Group 7-day waking average?

5.7 (Heinz Special) for me today. 🙂

Morning all. I’ve managed a lie in now I’m not sleeping in a hot house! 6.3. Looking at the graph I was all over the place through the night. Looks like a mini Himalayas!

The plan was to break eggs with a stick today, house is a tip ( well, it is to me, Mr Eggy says it’s fine). I’ve got washing and ironing to do. Two loafs to bake and a partridge in a pear tree! 😉 But, I’ve woken up with yet another headache and feel washed out. Typical when it’s the first full free day we’ve had for ages! Touch wood two paracetamol does the trick.

Have a fab day, it’s wet and miserable up here. It’s blooming July tomorrow, you wouldn’t think so. 🙂
Good morning, 5.9 here.

Still have the duvet on the bed and I am very comfortable when I go to sleep, but wake up sweating. Not much I can do, I'm afraid.

I'm going for lunch with some colleagues after work, could be fun. They said they are drinking, not sure if I will. I can't keep up with them anyway :D

PS: any suggestions for lower/moderate carbs in Wetherspoons?
I had the half roast chicken and salad the other day. Took no insulin all OK 🙂

It was 12.0 for me today

Still on the hunt for Bruce's trainers 🙄

Still also on the hunt for another wax burner, thinking about alternating between an electric and tealight one at the moment, Bruce has just informed me he's ordered bulbs off eBay for the current electric one (why he thinks I can't manage myself I do not know! And why he's paying for stuff is beyond me too especially when he was £8 for just a burger at Murrayfield last week 😱 and goodness know how much more he spent with having to get trams and then buses home due to the train strike) xx
Well, it was 6.1 when I woke up and injected my Levemir this morning, rapidly rising to 7.7 within 15 mins which was unusual. Injected 4.5 units of Fiasp for breakfast and correction but it seems to have vanished into thin air as I am still on 7.8 and my breakfast is still in the bowl waiting to be eaten because I don't eat until my bolus kicks in and brings me down into the 5s. I've put another 2 units in to see if they can find the other 4.5 and join forces to overcome the dark forces of the wicked Foot On The Floor empire! My morning routine has been so consistent and steady recently, it is really disappointing to to have such a noticeable deviation and I really hope that it is a one off and not a permanent change needing a strategy rethink.
Morning all. 14.6 today for me.
Got bloods done yesterday and the doctors actually impressed me. Its a rare occurrence but it happens :D
2 scripts got ordered, done and signed while I was in with the nurse getting poked and prodded. 😱
One was replace one that was MIA from an appointment last week and the other was for insulin in case I run out before next DSN appointment where its likely to change. Can just hold onto that one and see if I actually need it or not but wont have to faff about getting one urgently from GPs 😉

Quiet ish day today. Finally feeling a bit more myself. Even hopeful I will make it through the day without naps...we shall see :rofl:
Phew, had a banging hypo at around 1am - Libre alarms are on strike, but thankfully my body woke me up. 😛I’m hoping that’s the last of the Tresiba out of my system. I’m too much of a Podding newbie @Pattidevans to worry about 0.05s and 0.01s, but thanks for the heads-up. I’m just enjoying my stomach no longer being a pin-cushion!:D
Just enjoy for now! To anyone new to a pump it's both a revelation and a bit of a struggle to start with. My pickyness comes from 8 years on a pump which I had titrated so finely as to be getting a more or less straight line throughout the night, and most of the day (I've always struggled a bit post-lunch), but not yet come to terms with the Omnipod on a couple of issues.
Meant to add Bruce mentioned to me the other day he didn't think I needed any more wax melts, think that was Monday, I had ordered some on Sunday night, yesterday he got home to 2 deliveries and knew what one was but when he was on the phone last night he asked what was in the other box, I fell silent, his response - "it's wax melts isn't it Kayleigh?" I still haven't said yes but he knows fine well :rofl: I also bought a raffle ticket for £1 from them when I placed my order, 1st prize is 160 100g wax melts, if I win I don't know how to tell him :rofl: xx
How about for a bit of fun if people who test in the mornings post their waking levels? I think it would be interesting to see what the average works out at after a week 🙂

I'll start with mine - I was 6.0 when I woke up this morning 🙂

(please don't let me be the only person to enter one! 😉)
5.4 this morning
Late on parade

7.2 this morning, but as I had a bad stomach yesterday I did not take any medication. Thankfully feeling better today, just a little bit light headed.

@ColinUK - sorry to hear your dad is back in hospital, I hope they get it sorted this time.
Pleased to report I eventually got to eat my breakfast for lunch 🙄 but then needed another 2 units to keep me in range. I guess I may need to step my morning Levemir dose back up again.
So.... spoke with dad twice so far today and he's still on a cardidoo ward although they have told him that want to move him to a geriatric ward. He's stressing about the prospect of that move after the nightmare it was last time. But he's not willing to tell them that being on that ward severely impacted his mental health. Instead he's convinced that asking to be on the cardio ward because of the cardio issue will be sufficient.
Meanwhile mum has decided that she's going to try and get there by bus when she's not been on one for at least 30 years.

On a different note I went out for breakfast with a friend today and had eggs with avocado and feta. It was delicious! And I made frittata yesterday so that I wasn't tempted to make unwise food choices today at the office. I've just taken that out of the fridge to warm up a little as I'm peckish and am here for another 4 hours or so... frittata with chicken, mushroom and spinach. Doubt it'll shift my BG one iota but can't check as left my meter at home.

I was getting sick and tired of the amount of blood being drawn to feed the Codefree strips so I've upgraded to a GlucoNavii and the test strips require the merest hint of blood to do what it does so that's a huge plus. Does help if I remember to carry the thing with me though!
Morning all - same sort of sun/clouds as yesterday. Hope it doesn't degenerate into rain as it did last evening.

6.6 this morning with a reasonably straight line overnight.

Did well yesterday - went to 2 garden centres looking for new pots for the Bay trees. Most of the size we were looking for were around £69.99 up. In the 2nd place we found some we liked but all the price tags had fallen off and were lying round the ground around them. I called over a chap wearing a polo shirt with the garden centre logo and he randomly picked up a price ticket that said £39.99 and said "If they query it, tell them Harry said that's the correct price". So we got the pair.

Last straw was a parking ticket for £100 for parking in the Marriott hotel at Heathrow when we didn't even have the car! Going to ask Amex for a refund for the money we paid that lousy company to park the car. They have been very good in the past with things like this.

@ColinUK I do hope your Dad gets the right treatment and gets better soon.

Wrote this at 9 am but just found it unposted!
it was 8.9 before breakfast this morning . i've finally got a gastrologist appointment booked unfortunately to onlly a telelphone appointment because the face to face cliclice i was offered there were no appointment available(perhaps theirs an off chance i'll be abble to change) on Tuesday at my sisters sujusted(as suspected its those foods causing the issue and i suspect shes right) i started following a fodmap diet but i'm now stomping incase they do decide it worth doing further checks for cerllic deasise and the diet will interfere with that but that does mean puting up with sometimes intense pain for at least another week and half unfortunately. though things I've noticed i'm know supspting it could be both wheat and dairy(even trace amounts of dairy) that's causing the issue i may be wrong though)

Stayed up until gone midnight in an attempt to sleep through and lasted until about 4:30 but mainly dozing.
Anyway I’m awake so I’ll get up in a bit and head to yoga before catching up on what happened overnight with dad.
Oh I had an update from the police last night after chasing them again.
Seems he’s not yet been arrested. So now it’s pretty much two months after they emailed me saying that he would be arrested the next week.
I’ve replied explaining how over promising and under delivering whilst being frequently non-responsive to my requests for an update isn’t conducive to decent mental health. I’m sure they got my point even though their response was to put in writing dates they’ll be in contact with further news. Which of course they won’t actually do.
I can’t wait until I’m assigned an ISVA because of nothing more they act as an intermediary between me and the SOIT team.
Good morning 6.6 today

have a lovely day everybody 😎
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