Group 7-day waking average?

10.1(I was up moving probery for a good ten minutes)I end eating test last night and both times it turns out I didn't need to. But these things happen.
well today not going well. but i did forget to take my tablet for axirity last night and i do sometimes find that has an affect on things the next day. did get tempted to do a range bolus after seeing a a 15 for the second time today(2hours after lunch). after) and not seeing below 10 once today but haven't(because you know novo slowvid). hears hoping it goes down by its self the time for my BBQ this evening. i thinking about actually pro belly seting a bolus calcalter but will pro-belly need to talk to my team first.
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Was 9.something for me many hours ago which I'm surprised about given how anxious I am, scared come this time tomorrow I'll be back to square one with my OCD :(

On my own until tomorrow and EE's Internet is down so having to use my phone and battery is running down rather quickly xx

Was 9.something for me many hours ago which I'm surprised about given how anxious I am, scared come this time tomorrow I'll be back to square one with my OCD :(

On my own until tomorrow and EE's Internet is down so having to use my phone and battery is running down rather quickly xx
Remember that stress and anxiety can elevate your BGL, so don't let high figures cause more stress. Sending a virtual hug.
Good morning everyone. Bright and sunny out there this morning.

I am walking to (and hopefully from) the hospital this afternoon getting my eyes checked, I hope it's not too hot whilst I walk there. Could be a bit tough as my legs ache from yesterdays walking.

BG this morning 4.6 seems to be a favourite number for me at the moment.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Remember that stress and anxiety can elevate your BGL, so don't let high figures cause more stress. Sending a virtual hug.
Yeah thanks I know that, what I meant was I expected to be higher

Was 15.something when I got up at 5, will see how it is shortly when I test for breakfast

Feeling VERY low and alone today and of course nobody to talk to xx
Good morning - 4.1
Morning all. 7.3 today.

Had a lovely peaceful day yesterday for Mr Eggy’s birthday, that is until 7pm when daughters x 3 and grandchildren x 4 arrived. ( Zara in bed), bedlam ensued, gifts given and cake eaten. Fantastic end to a lovely day. Apart from a trip to get his hair cut we’ve another quiet day today. Bliss.

Have a great day all. It’s meant to be quite hot for us today, 24 degrees! Not sure I’ll cope. Factor 30 and a lounger in the shade for us. 😎
Good morning. Lovely day again - so far. Think we will miss the thunder and lightening which is forecast for further East. Lousy night - something disturbed Wolf who felt he needed to comment on it ad nauseam. Up several times to encourage him to shut up - which he eventually did around4.30.
6.3 today - must be the poor night as was extremely abstemious yesterday.
Have a good day everyone.
Morning all. This morning was 6.6 when I got up at 4 am.
Yesterday I went for a walk with some old friends and glucose went right up. Took me a few hours to bring that back to earth.

Is it just me or can any body see Tower Bute, Arizona?

Probably just me having a close encounter, have a nice day guys
5.4 for me this morning. 🙂
