Group 7-day waking average?

8.1 for me this morning despite what I thought was an overly generous (dodgy even 🙄 ) correction at bedtime, I got an almost perfect straight line overnight. I am on a relatively new cartridge of Fiasp so can't blame that. I have taken another 3 units this morning along with my Levemir (back up to 24 units) and still no sign of levels coming down. I just scanned 8.2 but I guess that at least it is holding it's own against FOTF. So much for the heat reducing my insulin needs. That said it is so hot that I am doing less physical activity. I really don't like the heat.
Arthur went really well o_O at the drive yesterday.... almost too well.... he nearly pulled Ian's arms out of their sockets. He is ordinarily really lazy and you have to constantly push him on and he came out of the trailer like a donkey when we got there and was reluctant to even walk around the field before we set off and I really thought he might just refuse to go and we would have to put him back in the trailer and go home (It was his first drive without Zak next to him.... who of course ends up doing most of the work)..... but once we set off he was really up for it! o_O Quite infuriating in some respects that he has all that power but he has never offered us any of it in the 3+ years we have had him. He is usually such a desperately nappy horse. Yesterday was quite a revelation! The heat didn't seem to bother him at all and the route was reasonably flat which I think he enjoyed more than the hills at home here. The problem is that it will now be even more frustrating when he refuses to pull at home when we take him out. We need to find some means of motivating him. It certainly isn't that he is unfit or incapable! On a positive note, he is an incredibly chilled and friendly horse and he is bonny and really easy to handle in all respects and absolutely loves people and everyone who lives around the farm loves him. He just won't work freely 99% of the time. 🙄

@Michael12421 Hope your levels are better now. Do take it easy today. That is a scary low when you have very little hypo awareness. Please keep hypo treatments very close to hand as we often find that hypos don't come alone.
Interesting about Arthur. So 2 parameters changed - flat not hilly and super hot not normal temperature. Usually some reason for being collar shy but, short of a desire to work only on Mediterranean plains, rather difficult to identify! ? Some hidden stiffness relieved by heat?
Interesting about Arthur. So 2 parameters changed - flat not hilly and super hot not normal temperature. Usually some reason for being collar shy but, short of a desire to work only on Mediterranean plains, rather difficult to identify! ? Some hidden stiffness relieved by heat?
Interesting thoughts Tina.... thanks for them as sometimes it is hard to see beyond the daily frustration. There were other parameters that changed yesterday too.... first time being driven away from home and somewhere strange without Zak next to him.... ie he needed to keep up because he didn't know where he was and didn't have Zak next to him for comfort/support. I like that you mention "collar shy" because we have just changed his collar.... although we have been driving him round the roads locally with the new (second hand) collar without so much success, the last few days, but maybe it has taken time for him to feel comfortable in it. The previous one wasn't a bad fit and not rubbing him at all but this one is a better shape for him and it was something Ian made comment about yesterday as possibly being a factor. He is however also extremely nappy under saddle or even just long reining him away from home but of course he is always keen when you turn for home. Interestingly he is really good at breeching. In fact he does have lots of great qualities but not going forward is incredibly frustrating to deal with, especially when we are used to horses that are very forward going and give 100%.

I do think part of the problem is psychological.... He has lived on his own for quite a long time (far too long) from quite a young age due to serious integration issues and getting kicked and injured, so whilst he can see other horses, he isn't part of a herd and I think that affects his confidence. We keep trying but unfortunately Zak will not share the field with him and we can't afford for either of them to get injured just now and Arthur doesn't have the nowse not to get cornered in the field and hammered or put through a fence. We also think he may have been "started" by being tied on the side of another horse (travellor style) rather than singly, so that he has become used to just jogging along a few inches behind a more experienced horse. He is pretty numb to leg and whip aids and he started life in the hawker community where his sister is, I believe, winning money road racing, so he was sold on as a 2 year old because he just wouldn't "go". He flies round his field which is very rough and undulating and really moves well, so it is hard to believe that it is stiffness or pain. Interestingly he could stand in the stable for a month 24/7 and then lead out and he would walk like a donkey ..... he just isn't fizzy or silly at all, trailer loads so easily I have to tell him to wait or he would be in before I get the ramp down, travels great and doesn't poo in the trailer which suggests that he is very chilled and comes out cool calm and collected ... but he certainly found some "go" from somewhere yesterday!!
Gym done. Both weights and then a scheduled run.
Decided to treat myself to a relaxing bath before work.
Ended up dropping a bath sheet into the freshly filled bath, dislodging a shower screen and stubbing my toe!
And it’s the first time I’ve used this bath as a bath and it’s too narrow. It’s fine in length but it’s way too skimpy on width. I won’t bother again in a hurry!
Interesting thoughts Tina.... thanks for them as sometimes it is hard to see beyond the daily frustration. There were other parameters that changed yesterday too.... first time being driven away from home and somewhere strange without Zak next to him.... ie he needed to keep up because he didn't know where he was and didn't have Zak next to him for comfort/support. I like that you mention "collar shy" because we have just changed his collar.... although we have been driving him round the roads locally with the new (second hand) collar without so much success, the last few days, but maybe it has taken time for him to feel comfortable in it. The previous one wasn't a bad fit and not rubbing him at all but this one is a better shape for him and it was something Ian made comment about yesterday as possibly being a factor. He is however also extremely nappy under saddle or even just long reining him away from home but of course he is always keen when you turn for home. Interestingly he is really good at breeching. In fact he does have lots of great qualities but not going forward is incredibly frustrating to deal with, especially when we are used to horses that are very forward going and give 100%.

I do think part of the problem is psychological.... He has lived on his own for quite a long time (far too long) from quite a young age due to serious integration issues and getting kicked and injured, so whilst he can see other horses, he isn't part of a herd and I think that affects his confidence. We keep trying but unfortunately Zak will not share the field with him and we can't afford for either of them to get injured just now and Arthur doesn't have the nowse not to get cornered in the field and hammered or put through a fence. We also think he may have been "started" by being tied on the side of another horse (travellor style) rather than singly, so that he has become used to just jogging along a few inches behind a more experienced horse. He is pretty numb to leg and whip aids and he started life in the hawker community where his sister is, I believe, winning money road racing, so he was sold on as a 2 year old because he just wouldn't "go". He flies round his field which is very rough and undulating and really moves well, so it is hard to believe that it is stiffness or pain. Interestingly he could stand in the stable for a month 24/7 and then lead out and he would walk like a donkey ..... he just isn't fizzy or silly at all, trailer loads so easily I have to tell him to wait or he would be in before I get the ramp down, travels great and doesn't poo in the trailer which suggests that he is very chilled and comes out cool calm and collected ... but he certainly found some "go" from somewhere yesterday!!
Settling into a new collar and being by himself do sound promising explanations. Although it does sound as though his background gives multiple possibilities. Interesting that the road racing travellers gave "won't go" as a reason and that he is nappy - he doesn't sound a dishonest horse otherwise - maybe his early life taught him that things generally got worse as he progressed - although the best of them can drive out gloomily and return like a gleeful rocket . Oh well, who said horses were easy?
Interesting that the road racing travellers gave "won't go" as a reason and that he is nappy - he doesn't sound a dishonest horse otherwise
We were getting this info third hand through the dealer we bought him off who Ian knows well and we have probably put our own interpretation onto their "not fast enough" and we are now seeing it as "won't go" because of the way he is with us but I have sneaky feeling they had employed some heavy handed tactics on him as a youngster. The dealer certainly said that he was bomb proof and "the lads" had dropped empty gas cylinders off the back and he hadn't flinched, so I am wondering what other tricks they used to try to make him go forward. I imagine this may be why he is numb to the aids, but really hard to re-sensitize them once they are switched off to it.
He also has a tendency to stop without warning sometimes and he has dropped myself and Ian several times due to this but also done it driving. Once single when he nearly put Ian over the dash board and it caught him really unawares as he was going forward reasonably nicely for once and then just slammed on the brakes but several times out driving pairs or occasionally tandem when the other horse has just dragged him along for a couple of strides until he got it together again. Changes in tarmac colour like a darker repair patch across the road can cause it or sometimes a damp patch even on roads he is on regularly, so I wonder if there may be a sight issue but he will go through water without any great difficulty.

He is a sweet but complex little lad. I was gobsmacked yesterday when he just carried himself and put his back into it and pulled like a steam train! I genuinely thought after we put to that he wouldn't go at all and we would be going straight home again with him. He was so reluctant when we first yoked up but once we got behind the other turnouts he was off. Might try driving him singly behind Zak at home, so Ian and I take a single turnout each round the block and see if that makes any difference. Even ridden out with other horses though he is nappy and doesn't want to keep up or follow on when you leave the farm which is really quite unusual I think. Funny beast! Wish they could talk to us and tell us the issue!
Good afternoon! A nice 5'2 this morning, made me smile despite waking up a bit grumpy (nothing serious, I just wanted to sleep more).

I'm in a good mood. Had a beautiful day yesterday, very sunny, went to read outside after work and in the evening, a few housemates invited me to the beach. One of them has a paddle board, they seem to be very popular at the moment, and I tried it for the first time. Was nice, especially because I was the passenger and didn't have to lift a finger, my mate did all the work! 😛 also first time I swim in the sea in England, and thinking about it, that makes about 3 years without swimming in the sea at all. I used to spend every summer by the beach since I was a child, so it was a special moment for me. Weather permitting, I'll do it more often now. The water is still cold for a Mediterranean body, don't get me wrong! 😉
Hey all. 13.1
Had a post half written out but had to go out and left it all abandoned...wups
Much of the same uphill battle today with trying to keep bg to a dull roar.
Hey all. 13.1
Had a post half written out but had to go out and left it all abandoned...wups
Much of the same uphill battle today with trying to keep bg to a dull roar.
Really looking forward to the day when I can give you a gold star response or even just a "thumbs up like" as oppose to a "care"
Hope you can get some better support to make a breakthrough with your treatment soon. You must be exhausted! This has been going on forever!!.... but then I don't need to tell you that... (((HUGS)))
Really looking forward to the day when I can give you a gold star response or even just a "thumbs up like" as oppose to a "care"
Hope you can get some better support to make a breakthrough with your treatment soon. You must be exhausted! This has been going on forever!!.... but then I don't need to tell you that... (((HUGS)))
you and me both. hopefully have some news tomorrow or ill be hiding under my duvet in tears (half joking half not)
I love Skye. We had a week there in 2018. Best holiday ever, although it rained every single day! And it was only first week of September. Watch those midges whilst you’re up in Bonnie Scotland.
It’s so windy here! Heading over to Harris tomorrow… if the ferry can go.
Thought I might be first on! A very early good morning. SEVEN! :rofl:

Been awake since 3, Zara cried out in her sleep and I immediately woke. Haven’t slept since, very sticky night. Eventually came downstairs at 3.50. I was surprised how dark it was.

Zara off to other grandparents this morning and I’m off for my monthly “ big” shop. Oh joy. NOT! Then nana nap this afternoon!

Have a good day when you all eventually get up.😉
It’s so windy here! Heading over to Harris tomorrow… if the ferry can go.
Fingers crossed it will. Now I’m really jealous, we wanted to go to Lewis and Harris this year but it was so expensive to rent a cottage in the area we wanted. Maybe next year. Enjoy.
Good morning. Too hot to sleep much - FBG 6.0. Still working on the triffids - bought a bigger brush cutter yesterday which Taras happily grabbed to continue the assault. The clouds of clegs, no-see-ums, and the odd angry wasp add to the delicious excitement of the work. Have an excuse not to do too much today as BFF driving over. Last time I saw her she was repairing her barn roof - 78 and no sense at all happily.
Well I've just woken up and checked and 6.2 so I'm going to go with that. I was going to do some background testing today but now I've got stuff to try and sort out. However I think I might bit the bullet and reduce my Livetmir a bit anyway I'm always nervous about a change causing problems but we'll see what happens with a half unit reduction I do offen find background changes hard on pens as sometimes the smallest change i can do is too much of one.
Good Morning all. Scan says 12.5, fingers 13.0 (quite shocked they are that close).
Spent the night drifting my way down again from silly numbers.

Need to get organised and make some notes before this afternoons phonecall. :D
Fully expecting some delays with having to get approval if the DSN greenlights it all so might not know the proper outcome today.
Will keep you all updated

Have a fabby day everyone