Group 7-day waking average?

I know it's not rocket science but I have been trying out 'LoSalt' in a minor attempt at lowering my salt intake. It is about 60% less sodium and it does taste like salt too. Same amount as normal salt used in cooking so it is essy to substitute it.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing.

People need to be very careful with these salt substitutes as they contain pottasium. This can interact with pottasium sparing diuretics, ACE inhibitors and other drugs, and be an issue for anyone with impaired renal function.
Morning all. 15.something. I suspect it was the spag bol last night. Was in 20s overnight when I got up to pee and fingerprick (knocked sensor off yesterday so waiting for new one to settle in).
Coping less with food of late and even with the evening insulin added on. One bad meal can take a couple of days to really get back on top of things. I'm hating food in general because of the effects but I gotta show DSN that I'm not coping with it on just basal so its a bit of a battle at the mo.
2 weeks to go until (hopefully) I will be switched to MDI (and counting).

hope you all have a great day today. No plans here, gotta get bloods done tomorrow so will do all the stuff I need to do in town then and save a trip today 🙂
After yesterday's 5.6 a 5.7 this morning so still no HS. Interestingly when we changed units my consultant said 5.6 was the ideal equating to 100 in old units.

Thinking of Imperial Units Oz or Carats per gallon might be a good measure of BG. A quick paper calculation suggests 24 Catats per Gallon might be a good result. Sounds good!
Morning all, I was 6.9 10 minutes ago, just checked again in case the Libre Algorithm was over-egging it, and I'm 4.6. Expect it’ll compromise somewhere in the middle in a mo.
Opticians this morning for routine eye test. I only booked it yesterday and normally it’s a couple of weeks wait. Is nobody booking them?
Have a lovely time @eggyg, hope the headache disappears for good,
Thanks Robin. Head/eye ache nearly gone.
I’m going for my annual eye test next Tuesday, I booked it in April! This was the earliest date! TBF I go to a one man ( woman, or should it be person?) outfit. It’s given me time to save up for new lenses!
Good morning everyone. Very cold this morning 13C.

BG 5.1 tease tease tease!!!!

Nothing planned for today except exercise I guess. At least I now have a walking buddy in the afternoons.

Ahh, I remember, I am told I have to make a small rhubarb crumble today. Trouble is I like eating rhubarb crumble.

I know it's not rocket science but I have been trying out 'LoSalt' in a minor attempt at lowering my salt intake. It is about 60% less sodium and it does taste like salt too. Same amount as normal salt used in cooking so it is essy to substitute it.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing.
I make my crumble topping with almond flour (ground almonds), low sugar granola, mixed seeds, butter and a bit of erythritol.

6.6 so improving slowly. Still got the cold but it will go when it is ready.

@eggyg - hope you have a great time.

@Pattidevans - what an awful experience with your car.
Morning all on this grey rainy day.

7.9 this morning with a flat line.... think I must have underestimated the carbs in dinner last night.

Thank you all for your sympathetic comments on the unfortunate incident with our car. It seems as though things are progressing. Autoglass have ordered the glass for the window and will come to our home to fit it. Today we received a police crime number (helpful for insurance peeps) and the claim for the bag and contents is in progress.

We had two large bay trees, one either side of our front door, in rather elegant pots. Whilst we were away there were high winds and one of them blew over, breaking the pot... our lovely friends cleared it all up, bless them, but it is now obvious that the trees have outgrown the pots and are becoming root bound, so another expense replacing the pots. Hubby wants to go look for pots today in this vile weather! In March I broke a small mirror.... urgh... I'm not superstitious, all the same there is a little kernel of apprehension that remains, so I hope these small misfortunes aren't going to go on for the next 7 years!!!!!

@Griffin. what a horrible shock it must have been, waking and realising someone was performing CPR on you. HUGE HUGS

@eggyg you've been in the wars a bit recently, hope you recover before getting the train! Enjoy Sandi.

HUGS to all the other headache sufferers! Hope you get over it soon.
@MikeyBikey yup whole heartedly agree with you. It is always best to check that things are safe and will not react with present meds or medical conditions before using any food supplement or alternative.

Personally I have no issues with LoSalt, am aware that it contains potasium and have no renal problem or meds that would interact

But your advice is sound for anyone thinking of trying any alternatives.

Morning all on this grey rainy day.

7.9 this morning with a flat line.... think I must have underestimated the carbs in dinner last night.

Thank you all for your sympathetic comments on the unfortunate incident with our car. It seems as though things are progressing. Autoglass have ordered the glass for the window and will come to our home to fit it. Today we received a police crime number (helpful for insurance peeps) and the claim for the bag and contents is in progress.

We had two large bay trees, one either side of our front door, in rather elegant pots. Whilst we were away there were high winds and one of them blew over, breaking the pot... our lovely friends cleared it all up, bless them, but it is now obvious that the trees have outgrown the pots and are becoming root bound, so another expense replacing the pots. Hubby wants to go look for pots today in this vile weather! In March I broke a small mirror.... urgh... I'm not superstitious, all the same there is a little kernel of apprehension that remains, so I hope these small misfortunes aren't going to go on for the next 7 years!!!!!

@Griffin. what a horrible shock it must have been, waking and realising someone was performing CPR on you. HUGE HUGS

@eggyg you've been in the wars a bit recently, hope you recover before getting the train! Enjoy Sandi.

HUGS to all the other headache sufferers! Hope you get over it soon.
I was quite horrified at the price of big pots and the cheapskate I am, bought 2 of the big floppy trugs, a fiver each I think, they don't look too bad.
We’re going to see Sandi Toksvig at the Tyne Theatre and Opera House. Her show is called Next Slide Please. We really like her, funny and intelligent. Looking forward to seeing the theatre too. I believe it’s a beauty. Then a short walk back to the Jury’s Inn.
We’re also going by train, not something we do very often. It’s cheaper than putting petrol in the car and the car parking fee. Jury’s doesn’t have its own car park.

I adore Sani Toksvig. She is brilliant. Enjoy!

Morning everyone - I was 11.2 this morning, my highest in around 4 days. My fault, I felt off the low-carb diet last night and had spag bol...
I adore Sani Toksvig. She is brilliant. Enjoy!

Morning everyone - I was 11.2 this morning, my highest in around 4 days. My fault, I felt off the low-carb diet last night and had spag bol...
It's the spag that's the problem not the bol.
You can use edamame bean or black bean pasta instead of normal, much lower carb and not bad.
12:20 BS 6.7 🙂 Feeling better than yesterday so, that’s a genuine🙂

A Very G’day Mates & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Yes, it’s late but, in my defence, I’ve been napping whenever I feel tired which is quite a lot while in my cycle! I’m generally feeling more tired & not fighting it taking short little naps & had a few overnight as well! 🙄

Received double good news yesterday afternoon & just now not long before my midday alarm! :D My case worker rang me in the afternoon & said a cleaning firm, who’s seen the pictures taken, has come back with a quote for cleaning the kitchen including skip hire of £850 approx. & will consider taking a monthly payment plan even though they don’t normally do so depending on how much I can pay. I said I can easily pay £100 & can go up to £150 but, my case worker says don’t go too high as with brexit etc. the price of food could go up! So, an offer of £100 a month will suggested & we see if they take it?:confused:

The health centre just called me earlier & I’ll have to change the date of the next call up for a blood test appointment to 4 months to which I couldn’t help but, respond in surprised joy on the phone “4 MONTHS?” So, hopefully that means an improvement in my liver? 🙂:confused: HOW it waxes & wanes!🙄

Today is a lovely bright sunshiny day & I wake up not feeling crampy, yet or, hopefully not all today! :D:confused: Yesterday I didn’t eat much as food or no food didn’t really make much difference to the cramps! BUT, they did die down towards the end of the day! Only ate cheese & chutney toasties & Heinz chicken soup! Thank goodness I managed to get a double multipack of 4, 8 cans, on Thursday after not being able to get ANY at all for the last 3/4 weeks: the odd things here & there are just suddenly unavailable for a while & it’s not available at either tesco or asda too; suspect it’s post brexit problems!:confused: Tesco tinned chicken soup is ok but, just a bit thinner than Heinz while asda’s taste of garlic which CAN turn my stomach a bit so, prefer tesco’s! But, definitely Heinz is the best!😛
I am also doing a "G'day mates" greeting like Lanny as did an unofficial night shift so went to bed at 9am. 2.7 for me on the Libre when I woke up which looks really bad but the 3.7 from a finger prick is a better reflection of the situation judging by how I felt. Own fault as I injected my "daytime dose" before I went to sleep. Thought I would be OK for 4 hours as I was late injecting the Levemir and I cleaned my teeth before climbing into bed but then didn't want to eat something to bump my levels up a bit. Just all bad planning. Will try to get back onto an even (circadian) keel tonight.

Need to get along to the surgery to pick up repeat prescriptions this afternoon as I am out of my regular test strips and whilst I have a pot for my spare meter, if I open it, I will have to use them and then I won't have any for the spare as they will no longer prescribe them. That said, they will be getting close to expiry anyway, so i might as well use them.

Hope everyone is having a good day and @eggyg I am sure you will have a great time tonight.

@Griffin. Hope you are feeling a bit better today. Do let us know how you are getting on when you can. Sending you (((HUGS)))
Just thought I’d post this as I just got it through my email from GlucoRx, get regular free shipments of batteries for my meters, & they are giving away free 6 months bottles of vitamin D they’re just asking £4.98 P&P.

You don’t need an account with them & just checkout as a guest: I don’t have an account!

I’m still taking vitamin D but, coming out of lockdown now you may not be! But, if you still are this could be useful?
Good morning 6.3 today - relieved it wasn’t higher as I ate a few things I shouldn’t have yesterday

have a great day everybody 😎
Good motning. 9.4. Very tired as i had a late night last night. We went to see Elvis at the cinema, a very good film. Have a good day everybody.