Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all on this breezy Sunday. 6.4 when I got out of bed at 6!

I’ve a busy morning. Getting picked up at 8.30 to go to a, not sure what to call it, but there’s a Jacuzzi, sauna, relaxation areas, BBQ grill, music curtesy of an Alexa. It’s in a big glamping pod sort of thing. Anyhoo, granddaughter aged 15, booked it for her mum’s birthday which was earlier in the month. For booked it, see Grandma booked it ( she did transfer me the money) Grandma has had to deal with the admin side of it, ie sending my ID, collating car regs etc. Grandma has also had to leave a £50 deposit incase we wreck the place! Grandma is also currently cooking 24 Cumberland links so we don’t poison ourselves when we get there, see, so Grandma won’t poison everyone on the BBQ grill, Grandma is also buttering 12 rolls, dispensing ketchup into a smaller manageable vessel, ditto mayonnaise. Grandma has also bought breakfast pastries, Grandma is also supervising two other granddaughters as their mum is inoculating sheep, Grandma is also having to shave her bits so as not to frighten the other guests! Relaxing! Huh! 😉
I will let you know how my “chill out” morning goes!

Have a nice relaxing Sunday, you know, like normal people! 😛
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Morning campers!

5.7 for me this morning, and a bright and breezy start.

Sorry to hear about your Mum & Dad @ColinUK and the craziness going on near you @Kaylz :( :( :(

Hope you have a lovely day @eggyg
Good morning. 5.6. Do you recall standing to repeat "For what the Lord is about to provide let us all be truly thankful" before sitting down to piles of stinking stodge, overcooked vegetables and mince? The weather is a similar experience this morning - promised deluge and howling gale, received light showers and a moderate breeze. Quite cold though, had to fire up CH this morning as only 15 in the house.
Shall be spending part of the day draining and refilling No1 hydroponic tank and planting up with Chinese leaves, lettuce and rocket. Probably the remainder will be taken up with "Tina's Taxi" work as the Ukrainian car returned home with a puncture yesterday afternoon. A pity as Hanna had just had her first go on the Welsh lanes, she returned safely but shaken. They had gone over a stone. Not sure I would have chosen to go out with husband and 3 children in the car rather than wait 2 days for driving instructor but each to their own. ATS were closed by then so local beloved grease monkey is sorting a new tyre on Monday whilst I return to taxi work.
It may be hopeful imagination but think the jeans are a smidgeon slacker. Still got a discernable muffin top, if that is modern parlance for a spare tyre, so definitely need to keep 100% strictly to diet for next month.
Good morning people! 6.3.

Had a dream where I was going to participate in some running event and someone gave me a Dexcom sensor. Haven't run since high school and I have yet to try Libre, let alone Dexcom. Also dreamt I video called my mom to ask her for a traditional recipe that I realized is dairy and gluten free, and can easily be made vegan. It is a real recipe that I haven't eaten in years and I kinda fancy it now, so might actually ask my mum later!
Morning all on this breezy Sunday. 6.4 when I got out of bed at 6!

I’ve a busy morning. Getting picked up at 8.30 to go to a, not sure what to call it, but there’s a Jacuzzi, sauna, relaxation areas, BBQ grill, music curtesy of an Alexa. It’s in a big glamming pod sort of thing. Anyhoo, granddaughter aged 15, booked it for her mum’s birthday which was earlier in the month. For booked it, see Grandma booked it ( she did transfer me the money) Grandma has had to deal with the admin side of it, ie sending my ID, collating car regs etc. Grandma has also had to leave a £50 deposit incase we wreck the place! Grandma is also currently cooking 24 Cumberland links so we don’t poison ourselves when we get there, see, so Grandma won’t poison everyone on the BBQ grill, Grandma is also buttering 12 rolls, dispensing ketchup into a smaller manageable vessel, ditto mayonnaise. Grandma has also bought breakfast pastries, Grandma is also supervising two other granddaughters as their mum is inoculating sheep, Grandma is also having to shave her bits so as not to frighten the other guests! Relaxing! Huh! 😉
I will let you know how my “chill out” morning goes!

Have a nice relaxing Sunday, you know, like normal people! 😛

Morning all on this breezy Sunday. 6.4 when I got out of bed at 6!

I’ve a busy morning. Getting picked up at 8.30 to go to a, not sure what to call it, but there’s a Jacuzzi, sauna, relaxation areas, BBQ grill, music curtesy of an Alexa. It’s in a big glamming pod sort of thing. Anyhoo, granddaughter aged 15, booked it for her mum’s birthday which was earlier in the month. For booked it, see Grandma booked it ( she did transfer me the money) Grandma has had to deal with the admin side of it, ie sending my ID, collating car regs etc. Grandma has also had to leave a £50 deposit incase we wreck the place! Grandma is also currently cooking 24 Cumberland links so we don’t poison ourselves when we get there, see, so Grandma won’t poison everyone on the BBQ grill, Grandma is also buttering 12 rolls, dispensing ketchup into a smaller manageable vessel, ditto mayonnaise. Grandma has also bought breakfast pastries, Grandma is also supervising two other granddaughters as their mum is inoculating sheep, Grandma is also having to shave her bits so as not to frighten the other guests! Relaxing! Huh! 😉
I will let you know how my “chill out” morning goes!

Have a nice relaxing Sunday, you know, like normal people! 😛

I am not a great fan of barbecues. When they started catching on 30 years ago I got fed up with being being invited to them and served the cheapest burgers and sausages burnt on the outside and dubious on the inside. The only barbecues I have brought have been disposable ones for time out with the grandchildren. At home I used to dine Al Fresco with friends cooking everything on my gas cooker. Eating outside lost its appeal when the council allowed an OTT extension cutting out the evening sun!,
And stood on the scales and I’m half a kilo down on before the holiday! That includes wearing the best Victoria sponge I’ve ever had (at Quarr Abbey) and numerous cream teas of varying quality. Maybe that’s the secret to dropping a few pounds, cake and cream teas! If only!
Morning all, 4.4 here, and no dawn rise yet. Kids met up here yesterday to drive down to London, as far as a convenient tube station and thence by tube, to see the Red Hot Chilli Peppers at the London Stadium. Of course, when they booked they didn’t know there would be a train strike. Woke up in the middle of the night and realised I hadn’t heard them come in, and my son is particularly heavy footed and unable to close a door quietly, so leapt out of bed and looked out of the window, and was relieved to see his car parked on the drive. He obviously managed to tiptoe in.
9.4 :(
Bit disappointed (may be partly DP) as quite a long time overnight around 4.5 (Libre low alarm) and total about 30g carbs got BG to 6.9 at 03:55. Maybe time to reduce BI again.
But another bright and sunny day, off-shore wind keeping us cooler. So time for 6'th morning coffee of the week, at beach or in the square.
Morning not proper waking level as hF been a wake for while(plus was weighing out my ceral before testing (i always feel if it something which requires weighing I need to woke it out before testing) I feel like(and I think some tests last night comfimed this) if I up my evening Livermore it's going to be too much for other parts of the night so just going to have to put up with the raise that often happens (although not ideal).

Have decided to try and avoid dairy for next few days to see if that causing my issues at moment.(to clarify I mean my stomach issues)
I am not a great fan of barbecues. When they started catching on 30 years ago I got fed up with being being invited to them and served the cheapest burgers and sausages burnt on the outside and dubious on the inside. The only barbecues I have brought have been disposable ones for time out with the grandchildren. At home I used to dine Al Fresco with friends cooking everything on my gas cooker. Eating outside lost its appeal when the council allowed an OTT extension cutting out the evening sun!,
I’m not a BBQer usually. That’s hubby’s job. This is a gas BBQ which I definitely haven’t used! Fingers crossed for non carbonised sausages. :rofl:
Oops, had a lie-in, until 8! 5.4 when I finally got up.

I spent a fruitless couple of hours yesterday trying to find a dongle / USB modem that I can use in Spain (a no-go after Brexit, apparently) - the most useful comment came from the guy at Vodafone: come back two and a half years ago! Any techies out there know of a way?
Ah, so you did eat it after you'd worn it.
I must say, if the island of Queen Victoria's holiday home can’t produce a good sponge, then where can?
Only just twigged my typo!!
Ah, so you did eat it after you'd worn it.
I must say, if the island of Queen Victoria's holiday home can’t produce a good sponge, then where can?
Only just twigged my typo!
5.0 this morning. 🙂
It rained most of the night and early morning, so I didn't fancy squelching through the woods this morning. So I'll be on my Roger Black later.

Good morning - 8.7
4.1 for me this morning and a gentle slope downwards on a unit less Levemir than sent me gently upwards to needing a correction the night before. Just as well I followed my intuition. 🙄

Wedding went well but took much longer than we expected and a lot of standing around waiting. Unfortunately, on the short journey back to the farm house from the church, which should have taken 15mins, the bride asked us to to take a diversion to allow the guests to get back to the farmhouse before she arrived and during that short diversion the heavens opened with a tropical storm which lashed us with wind and rain so badly it destroyed two of the umbrellas we keep for such situations, as is traditional on such a carriage. Then all the guests were bottlenecked on the farm access road when we got there so we got stuck behind them. It was OK for them in their warm dry cars, whilst the bride and groom (and ourselves) were like drowned rats on a sinking ship! Thankfully she was a good sport and 10 mins after we dropped them off the sun came out and we were almost dry by the time we drove the horses back to the farm where Ian keeps them. The only rain of the day and it had to happen then! It was a very interesting wedding as the bride is Canadian and the groom born locally but worked all over the world as an international journalist and currently living in Cyprus, so there were people from across the globe gathered at this wedding in a tiny hamlet church in a little corner of rural Northumberland. According to the groom, it is considered "a blessing" in Namibia if it rains on your wedding day.... well I guess it would be there!! Something for them to look back on and have a laugh about though and at least we got the bride and bridesmaids to the church in beautiful sunshine and it held for the photographs!

Got to dash and load the carriage onto the trailer for todays outing to the County Show. Hope everyone has a lovely day.