Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all, 8.5 here. Seems I can have a dip into the red and a decent waking reading, or a nice flat line in the 5s with a massive dawn effect, but not both.
I've got a relative coming for coffee and lunch today. Have tried to educate her on the subject of Diabetes over the years, but last time she announced 'I know you can’t have chocolate, so I brought you a pineapple'. Which was delicious, but required just as much insulin as chocolate would have done. Where’s a facepalm emoji when you want one?
Morning all. 7.1 here...I seem to have developed DP, hahaha, good timing since I start pumping next Tuesday.

I know what you mean @Robin - some friends just refuse to get it. Eg, if I order a toasted sandwich they say nothing, if I order a piece of cake the questions and looks start...Can you have that? Just watch me! Ingrained “knowledge” is the hardest to shift, but I keep scrubbing away at it...:confused:😉:rofl:

Oo, got a casual interview today for some teaching work, with the head of Essential Skills for Pembrokeshire.

Enjoy your trip @Lily123.
morning everyone 12.5
dsn phone appointment today so hopefully whatever is suggested suits me and works. Will update my other thread later on today.
Also off out to accompany my sis in law to her GP appointment and I suppose I should book bloods while I'm in there.

Have a wonderful day everyone x
A little better at 11.8 today but I did slip in an extra 8 units at 1am because wouldn't drop below 15.

Edit: just got told off from dietician for bedtime bolus, but both last night and the night before I was over 15 at bedtime and perhaps I've misunderstood but if I'm 6hrs since last bolus of NR and I'm still high... isn't a correction the right thing to do?
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8.2 going to a wedding today. I believe there's food at the evening thing we're going to so not sure how that's going to work out blood sugar wise. Also hope my stomach behaves for the wedding.
Morning all, 8.5 here. Seems I can have a dip into the red and a decent waking reading, or a nice flat line in the 5s with a massive dawn effect, but not both.
I've got a relative coming for coffee and lunch today. Have tried to educate her on the subject of Diabetes over the years, but last time she announced 'I know you can’t have chocolate, so I brought you a pineapple'
Morning all, 8.5 here. Seems I can have a dip into the red and a decent waking reading, or a nice flat line in the 5s with a massive dawn effect, but not both.
I've got a relative coming for coffee and lunch today. Have tried to educate her on the subject of Diabetes over the years, but last time she announced 'I know you can’t have chocolate, so I brought you a pineapple'. Which was delicious, but required just as much insulin as chocolate would have done. Where’s a facepalm emoji when you want one?
Oh yes last week I round somehomes House biscuits were passed the room I got "I assume you're going to say no to these" I didn't happen if I want one. So when I did decline I got "I'm so sorry" then I said I could and I got "but you pay for somewhere else not have something else?" then someome asked me where was the best place to get predebetic chocolate for someone. It was all well meaning though so I just tried to explain as best as I could.
Back to the big smoke later today acts normal service will be resumed over the weekend once I’ve managed to get the cream teas out of my veins!

Anyway… 6.1 this morning 🙂

9.something this morning

Looks like I'll need to order a new wax burner when I get paid as this one is seeming faulty, it's blowing bulbs like goodness knows what and if we forget to switch it off at the wall at night it often switches itself on!

Good luck @Bloden xx
5.8 for me this dull grey morning. 🙂

Morning all and somehow a respectable 6.3.
Pre bed hypo that took half a pack of dextrose tabs to shift. Fully expected levels to rocket during the night but I'm not complaining as all OK.

Currently listening to our efforts from the studio. IMHO sounding good. Just vocals guitar and piano which is a massive change for us.

Have a good day everyone.
Good morning guys. Woke at 9.7, which is a bit high for me, but what surprised me was having a 12.5 BG 4 hours later after Levemir, small breakfast and walking+work. I suspect this pen was damaged by the Spanish heat, will try a new one from the fridge tomorrow before considering changing doses.
6.5 for me but I woke up earlier having a really vivid and stressful dream on 9.8, so a couple of units of Fiasp went in. Who needs a Libre 2 with alarms when I can have nightmares instead. 🙄 My own fault for eating VERY late and it was the protein release from my chicken wings.... Got a whole big tray of them at the supermarket reduced to 20p last night at 9pm so put them in the oven to cook on top of some swede and carrots when I got home and put shopping away, but then had to head up to sort the horses out for the evening and put chucks away so it was a midnight feast last night by the time I ate!
Pleased to report I had a unicorn day yesterday so looks like I am getting things back on an even keel but botched it this morning with a very slight dip into the red after breakfast.

Got a busy weekend ahead as we have a wedding to do with the horses tomorrow.... it is a favour for an acquaintance's son, (we don't do commercial work) and then the County show on Sunday where Zak is entered in the ride and drive section, so hoping to do quite well as he really is multi talented, but it will be the first event since Ernie's passing so that may affect him. Thankfully he is coping better than Archie who is just looking so sad and gets incredibly anxious when Zak leaves the field but we will put Arthur in with him on Sunday whilst Zak is away and hopefully that will perk him up. Tomorrow we will need both Arthur and Zak so Archie will be on his own and he will be distraught even though he can see horses in the field opposite. It is so difficult for animals when they lose a long term pal and especially when they are getting on themselves. We could bring him into the stable but he would be less happy than out in the field. I hate animals being stressed, but not a lot we can do and at least it will only be for a couple of hours tomorrow as the wedding is at a local hamlet.
Hope everyone has a good weekend and none of us get too wet at any special events we attend..... much as the land needs it.
Oops! 😳 Completely forgot to check in earlier!😳 Will post this now as I catch my breath coming in the door & catch up right after!😳

There’s nothing else for it but, to go Australian today with a G’day Mates & continue to have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Waking today was 09:40 BS 6.8 🙂 Better!

Just back from blood tests today & as it was only 10 days ago with still JUST the lightest yellow/beige bruise on one scar I asked for the hand right off as the scarring is getting harder to go through too especially, with not much healing taking place in 10 days! 🙄 BUT, before THAT it was EVEN EASIER walking down the corridor & I was barely winded with only a moment or two of gasping to catch my breath once I sat down! FINALLY after just over 2 years of long covid it’s definitely getting better AND I DIDN’T say a word to anybody about it when I couldn’t shut about it last week!:D😉:rofl: WELLLL! Apart from posting about it to you lovely indulgent lot!😛😎:D😉:rofl: It was painful in the hand & gone blue already & will go through the rainbow colours but, a full vial straight off so, NO COMING next week with another 8 weeks to recover before going back!🙂🙄

Right post about to be posted, caught my breath & will catch up on this thread now! 🙂
How about for a bit of fun if people who test in the mornings post their waking levels? I think it would be interesting to see what the average works out at after a week 🙂

I'll start with mine - I was 6.0 when I woke up this morning 🙂

(please don't let me be the only person to enter one! 😉)
How about for a bit of fun if people who test in the mornings post their waking levels? I think it would be interesting to see what the average works out at after a week 🙂

I'll start with mine - I was 6.0 when I woke up this morning 🙂

(please don't let me be the only person to enter one! 😉)
6.0 this morning but I did have fish and chips for dinner last night! Lowest I've been is 4.4 but usually 5.0 to 5.8