Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning everyone.

@Michael12421 seems very low again. Are you ok?

My BG 4.6 just where I like it.
Pulse 63 just where I like it
BP 115/73 just where I like it

Ever get the feeling that trap door is about to spring?

Today, more exercise. Managed 148 minutes of exercise walking on the beach yesterday. It was a bit warm but thankfully there was a slight cloud cover. My friend recovered enough to come out walking too in the afternoon which was good.

No other plans for today yet

Have a great day today whatever you are doing.
Good morning - 6.1

I accidentally knocked my Libre off at school yesterday. Because of the warm weather we don’t have blazers on (would have saved the sensor) and the Libre was on the same arm as the arm I carry my school bag with. As I took my bag off to sit down in history the strap caught between the sensor and the adhesive and just ripped it off. Oops!
Morning all, 6.1 here. A hot sticky night, and was woken around 6am by a neighbour’s alarm going off, and realised we were having a power cut. Only brief, fortunately, and it didn’t stop the wood pigeons' constant dawn chorus. Does anyone know where their off switch is?
6.1 🙂
Improvements continue from 14.3 Sunday.
Relief as Libre graph shows BGs between ~5 and 8 overnight. Had swings between 4 & 14 (in about 2 hrs) recently or consistently high between 11 and 14, corrections didn't always work, but DP doesn't help.
Here's to more boring graphs.
BG 7.4
BP a very nice 95/64
Putting the BG down to the heat last night. I’ll test again in an hour or so and no doubt it’ll be a more reassuring 6. something

9.something here, not liking the heat

@Michael12421 maybe time to reduce your basal a bit again my lovely xx
Morning 7.7 just now (not sure what it was when I woke up)
as I had run out of strips in my bedside testing kit.

had a pleasant surprise when I got home yesterday
as we had had delivery of 2 fans I had ordered online last week
not cheap but they certainly were most appreciated last night.

today is the anniversary of my Brother passing away (16 years ago)
it’s a work day - so hopefully a good day at work

Stay Cool and have a great day everybody 😎
Morning all. 🙂 6.4 here.

Easily done @Lily123 - annoying tho!

Fingers crossed the ferry’s running today @Lucyr - any piccies? 🙂
Pic of us being first in the ferry queue this morning. Haven’t taken many scenic ones yet but will when we get there! 13c here and bg of 8


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You are all too good at morning BP checks. Actually had to do one as I managed to get a drs appointment for today (its a miracle I know). 123/83 after sipping coffee and sitting on hold to them with the infuriating hold music - Ill take it :rofl:
I hate doing my bp, it usually takes 2-3 goes for me to chill out enough to get a decent reading. (in GPs is so much worse and they have given up trying there).
120/80 is pretty normal for me on baby dose bp tablets (which were left on as they wouldn't do any harm)
You are all too good at morning BP checks. Actually had to do one as I managed to get a drs appointment for today (its a miracle I know). 123/83 after sipping coffee and sitting on hold to them with the infuriating hold music - Ill take it :rofl:
I hate doing my bp, it usually takes 2-3 goes for me to chill out enough to get a decent reading. (in GPs is so much worse and they have given up trying there).
120/80 is pretty normal for me on baby dose bp tablets (which were left on as they wouldn't do any harm)
I don’t check BP every day but tend to check maybe two weeks or so every couple of months just to keep an eye on it.
My BP monitor is easily one of the breast purchases I’ve ever made as it’s a doddle to use. It’s an Omron wrist one and it’s read exactly the same as the one at the GP surgery whenever we’ve checked it.
So it’s one handed, no external tubes etc and it’s tiny.
Morning 7.7 just now (not sure what it was when I woke up)
as I had run out of strips in my bedside testing kit.

had a pleasant surprise when I got home yesterday
as we had had delivery of 2 fans I had ordered online last week
not cheap but they certainly were most appreciated last night.

today is the anniversary of my Brother passing away (16 years ago)
it’s a work day - so hopefully a good day at work

Stay Cool and have a great day everybody 😎
May his memory be a blessing x
I don’t check BP every day but tend to check maybe two weeks or so every couple of months just to keep an eye on it.
My BP monitor is easily one of the breast purchases I’ve ever made as it’s a doddle to use. It’s an Omron wrist one and it’s read exactly the same as the one at the GP surgery whenever we’ve checked it.
So it’s one handed, no external tubes etc and it’s tiny.
I have an omrom (arm) one too. Also verified by GP surgery to be accurate.
I read about 160/100 (ish) in the GPs and I don't even feel stressed 🙄
Interesting @ColinUK I have always wondered about the wrist BP monitors. I will have another look.

I check my BP seven times a day (along with other measurements). Started doing it because I needed better data for the doctor. A simple BP reading at the doctors was not sufficient. They were investigating my heart at the time.

Interestingly since starting taking potassium and manesium supplements and analysing my food for potassium to get it in a better state both my blood pressure and pulse have become normal and consistently so. Whether it is the potassium, a placaebo effect, the weather, etc I cannot say, but it is actually helping my heart.

All the readings were 'off' before which is why the doctor ordered tests, but had no advice or insight into what may be going on. It was only by chance I discovered that one of my medications was likely messing things up potassium wise and therefore heart wise. But the doctor could clearly see that my blood serum potassium levels were right at the bottom of the normal range, so there was a clue (perhaps). Interesting. Oh and I do feel a lot better now too. Differently better. Hard to describe.

9.something here, not liking the heat

@Michael12421 maybe time to reduce your basal a bit again my lovely xx
I do try but have problems. normally have 17 units of Toujeo each morning, if I reduce it to 16, and it takes a couple of days to work, then my morning readings are much higher. I am going to try alternating, on even dates having 16 and odd dates 17 to see if that helps.
5.8 this morning for me.
My BP monitor is easily one of the breast purchases I’ve ever made . . . .
Aren't you supposed to put it on your arm? :D:rofl:
8.1 for me again this morning. Unusual for me to be consistent at anything! I increased evening Levemir by another unit last night too, so I am back up to my normal winter dose but it doesn't seem to have made much difference. 🙄 My body is clearly feeling stressed by the heat and I am not sleeping deeply like I usually do and I wake up groggy instead of refreshed. The bedrooms downstairs are not too hot as I keep the south facing curtains closed to keep the heat out. My bedroom upstairs in the roof space is way too hot for comfort..... Nice in winter when the heat from downstairs rises but not comfortable at this time of year at all.

@gll My BP did that last week at the docs. It normally goes up a bit but not 160/100 level! I am now having a week of home monitoring to keep the Dr happy.... and reassure myself too I guess. Actually the Dr was more convinced it was an aberration than me. Thought I might have to cut my cheese and olive consumption and forego my morning coffee with cream... ie cut my salt and caffeine intake. These are the things that make up for all the other stuff I have cut from my diet so I was a bit worried for a few days! My wrist monitor isn't very consistent and threw out a few scary readings in a scatter gun range when I got home, so I have borrowed my sisters old arm cuff meter which she checked against her new one before sending over. It is giving me 115-135/70-85 which is about my standard range, so panic over. Phew. I am now appreciating my morning coffee just that little bit more as a result. Nothing like the risk of losing something to make you really savour it.
Well I've go go in for a face to face at 4pm for him to check heart and check the blistering from the pressure in my legs. Yay but now I need to be a non PJ wearing person.
So much medical today.
Good morning everyone! 5'8 today.

A bit surprised I don't have any message from my pharmacy yet (they send a text when my prescriptions are ready to collect). I ordered strips a week ago, and I was starting to worry I didn't actually complete the order, but I checked the website and it's there. Still have a full pot of 50 so I'm alright to get them next week.