. A couple of big compression dips into the red last night, third night running. I don't think it’s the new sensor's fault, probably a combination of positioning on the arm, and dehydration in the hot weather. Oh, and the fact that I’ve got a clinic telephone review next week. Doesn't something always scupper your Time in Range just before an appointment.
Poor you @MikeyBikey. You’d think all that insulation’d keep the heat out in summer.

I think the problem is the heat may come in slower but not fly disperse at night. The man from Tesco commented how warm it was when he brought the delivery through the front door.. Note - if I am not self isolating it can be brought in if someone is disabled.
7.3 woke up to dropped to 3.9 at 3.30 they might have a few things that contributed to the drop and I know not the make a change of one occurrence(well as far as I know it's one ocurrance anyway) I am considering a day time change though. I'm planning to do background tests starting tomorrow morning I'm away there(I'm not really concerned about the first few hours of morning but want to get see what's happening then to) I'm away that it might selted by the time I managed to get though them I might reduce it anyway.
Morning. 6.9 for me. Lovely morning, perfect temp out already, really don’t need it to get any warmer thank you. Too many lows over the weekend…hey ho🙄

Have a good Monday everyone
Morning folks. 7.3 here.

Must dash, hubby’s already out with the dogs, to beat the heat. I must’ve snored thru the alarm, oops. I’m amazed how insulin-resistant I’ve been over the last few days (Covid and inactivity = double whammy). Yesterday was a day of rage boluses, I was so fed up with numbers in the teens! Hopefully, things’ll get back to normal this week.

Keep hydrated ev1!
8.2 here. Probably the last day of heat today as we make our way up to Skye. Tomorrow we’re heading to the Outer Hebrides which are currently basking in “highs of 15c”
8.2 here. Probably the last day of heat today as we make our way up to Skye. Tomorrow we’re heading to the Outer Hebrides which are currently basking in “highs of 15c”
I love Skye. We had a week there in 2018. Best holiday ever, although it rained every single day! And it was only first week of September. Watch those midges whilst you’re up in Bonnie Scotland.

Wasn't in the mood for posting yesterday, was quite p'd off with time being interrupted by Bubbles because he was in the living room on his own so started yowling, he really does ruin things

9.something today xx
Good morning - another beautiful start to the day but could be a bit too hot for me later. BG 6.3. Have a good day everyone.
You mentioned Penbryn beach the other day, I remember we used to go to Tresaith beach as well. My sister in law had a small holding quite close by and ex parents in law a farm near Newcastle Emlyn which I believe is now some sort of a craft emporium.
6.1 for me today. 🙂

Morning all and 5. 6 for me. Second day of no pre bolus for breakfast. Currently feeling sluggish with an 11.4. Grrrrrr!

If there's one thing consistent about this insulin lark it's that it's not consistent.

Anyway got some online stuff to sort.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning all - another wall to wall cerulean sky! Hope this lasts past next Sunday as we are having people round for lunch in the garden to thank them for watering the plants/looking after the house whilst we were away on hols.

3.7 - the Libre alarm woke me from a horrible dream at 08:30. 1 Dextrose took me to 5.4 very quickly - the low isn't showing on the graph so must have been pretty brief.

Did nothing much yesterday and will probably do pretty much the same today!
8.1 for me this morning despite what I thought was an overly generous (dodgy even 🙄 ) correction at bedtime, I got an almost perfect straight line overnight. I am on a relatively new cartridge of Fiasp so can't blame that. I have taken another 3 units this morning along with my Levemir (back up to 24 units) and still no sign of levels coming down. I just scanned 8.2 but I guess that at least it is holding it's own against FOTF. So much for the heat reducing my insulin needs. That said it is so hot that I am doing less physical activity. I really don't like the heat.
Arthur went really well o_O at the drive yesterday.... almost too well.... he nearly pulled Ian's arms out of their sockets. He is ordinarily really lazy and you have to constantly push him on and he came out of the trailer like a donkey when we got there and was reluctant to even walk around the field before we set off and I really thought he might just refuse to go and we would have to put him back in the trailer and go home (It was his first drive without Zak next to him.... who of course ends up doing most of the work)..... but once we set off he was really up for it! o_O Quite infuriating in some respects that he has all that power but he has never offered us any of it in the 3+ years we have had him. He is usually such a desperately nappy horse. Yesterday was quite a revelation! The heat didn't seem to bother him at all and the route was reasonably flat which I think he enjoyed more than the hills at home here. The problem is that it will now be even more frustrating when he refuses to pull at home when we take him out. We need to find some means of motivating him. It certainly isn't that he is unfit or incapable! On a positive note, he is an incredibly chilled and friendly horse and he is bonny and really easy to handle in all respects and absolutely loves people and everyone who lives around the farm loves him. He just won't work freely 99% of the time. 🙄

@Michael12421 Hope your levels are better now. Do take it easy today. That is a scary low when you have very little hypo awareness. Please keep hypo treatments very close to hand as we often find that hypos don't come alone.
Yikes @Michael12421 that is very low. I seem to recall you being very low before. I hope you get it sorted quickly. As I have said before type 1's do seem to have a tough time of it.
Yes I was surprised myself. I didn't eat yesterday until dinner which was two baked chicken legs in a sauce and just half a dozen chips. My reading before dinner was a surprising 14 and so I injected 11 units of Novorapid as there was beurre manié used to thicken the sauce.
I remember reading quite a few years ago that not eating much can raise blood sugars hence the high pre-dinner reading. Perhaps someone more knowledgable can tell me if this is true.
You mentioned Penbryn beach the other day, I remember we used to go to Tresaith beach as well. My sister in law had a small holding quite close by and ex parents in law a farm near Newcastle Emlyn which I believe is now some sort of a craft emporium.
Lovely area with quite a mix of fine beaches - and pubs. The Ukrainians are teetotal so had a splendid day at Penbryn.