Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. 7.9 here...who knows? I blame the book I’m reading atm - The Manningtree Witches. My blood was boiling at the injustice, cruelty and cowardice of the witch-hunters! Great book, tho. It’s really beautifully written.

Oo, enjoy your well-deserved, child-free break in Newcastle @eggyg. What show is it?
We’re going to see Sandi Toksvig at the Tyne Theatre and Opera House. Her show is called Next Slide Please. We really like her, funny and intelligent. Looking forward to seeing the theatre too. I believe it’s a beauty. Then a short walk back to the Jury’s Inn.
We’re also going by train, not something we do very often. It’s cheaper than putting petrol in the car and the car parking fee. Jury’s doesn’t have its own car park.
Was 8.0 when I woke up at around 6am and 9.3 a couple of hours later before breakfast

9.8 for me today

Odd day yesterday, was 9.9 before dinner and reduced my insulin by half a unit yet 4 hours later stood up to get something and felt really off so went and tested and was down to 4.3 xx
5.6 for me today. 🙂

Post holiday blues have hit. And it’s back to Earth with a bump as I’ve Survivors and CICA stuff to sort out.
Am scheduled for work but also been invited to meet with someone in the Mayor’s office today specifically about support for survivors so that’s come out of nowhere.

Relieved to wake up to a very nice 5.9 this morning after an incident with an ice cream at the show yesterday.... No prizes for spotting the blip...

I mean, how can a single scoop of ice cream in a cone do that when I prebolused 2.5 units and walked the length of the show field and back several times. I was nice and stable for the first hour afterwards and then shot up to 15.2 and clearly whatever was left of the 2.5 units was not going to bring me down from that, so I put in a correction in the car on the way home. Got back to the farm and tried to turn Zak out with Arthur and Archie (Arthur usually lives on his own because Zak is aggressive towards him), but had hoped that Zak would be more interested in eating than chasing after his long day away.... No chance.... Zak was not going to share his field with that little oik the pair were galloping round the field full tilt with Zak's ears back and mouth open wide to tear chunks out of Arthur's back end who was running for his life. Of course there was some considerable exercise for me in chasing round the field after them trying to intervene (unplanned exercise with Fiasp in your system is not the best combination) Eventually got Arthur out of the field and into his own paddock and helped Ian unload the carriage but started to feel really weary and Libre wouldn't give me a reading. Tried several times and just kept getting error. Assumed I was still high which makes me feel like that and it wasn't that long since I had injected the correction and it usually takes hours to bring me down once I get into double figures, so I didn't panic too much, but after the 3rd try again in 10 mins I finger pricked and got a 4.0 and started eating JBs. Libre then gave me a 3.9 with a vertical downward arrow. Got my levels back up according to finger prick but they dropped again and needed more hypo treatments although Libre shows them persistently low, probably due to the time lag and algorithm but thankfully they have been pretty stable overnight, so I am back on track.
Was the ice cream worth it? Probably not because although it was nice ice cream I really wasn't in a position to fully enjoy and appreciate it (being between classes at the show) and the BG upheaval afterwards was really unpleasant.
On the plus side, we came second in the ride and drive (Zak was not settled at all in the ridden part) but won the private driving and went on to become overall reserve show champion losing out to a ridden horse that has won the Horse of the Year Show and Olympia, so not a bad result for our first show of the season. Zak got a lovely gold and black sash and Ian got a very flashy rosette to match!
Sadly my photography skills do not do them justice. 🙄

7.5, still got this awful cold along with hayfever, all I want to do is go to sleep.
Hi all
Waaaay behind on the posts in this thread, since I went to Greece on 4th June as the internet connection in our apartment was so flaky that I gave up with it! Only way to get a decent connection was to go up 60 steps to the road and sit in the shade in a Taverna in order to connect to their wifi and be able to see the screen of my iPad as you can't see it in the sun.

So 8.2 this morning and I am surprised it was that low due to the stress we have encountered since landing at Heathrow on Wednesday 22 June.

It started when we rang the "Meet and Greet" parking people to deliver our car. 2 hours and 6 phone calls later (where a different excuse was given as to why the car wasn't there at every phone call - our anxiety ratcheted up at every different excuse) the car arrived covered in mud with a broken rear near-side window + a dent in the door. All the windows were wide open so at first we didn't notice, until we tried to roll it up. They had knocked the window out and vacuumed the glass away to make it look as though the window was just rolled down. What we did notice was that the bag containing elements of our wedding outfits that we'd left in the boot was missing. The driver barely spoke English and communicated in grunts and shrugs. I mentioned the police and he set off at a run disappearing down the emergency stairs. I rather suspect he was an illegal. We made another phone call to the operator to report the damage and theft, but we gave up when whoever answered the phone was completely uninterested and wanted us to send pictures of the non-existent window and bag. Amongst other things missing from the car, was a large bag of sugar-free sherbet lemons, I hope the b*stards ate the whole lot at once, serve em right when they're doubled up with tummy cramps! Warning: Avoid Heathrow Parking Services/ezybook parking and Enigma Parking - who all seem to be the same people - they have a terrible reputation for stuff like this, which we only found out after the event.

We were due to drive straight up to Worcester the next day to attend a wedding on the Friday, but first we had to get the window at least temporarily repaired and make it to Worcester in time to replace our shoes, a belt for Julian and hat, handbag etc for me. Thanks to Autoglass we managed to get away by noon and luckily replaced everything except my handbag in a 1 hour wizz round the shops. The wedding was lovely, the bride looked stunning and very happy in a simple, elegant dress (first marriage age 77).

We arrived home to a speeding ticket! J was doing 35 in a 30mph zone. All in all it's cost us a fortune... we did manage to report the damage/theft to the police online yesterday (took nearly all afternoon) and today we start with the insurance companies! Julian has agreed to do a speed awareness course to avoid 3 points on his licence.

Still... it was a good holiday whilst we were in Corfu.

Our 37th wedding anniv and the bride.IMG_20220617_214217444.jpg
Blooming Heck! @Pattidevans So sorry to hear of all your aggravation since you got back from holiday. What an absolute nightmare! This whole airport parking thing seems like a total racket. I read stories so often about them parking on people's drives and back streets and bits of waste ground etc. Really shocking! Hope the insurance isn't too difficult to sort out.

So pleased you had a lovely holiday though and that you made it to the wedding and that went smoothly. How lovely for them to have found love, even if it was so late in life.
Oh no @Pattidevans what a nightmare. You hear rumours of this sort of thing but you hope that’s all it is. I was a travel agent for many years and booked many a parking/meet and greet and all went well. I think I’ll be looking on Trip Advisor before I make my next booking.
Glad you enjoyed your holiday. Corfu was our first foreign holiday in 1983 and I came back with a baby in my tummy. It’s ok it was Mr Eggy’s, not Spiros’ from Sidari!
:rofl: We’ve been to quite a few Greek islands since but never returned to Corfu, maybe one day. Our middle daughter and granddaughter are going next month, hopefully if EasyJet don’t cancel their flight.
Hope you manage to get some recompense from your insurance.
Blooming Heck! @Pattidevans So sorry to hear of all your aggravation since you got back from holiday. What an absolute nightmare! This whole airport parking thing seems like a total racket. I read stories so often about them parking on people's drives and back streets and bits of waste ground etc. Really shocking! Hope the insurance isn't too difficult to sort out.
We had gone through one of the comparison sites to book the parking. It had quite good reviews. However, after the event we did some searching and drilled down to discover reviews that were absolutely shocking! Stolen cars, wrecked cars etc. I confess we normally use Purple Parking who have always been very good, but their rates for this year were astounding. Feel a bit of a fool now, but it's certainly worth warning others.

Oh no @Pattidevans what a nightmare. You hear rumours of this sort of thing but you hope that’s all it is. I was a travel agent for many years and booked many a parking/meet and greet and all went well. I think I’ll be looking on Trip Advisor before I make my next booking.
Glad you enjoyed your holiday. Corfu was our first foreign holiday in 1983 and I came back with a baby in my tummy. It’s ok it was Mr Eggy’s, not Spiros’ from Sidari!
:rofl: We’ve been to quite a few Greek islands since but never returned to Corfu, maybe one day. Our middle daughter and granddaughter are going next month, hopefully if EasyJet don’t cancel their flight.
Hope you manage to get some recompense from your insurance.
TripAdvisor have some forum posts, but I can't seem to find any reviews on parking on there.

LOL! @ Spiros from Sidari!!! We stay in Paleokastritsa, it's beautiful providing you don't stay down at the main beach as it gets very crowded with visitors to the monastery, coach tours etc. We're thinking of visiting a different island perhaps next time... where would you recommend?
12:17 BS 6.6 🙂 for THAT, at least! A Mona Lisa smile!

A Very G’day Mates & have a Wonderful Day! A much easier usual 😉

I’m feeling CRAMPY today, double entrendre fully intended, & not feeling 100% but, finally dragged myself vertical to get my tresiba & pills in me! Also, even though I don’t feel like eating, I’ll try some toast & see if a less empty stomach will help with “some cushioning”? from my menstrual cramps!

Almost finished the book & just the Epilogue to go! I highly recommend the book which I’ll now correct some errors I made in my post yesterday: my eyes were SO blurry at the time I read them!

The book is The Betrayal of Anne Frank: Less a Mystery Unsolved Than a Secret Well Kept by Rosemary Sullivan who wrote the book but, it’s mainly the narrative of the retired FBI agent who formed the Cold Case Team investigation! Retired FBI agent Vince Pankoke formed a task force in 2017 to discover the one burning question that almost everyone’s been asking when people visit The Anne Frank House in Amsterdam, most of over 35 million readers that have since bought & read it too! Who betrayed Anne Frank?

SPOILER below alert if you want to read the book yourself currently priced at £11.99 on kindle at Amazon: still fairly newly published & the price hasn’t come down yet; it probably will later as most books do! Don’t read below these *’s!


After an exhaustive search the team came up with an answer & it may shock & surprise some but, not me! It was a member high up in The Dutch Jewish Council a Notary: @ColinUK will know more about that than me; a lawyer that witnesses & is present during sales of properties & assets that’s sworn to secrecy but, Dutch Notaries have extra power, compared to other countries, in that even a High Court Judge can’t force them to disclose anything they don’t want to!

I’m not surprised as I’ve actually seen other documentaries about how the Nazi’s set up these Jewish Councils in their occupied countries, France & Belgium, that deceived, concealed, separated the Jewish population from the general public & killed them in secrecy out of sight!

The Jewish Councils were forced to enact their decrees & edicts published in their own newspapers out of sight of the general public, to keep public outcry to a minimum, & then, occupy the council by offering a number of passes, 120000 in the case of The Netherlands, that kept Jews from being deported! “Exempt From Deportation Until Further Notice” were then stamped on their ID cards BUT, they crossed out the “Until Further Notice” further down the line & deported them anyway! So, The Dutch Jewish Council complied lists of who they thought were most in need after their own families, of course! And a lot of the Jewish people being deported trusted the council with the addresses of their loved ones in hiding to get warnings to them! The Nazi’s disbanded The Dutch Jewish Council when they started to realise but, the damage was done & there were lists of addresses where Jews were hiding!

Otto Frank was sent an anonymous typed note shortly after he returned to Amsterdam from the camps that stated the name of the council member who had given a list of addresses to the SD & he investigated but, the man was dying of throat cancer & he didn’t want to pursue it any further!

Vince concluded with an absolutely BRUTALLY stark conclusion, that hit me hard, that both men made choices & were trying their best to save their families. In terms of survival Otto Frank made the wrong choice as his family did not survive! Arnold van den Bergh made the right choice as his family survived but, he paid an apt price, Vince noted, in getting throat cancer & was silenced!

Ultimately it was the Nazi’s who had such a clear minded modus operandi across their occupied countries to systematically exterminate millions of people that were to blame & could never be understood or forgiven!
We had gone through one of the comparison sites to book the parking. It had quite good reviews. However, after the event we did some searching and drilled down to discover reviews that were absolutely shocking! Stolen cars, wrecked cars etc. I confess we normally use Purple Parking who have always been very good, but their rates for this year were astounding. Feel a bit of a fool now, but it's certainly worth warning others.

TripAdvisor have some forum posts, but I can't seem to find any reviews on parking on there.

LOL! @ Spiros from Sidari!!! We stay in Paleokastritsa, it's beautiful providing you don't stay down at the main beach as it gets very crowded with visitors to the monastery, coach tours etc. We're thinking of visiting a different island perhaps next time... where would you recommend?
Oh where do I start? We’ve been to Kefalonia twice, large but not as commercialised as other islands. Very green too. Lots to see, we had a car both visits. Probably our favourite, maybe?
Santorini, not green, volcanic ash beaches. Beautiful white and blue buildings set into the cliffs. Tiny island easy to get around by bus.
Naxos, another small island, no direct flights. We took the ferry from Athens after spending three days there first. We just chilled mostly but lovely restaurants and old twisty cobbled streets.
Zante, lovely beaches but very commercialised. Quite a few man made resorts. More for families, we went many years ago with the girls.
Crete, the largest of the islands. We flew to the east side. Specially went to visit Spinalonga, former leper colony. Very thought provoking. We stayed in Elounda. We hired a car as it’s a big island and went all over.
Rhodes. We stayed at the bottom of Lindos, a lovely little cobbled village. No vehicles allowed. You get dropped off at the top and walk the cobbled streets with your luggage. Fab beach, amazing sunrises. Very hot though, even in May. We incorporated a three day trip to Symi whilst there, ferry from Rhodes Town. Beautiful island, colourful houses and an amazing harbour. Very hot also.
I think that’s it. All very different but all enjoyable mainly down to the Greeks themselves and their amazing food. If you want more details/photos let me know, happy to help.
Oh where do I start? We’ve been to Kefalonia twice, large but not as commercialised as other islands. Very green too. Lots to see, we had a car both visits. Probably our favourite, maybe?
Santorini, not green, volcanic ash beaches. Beautiful white and blue buildings set into the cliffs. Tiny island easy to get around by bus.
Naxos, another small island, no direct flights. We took the ferry from Athens after spending three days there first. We just chilled mostly but lovely restaurants and old twisty cobbled streets.
Zante, lovely beaches but very commercialised. Quite a few man made resorts. More for families, we went many years ago with the girls.
Crete, the largest of the islands. We flew to the east side. Specially went to visit Spinalonga, former leper colony. Very thought provoking. We stayed in Elounda. We hired a car as it’s a big island and went all over.
Rhodes. We stayed at the bottom of Lindos, a lovely little cobbled village. No vehicles allowed. You get dropped off at the top and walk the cobbled streets with your luggage. Fab beach, amazing sunrises. Very hot though, even in May. We incorporated a three day trip to Symi whilst there, ferry from Rhodes Town. Beautiful island, colourful houses and an amazing harbour. Very hot also.
I think that’s it. All very different but all enjoyable mainly down to the Greeks themselves and their amazing food. If you want more details/photos let me know, happy to help.
We had an interesting experience in Lindos. The coach driver got in a spat with the rep as he thought she was taking too long seeing people into their accommodation and just drove off leaving her behind. We then got dumped in the middle of the night at the top with our bags not even knowing which accommodation we were in or where to go. So stood there like lemons not knowing what to do, eventually she appeared on a moped, very apologetic and embarrassed.
It wasn't her fault but the driver needed sacking as that was just so unprofessional.
As a place it was a bit out of the way but we loved Rhodes and Crete.
We had previously done a couple of coach tours of mainland Greece which we enjoyed.