Group 7-day waking average?

😳😳😳 Oops! In what seems like “a blink of the eyes” it’s been about two weeks since my last post on here! 😱

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😱

Little Miss Distracted has been VERY distracted! With one thing or another & I just lost track of how long it’s been! 😳🙄

First off, my sleeping pattern is completely off & I’ve kept trying these last two weeks to get it back to no avail so, just sleeping WHEN I can; no matter the time of day! o_O

I’m actually about to go to bed now & remembered you lovely lot & decided to post before I get distracted & forget again! 🙄

I’ve been frantically trying to get my body clock back in time for The Open at St Andrews starting tomorrow but, “No Can Do!” Not at this last minute late hour! I’ll just watch it live when I can & sleep through what I can’t! 🙄

I’ve had my PIP form though the post, had it filled in with the case worker’s help, posted off a few days ago & just await the verdict & before that, another accessor to follow up my answers on the form before getting any PIP payments every month if they decide I qualify?

My menopausal cycles have been all over the place which hasn’t helped the sleeping situation as every time I get close to a “normal day!” it comes along & makes me more tired & the body clock just goes out the window! o_O

I’ve been watching a lot of tv shows at odd hours through the day, & at night, when I’m awake & only the midday alarm for tresiba & pills is a daily constant!

I just finished watching an absolute GEM of a Chinese historical drama on Amazon Prime video that’s been low key due to a young cast of unknown rookie actors that was only 25 episodes long since Sunday & LAUGHED SO MUCH at both the leading female & male leads! “Love Story of Court Enemies” that was shown in China in 2020 & been on Amazon prime since April 2021: it’s been sitting on my watch list for AGES before I got around to watching it; put on the list at the same time as “The Rebel Princess” & just didn’t think it could be up to The Rebel Princess & the legendary Zhang Ziyi at the time! Indeed it isn’t BUT, it’s a gem nonetheless that I’ve been enjoying a lot! 😛 AND I watched it REALLY fast: all 25 episodes in 2 days; rewatched it all now 4 or 5 times since! It’s just as well my hearing of Mandarin has come along in leaps & bounds now as “my goodness!” the female lead speaks it at “a million miles an hour” AND I can STILL hear it & hardly need the subtitles which are SO American in flavour, they were too in TRP, it makes me laugh but, you get the context & meaning across fast to keep up with how fast the actress says her dialogue! 😱

It was such a romantic, comedic story line that I just assumed it’s fiction but, it’s actually based on historical facts. About the only civilian princess of the Qing dynasty who started of as a lowly cook at the Imperial kitchens of the Forbidden City! Then became an Imperial doctor at the Imperial Hospital who married a palace guard & bodyguard to the Emperor. They were both allowed to leave the palace after he adopted her as his daughter & gave her the title of a princess as the couple roamed over China practicing her medicine as they went! Cooking & medicine were akin to each other as in those times it was herbal medicine & both needs a very good “nose” for the ingredients to make good food & good medicine!

The lead actress just makes this drama portraying a historical figure that was SO far ahead of her time! 😛😎 Who speaks as fast she thinks!😱

I highly recommend it if you have Amazon prime or you can watch it for free on youtube though, the sound is a bit dodgy in some episodes on youtube AND you may need to rewind a lot as the dialogue is SO fast! 😎

Now that I’ve started posting again I’ll try & keep it up despite being distracted by the golf from tomorrow on! 🙄
Good morning 5.5 today

Have a great day everybody 😎
Good morning - 6.3
Morning folks. 7.3 after I got up and went to the loo! I usually do it whilst still lying down in bed. So I suspect the real number is probably 5.2! 😉

Not going to be as warm today for us.18 degrees or so. Better for getting things done. Day at home waiting for a delivery of bits and pieces from Wicks. Mr Eggy constructing raised bed number 6. He’s been tossing and turning since 4 o’clock which is unlike him, he’ll be excited, he loves a project. That’ll keep him busy. I, in the meantime, have loads to do, sorting out yesterdays big shop. I just shoved it all in the fridge to deal with today. Could do with flicking a duster about and pushing the Shark over the floors. We’ll see. I’m retired I can do it tomorrow! Tomorrow never comes though, does it? :rofl:

Have a wonderful Wednesday.🙂
Big congratulations @merrymunky on the lesser spotted HS. I’ve not seen a five for weeks never mind one with a two after it. 🙄
@freesia budge up on the 7.2 step a bit as I’m joining you there today.
Ran high all day yesterday really and went to bed on a 7.
I’m blaming the heat as I made wise food choices yesterday and clocked up 15,000 steps.

@Lanny I’ve added Love Story of Court Enemies to my list after your glowing review!

In other news I’ve been assigned an ISVA and we meet for the first time Monday afternoon so that ought to help with the stress of dealing with the police.

BP this morning 95/58
@eggyg It’s still too hot to dust I think. Unless you’re wafting those dusters around in your own interpretation of the Dance of the Seven Veils in which case Mr Eggy might get a little distracted from his project!
@eggyg It’s still too hot to dust I think. Unless you’re wafting those dusters around in your own interpretation of the Dance of the Seven Veils in which case Mr Eggy might get a little distracted from his project!
That’s a good idea Colin. Mr Eggy is easy to distract, I’m off to get the microfibres out. Those nice multi coloured ones, not the boring yellow ones. I’ve only got six though, hmm…it’s ok I don’t think Mr Eggy will be counting! :rofl:
Good morning everyone.

Congratulations @merrymunky a rare HS

My BG this morning a nice 4.8
BP nice and normal
Pulse nice and normal

All very ok since I upped my potassium (or did something else that I am not aware of or cannot remember). Let's hope it continues.

Sun has just shown itself so my morning walk may be a bit on the warm side.

Plans for today? Er, um, nothing yet. How dull. I am sure I will think of something....

Have a great day today whatever you are doing.
Morning all. 8.7 here. Got another chat with my DSN today, more tweaking please!

The dance of the seven dusters @eggyg - hmmm, doesn’t quite have the same ring to it.:confused:

Great to have you back @Lanny even if you have just gone to bed!

That’s brilliant @merrymunky - a very welcome HS.

The sun’s back in action after yesterday’s cloud cover and spot of rain. There’s a nice breeze too. Keep cool ev1!
Morning all, 6.1 here. We missed out on the rain yesterday. Black clouds all around, daughter 6 miles up the road reported a couple of heavy showers, but nothing here. We always miss out, the poor garden is looking frazzled.
First appointment with new hospital today.

Rather nervous but hopefully will be fine!
I hope this goes well for you, it's a start though to hopefully something better
Had a horrendous night tossing, turning, perspiring the night before last. Woke to 16.1 about 10 points more than I expected. My daytime BGs were fine but this morning I woke to 15.0. What's going on? ☹️
My bg spiked to 12.5 after a walk last night I put it down to dehydration could this be the same for you?
. . . . after I got up and went to the loo! I usually do it whilst still lying down in bed. . . . .
Ooops 😱:rofl:

Well done to @merrymunky on getting down to the 5's and your HS as well.

It was 4.8 for me today.

Getting up earlier and walking my pooch before having breakfast is actually proving to be a success for both of us!!! My bg was 7.7 when I woke up and 8.3 after walking 1.5hours!

Walking in the heat of the day for a dog is akin to us walking barefoot wearing a fur coat and hat! However, there is a moronic element that do so. I suspect some brought a dog in lockdowns and now don't want the commitment!