Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. Hovered out of target from about 3am but when i woke it was 7.8.

After a lovely day out with a friend yesterday, today is the day for catching up with cleaning, washing and ironing. I'm aiming to get most done this morning so i can sit with a coffee and a book this afternoon.

Have a lovely day @eggyg. I hope the bbq works ok.
@rebrascora enjoy the County Show.
Everyone else enjoy your Sunday.
My best ever waking BG, 8.7. I have pretty much cut out most carbs, yesterday I had around 50g of carbs, my highest BG was 10.7 mid afternoon.

I haven't officially been given the Type 1 Diagnosis, but the Doctor said they would be surprised if I was type 2, and didn't think these tablets were going to work... but they seem to be, combined with the low carb diet.

However the diabetic nurse did say the tablets could be causing some kind of false positive, in the sense they are getting the last bits of life from my b-cells, and the tablets may stop working.

The good news, I have felt better in the last couple of days than I have for months.

I hope everyone has a great day.
7.4 this morning, didn’t wake up until almost 10.30, so had almost 12 hrs sleep.

Catch up with everyone’s post later.
12:09 BS 7.1 🙂

Definitely have to go Australian as it’s 12:30 at this point while this typing catching up on reading the posts on here first! 😳🙄:D😉

A Very G’day Mates to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

MY! It’s a grey, damp, windy & miserable day today that my midday pills & tresiba alarm woke me up for! 😱 I’m almost tempted to put the heater on but, it’s not THAT cold!🙄

I stayed up last night read beyond the point of the zoomed up kindle text to the max size & into the too blurry & fuzzy stage to read anymore before I put it down & went to bed! So, only the alarm woke up! 😳 A good thing the battery had just been charged yesterday, then!:D

I finished off The Diary of a Young Girl yesterday evening & it got progressively harrowing towards the end as they had a few scares when burglars broke into the warehouse a few times & the police almost found the annex & were right at the bookcase concealing the entrance!

Then, having finished it I decided to read the newly published book. I noticed right at the top of the amazon kindle books list when I typed in The Diary of Anne Frank, at the start of this year January 2022 The Betrayal of Anne Frank: Less a Mystery Unsolved Than a Secret Well Kept by Rosemary Sullivan. Where a retired FBI agent gathered in 2019 a Cold Case task force to investigate who Betrayed the Franks & Van Pels families & Fritz Ffefer?: Anne changed their names in the diary to protect their anonymity as she’d intended to publish it after the war; THAT was particularly harrowing at the end of the diary as everyone in the annex by listening to radio reports by the BBC in London knew the Germans were losing the war & had hope & dreams in their hearts of surviving to go back to their normal lives after the war! :(

I’m not that far into the book yet as I really should have gone to bed instead of starting it! 🙄 But, I read, for the first, Otto Frank’s account of their arrest by the SD officer & how calm everybody in the annex were during the arrest & it was the SD officer who was running up & down stairs in turmoil in his shocked but, ingrained/trained response to military authority when he saw Mr Frank’s WWI medal that he was awarded to him when fighting for Germany! “But, why didn’t you turn yourselves in? You would have been treated decently!” To which Mr. Frank remained silent as he could see clearly how deluded the SD officer was!

I went to bed around 2am after finishing that chapter of Mr. Frank’s account of the arrest & will read on today!
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Late on here today. Up at 4am though.

Bg 4.4 nice and low

Went for a 2 hour exercise walk on the beach. The first hour was easy as the wind was in my back. What a strong wind too. Unfortunately the second hour was very very tough as the wind was against me. Great exercise though.

Along with this afternoons exercise it's a grand total of 187 minutes today. Yessss. Now ehere's that chocolate fudgecake.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Good morning everyone.

An interesting day yesterday. A good start. Then....A phone call from my daughter at 4pm to say she was coming for tea. My wife immediately went into panic mode, cleaning, decluttering, worrying about what to make for tea. It took a lot of gentle, calming effort from me, a lot of helping, and a lot of 'something (self control?)' from her to get out of the panic mode rather than her descend into angry upset, fed up mode......a great evening ensued too. Phew!!

And at the same time my wife made another great victoria sponge cake!!! I think she was getting upset because her easy evening cake making plans seemed suddenly doomed.

Following my daughter (and familys) visit the central heating broke down, by continuously turning itself on and off. It was set to be off (for summer) but suddenly it had an evil mind of its own and went into this wild mode. Radiators heating up. Aghhhh!!! On, off, on, off, etc. I switched it all off at the mains for two hours and thankfully when I switched it back on again, all was well and it settled down to being 'off'. No idea what went wrong. But my wife was instantly blaming my daughter or her husband until I mentioned that I had noticed the problem from before they arrived. I had, but not realised what was going on. I had seen the controlling display in the hall going on and off but thought nothing of it.

Doh, it is dark, cold and raining right now so no early morning walk. I am very tired this morning so it suits me just fine. I think summer may be over. :(

Have a great day today whatever you may be doing

BG this morning 4.6
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Morning all. 5.3 for me this morning. Feeling very tired, took a while to get to sleep last night and when i eventually did, a dog started howling, with other dogs joining in barking! How can it wake me and not their owners?!

On the countdown noe to the summer holidays and theres so much to do.

Have a good Monday everyone.
Morning on this damp and cool Cumbrian day. 7.3.

Yesterday’s outing to the glamping pod/hot tub thingy didn’t get off to a good start. When we arrived at 9am it was obvious it hadn’t been cleaned since the last occupants. Yuk! I called them and they came and were very, very apologetic and cleaned up as much as they could (. We’d already wiped the tide mark from the hot tub, 😱) they’d had a hen party in until midnight the night before and obviously fake tan was involved, they said the cleaner had been in at 7am but hadn’t done it to their usual standard, therefore they were giving us a full refund! Quids in! The “ BBQ” was just a hot plate and I was so glad I had pre cooked the sausage or we might still be there! It wasn’t very hot! But we did enjoy ourselves, it was just the family in the end, a friend dropped out last minute so the deforestation of body parts wasn’t required in the end!:rofl:

I’d like to say we were having a quiet day today but it’s child care Monday, ( other grandparents back from hols today, yippee!) so the chances are slim. But we are going away tomorrow for a couple of days to Newcastle to see a show and stay over. Looking forward to that.

Have a fab day. 🙂
Morning all. 7.9 here...who knows? I blame the book I’m reading atm - The Manningtree Witches. My blood was boiling at the injustice, cruelty and cowardice of the witch-hunters! Great book, tho. It’s really beautifully written.

Oo, enjoy your well-deserved, child-free break in Newcastle @eggyg. What show is it?
19.8 when i got up this morning at 5:30, down to 8.7 and dropping before breakfast at 7:30 so hopefully i've not got the timing too wrong, with a couple hours of correction still to go but hopefully offset by the carbs in breakfast
Hey all sorry I've been a little absent from the forum had a little stay in hospital after my last session things went a little wrong and I ended up being rather poorly with it all.. No one's at fault my poor body has taken a beating over the past few months and it finally decided to rebel and go on strike. I still don't know what happened but I woke up with a nurse sitting on my chest giving me c.p.r and me responding with get the hell off me what do you think your doing and growling at the poor lass.... So spent the weekend on the ward lots of observations a scan a heart monitor a lot of iv meds a echocardiogram and lots of sweaty sheets. According to the cardiogist the sac around my heart is inflamed and has a infection something called pericarditis..
Hoping I can get home in the next few days I miss my pup something rotten..
Not really had the chance to do heardle until this morning and I got it in 2
Have a great start to the week whatever you get up to
Keep you heads up and your hearts strong
Griff x