Group 7-day waking average?

Good evening folks. Waking BG was 6.8, tho it would make more sense to post bedtime BG at this point!

I'm back to England after a short week in my Spanish hometown. It was beautiful and emotional and nostalgic, and too hot to do any walking so my BG has been a bit higher. I got a haircut and I told all my friends and family I am going to change my job soon, now I hope I'm brave enough to do it. And I got my second dose of Novorapid, to deal with a delicious pasta dish my mom made, and a little piece of leftover cake from my birthday 🙂
Good morning everyone.

I am feeling a bit low this morning. Daughter did not come to see me on Fathers day. No card, text, email, or phone call. Did not thank me for looking after their dog for a week. Is not answering my texts about my health assessments and the positive news there. Wife was not so good again yesterday and did not come with me to the hospital (will not leave the house). I do feel very alone and very burdened. I am hoping my walk on the beach will give me back my joy and my strength this morning. Could be a bit tough as I am aching after yesterdays extra effort on the exercise front.

Moan over.

BG 5.0 Wretched tease!!!!

Nothing planned for today. I am sure I will think of something.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing.
Good morning. Sky clear blue but mist in the valley below. Dog barking incessantly at the horses cantering round the paddock and then stopping to look indignantly into the mist below. Reluctantly climbed from bed to remonstrate, could go back to bed but up is up and I can't nod off in case I miss the school run. Plan of the week is to get female Ukrainian driving. She doesn't fancy our Welsh lanes but I do not fancy driving her children to school and back every day. Fortunately we have a very nice retired driving instructor who can take her out and give her some confidence. Meanwhile I need to get back to strict diet - jeans are getting tight. Very difficult to plan and execute perfect keto when besieged with questions, requests for transport, rescuing the dog etc. so have been mostly living on yoghurt and nuts, crackers and cheese, and the odd slice of Parma ham, most of which are too high carb to have a chance of getting HS or lower and certainly too high in calories. 5.8 this morning.
Good morning. Woke to a 6.2 which dropped to 4.9 in under 10 minutes without moving from my bed! I'll get some juice and hang out the washing. Hopefully it will go up enough to have breakfast then.
It looks a lovely day out there atm but its going to be hot again. Stay cool and have a lovely day everyone. I'm off to begin prep to keep bloods up to drive to work.
Good morning - 7.3
Morning everyone 13.1
Got a doctors appointment this morning and another asbestos check, bathroom this time so the wet room can go ahead. I swear my kiddo will be able to shower unsupervised at some point this year 🙄. Going to miss my bath but the trade off will be worth it for her.

hope you all have a fabby day x
Morning all, 6.7 here.
Managed a walk at Hughenden yesterday with friend, rail-strike didn't make the traffic too heavy between here and there (I avoided the Oxford ring road!)
Saw a hedgehog trundling across the lawn at dusk last night. Good, it can get to work on the slugs that are chomping through my Dahlias and French beans!
The cottage looks fantastic, @ColinUK , and I’m jealous of your Nightjar, I’ve never seen or heard one.
10.1(I was up moving probery for a good ten minutes)I end eating test last night and both times it turns out I didn't need to. But these things happen.
Morning all. 🙂 9.5 Oh well, at least I was hypo-/alarm-free all night.

What amazing weather! Shorts it is, then. 😎

Glad to hear you had a lovely time back home @Elenka_HM. Good luck with the job hunting.
Morning all on this fine June morning. 6.3 and a superb flatfish.

It’s Mr Eggy’s birthday, he’s caught up with me at last. 62! We still act like when we starting courting when we were 15, but thankfully without the platform shoes and 12 inch flares! We’ve had a fit of giggles in bed already as we discussed the merits of Aldi’s Wheaty Shreds compared to Shredded Wheat. I remarked “ who said romance is dead?” That just set us off! Thinking about it maybe we don’t act like we were still 15. We didn’t need the fibre then, it was all about the Rice Crispies back then! :rofl:

We’re having a “just doing what we want day”. Looking forward to it, plus BBQ steak for tea.

Have a great day all. 🙂


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7.5 so slowly improving, off to the dentist this morning, and running this evening.

@ColinUK - cottage looks lovely. hope you are enjoying yourself and relaxing.
Another miss by a whisker for me this morning - 5.3 🙂

Where's the sunshine gone?

6.1 this morning, had my annual review yesterday - glad to say nothing has
changed from last review all good - so I realise I cannot reverse the diabetes
happy with this really, no more stress, having learnt to moderate the carbs and
keep weight off is the aim at staying stable in my life, for those struggling hang
in there, the low carb will kick in and your results will hopefully be good for you
Just got back from my morning exercise walk and feel so much better for it too.
10:30 BS 6.5 🙂

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

A little bit groggy & want some more sleep, after toilet break but, forcing myself up now to get the body clock moving back! Will have an Italian roast with a breakfast biscuit now as I’m not really hungry & coffee on an empty stomach is NOT a good idea! I had a work colleague who drank really strong coffee all the time on an empty stomach & had terrible abdominal pains afterwards but, working lunchtime after working late nights I never had time to eat breakfast either! BUT, I never drank coffee although, I NEEDED my cup of tea for my caffeine hit before starting my lunchtime shifts! o_O
Libre said 3.6 this morning. It took me 3 attempts to double check it as very unusually my fingers were not keen to produce blood and then I kept getting Er 04 until I took the batteries out, held them in my hands for a few moments and then put them back in..... surely they can't be cold at this time of year!!.... anyway, I forgave it because when I eventually got a reading out of it, it was 5.2..... Needless to say I didn't take any hypo treatment but injected insulin for breakfast. Libre continued to show me in the red for the next 2 hours despite eating breakfast 42 mins after injecting. But then my breakfast timing is so good these days that I barely get a rise from it. Currently 5.5 on the Libre and 6.6 on a finger prick which is good enough I suppose. I know it isn't hugely out but it would be nice if my next one was maybe just 0.5 out or less. TIR is taking a hit and I refuse to eat carbs when I am in the 5s just to placate my Libre! Replacement day tomorrow.

Congrats on that lovely straight line @eggyg Nice!

@Fagor Good to see you back but sorry to hear you have been struggling with your levels. You don't have to wait until they are better to come and post here.... we accept good and bad numbers just the same but often when the numbers are bad is when you need more support, so don't be a stranger. :D