Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning 6.2 having woke up a few hours before my alarm

I booked an appointment for ankle consultation (in September) and
saw podiatrist yesterday morning, have been given more dressings etc,
under instructions to keep the ulcer covered until it’s more healed up, and continue wearing the Gucci NHS sandal, good news is that I was feeling slight pain whilst she was cutting away, it’s great to know I still have feeling in that toe.

Enjoyed crowded house @Glastonbury (via the i-player last night)
although NOT… Neil Fins grandson screeching like Gordon the Gopher
thought he was going to make my ears bleed

Have a fabulous weekend everybody 😎
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@Michael12421 wow that is very low. Hope you are ok

Good morning everyone.

Bright and sunny again this morning.

BG 4.5 which is quite low for me.

Still very tired after the last few days of harder exercise

Today, plans, zilch, but I am sure something will turn up needing to be done. Ah yes, I need to take the kitchen sink plumbing apart to remove a chop stick my wife accidentally dropped through the plug hole. Hmmm not looking forward to that very much.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing.
6.3 🙂 as yesterday

Down from 7.4 at before bed, but bit volatile in between
4.3 at 00:30
Corrected with about 10g of carbs (cereal)
13.3 at 02:30
Corrected with 2.0 QA, which seemed to work today.
Have had several early am QA some of which just seem to have no effect.
Morning all. Woke earlier and new sensor said 12 with an upward trend, finger prick 9.6. Had another snooze and this time woke to 8.2, finger prick 8.1. Thats better.

Got to get up and out soon, going out with a friend for the day. Have a good Saturday whatever you are doing.

@Michael12421 get some glucose and get those levels up quickly. I hope you're ok.
Morning folks. 🙂 4.4 here. Libre said 3.6, but the alarms are often “unavailable” so it didn’t wake me up.:confused:

Thanks @Kaylz and @freesia - after some rapid-fire quizzing about my CV and work experience, she started explaining what the job might involve, so I think I’m in! I just have to email her once I get back from Spain in September. The job sounds right up my street - teaching various classes (Essential Skills, Spanish, English to Ukrainians) in three different centres, so no two days’d be the same. And the hourly rate is good, although it’s a zero hours contract. Way-hey!

I hope you’re up in range now @Michael12421. That was LOW. 😱

I caught the end of Crowded House too @goodybags - almost cried, took me back to when I was backpacking around Australia (30 years ago!) - I did wonder about the tiny new member of the band!😳:rofl:
Morning all 6.3 did up eating a
Don’t leave us in suspense!

I was 19.6 this morning. Got insulin wrong last night. Stacked a few small corrections which usually helps get me down again.
Morning all, I was 5.0 at 6.30am, but I went back to sleep until 8am and I’m now 7.7. Libre gave me a fright, because at first it told me I was 8.9, but its algorithm was being a bit trigger happy with the sudden rise.
The answer was another pineapple. (the question yesterday was, what will my lunch guest bring me?) Very nice too, but I can’t shake her belief that I'm not allowed chocolate.

Well I'm surprised I was only 9.6 and not higher this morning, have a very sore and bruised toe, slept less than 2 hours and coughed most of the night due to a neighbour just across the green burning stuff in the garden after 10pm, it was far too hot to shut my window though :( so a rather sore throat today as well xx
Morning folks. 7.2, which initially I was disappointed with, but when I got downstairs and realised I hadn’t taken ANY Levemir last night before bed (usually 9/9.5) I think it’s blooming excellent! What a numpty! 🙄 Don’t know what I was thinking, obviously nothing!

Was planning a quiet day today as we have a very busy week ahead, starting tomorrow. But a call to arms from eldest daughter came last night, can we have her two girls today ( 10.30am) and overnight? Sheep vaccinating to be done. No problem, they’re no bother, but need a shopping trip now. A supermarket, on a Saturday?😱 That definitely wasn’t in the plans for a quiet day! I’m looking forward to next Thursday when we DEFINITELY ( so far) haven’t any plans! As they say, no rest for the wicked!😉

Have a great day, whatever your plans are. 🙂
Morning all 6.3 did up eating
Don’t leave us in suspense!

I was 19.6 this morning. Got insulin wrong last night. Stacked a few small corrections which usually helps get me down again.
Sorry I was in the middle of editing and accidentally press send for finishing(which anyone can do from time to time). I'll type it here now(

What I was saying was did end eating at 2.30 this morning.

Yesterday was a up and down blood sugar but I kind of half expected it.

Here's how the day morning before backfast 8.2 Two hours after 17.8 in the car on the way up to the wedding woops perhaps combatiion of breakfast spike dawn phermom and nerves because it was the first time going to a wedding since being diagnosed left it alone though (just as well). Checked well waiting for was 4.8 so had a couple of pink water biscuits ) still was ever so slightly hypo when went to get lunch after the ceremony (we were only going to the evening thing) 3.9) the evening thing came around felt funny around 8pm checked I was 14.1 not to worry I thought just give myself a unit. Food came around by about 9pm and it was time was the greasimating how much carba I was eating which I think I handled pretty well(although I have accidentally given myself my morning dose or Livmier instead of by evening one which may have helped me out a bit) was dawn to 9.9 at this point. Got some small swanwhichs and some photo wedges put enough insulin to cover around 50 carbs. Unfortunately what ever I eat seemed to really disagree with me and I felt really afterwards. However later was feeling funny so checked 11.3 not too badly so far I thought again 3 hours felr funny so checked 10.3. went to bed at one 1am was 8. Woke up ramdlomly at half 2 was 5.9 so made to call to eat something which obviously was the right call. Breakfast in the hotel is going to be another guessamation work.
Good morning - 4.8
No idea what my BG is this morning as my meter is still in my suitcase and I’ve not unpacked yet.

Holiday was lovely. Ate well. Walked lots. Took hundreds of photos and almost got pushed off a cliff by a herd of adolescent cattle who were a bit frisky and a bit curious.

120,000 or so steps Monday to yesterday. Well worth every single one of course!439B7005-E0DB-415D-8502-63614085ED4C.jpeg89054327-C69C-44B1-9C44-2745D27524A8.jpegD4C357F8-EFF7-4C0B-87AF-C22BE0A5969F.jpeg1AD9E87F-8CD1-4453-A9BF-8E8A56285433.jpegD5C76EFA-69F4-4B30-915B-B082EB2ECBE1.jpeg
My reading was 5.5 earlier. 🙂


8.4 and woke to a lovely cold this morning, I don’t have much planned today and hubby at work, so will just rest up.