Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. 6.3 on this beautiful day. Can you believe it’s only 6 degrees at the moment but it’s going to be much warmer in just a few short hours.

Day 4 of 5 of consecutive child care. We’re exhausted, I’m going to ban the other grandparents from ever going on holiday ever again! We’re allowed to though.😉 We got the Weetabix off her, just dumped her straight in the bath, the PJs got sent home to mummy to deal with.

Have a happy Monday, it’s going to be a scorcher here. At least 18 degrees! 😎
I got caught out with blueberry pancakes with my grandson, what a mess!!!.
My granddaughters managed to get the Sudocrem which they in theory were putting on their 'babies' but it was everywhere, up the stairs, on their Dad's jacket, the carpet. I was in dead trouble with their Mum.
09:42 BS 7.1 🙂 Needed 2 oatcakes to keep levels up last night around 22:30 & 00:30 ish as BS slipped into 4.7 & 4.6 so that’ll be the oatcakes, then!🙄

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

GOOD GRIEF! 😱 What an exciting, heartbreaking, dramatic day of golf yesterday to finish off my very first time seeing The US Open golf!😱😛😎:D

Hopes were high as Rory started with a birdie on 1 but, missed it on 2 & bogeyed 3! And it was like the previous 2 rounds with Rory going down with a birdie & going up again with a bogey! 🙄:( And in the end he just ran out of holes on the back 9 by the time he managed to get it together! Awwwa!:(

But, all the drama & excitement were between the last pair, rightly so as it should, of England’s baby faced looking 27 year old lad from Sheffield Matt Fitzpatrick & young American Will Zalatoris who both never won a major before! Indeed Matt Fitzpatrick who’s played the PGA tour since winning the amateur title at Brookline in 2013 as an 18 year old before turning pro had yet to win a single PGA event! o_O😛😎:D

They were dishing it out right to their last putts on 18 with Matt Fitzpatrick on -6 1 ahead of Zalatoris on -5 both going their birdie putts! :confused: Fitzpatrick went first & missed it so, he COULD be caught for a play-off!o_O Then, Zalatoris JUST missed his & he slumped down with his hands & club covering over his face while Matt Fitzpatrick & his caddy realised that they’d won outright!😱:D

So, there you go young baby faced looking Matt Fitzpatrick won The US Open on the same course that he won the amateur title 9 years ago! Apparently only one other golfer has done that before: Jack Nicklaus won his amateur title & The US Open both at Pebble beach! 😎😛

It was lovely to see Rory congratulate him on joining the club at last: winning in the US, at last; WHAT a first event to win in the US it was! 😛:D To have played the PGA tour for 9 years after turning pro & never winning: FINALLY wins his first PGA tour event & it’s THE BIGGEST of the lot!😱😛😎:D:rofl:

I REALLY enjoyed watching The US Open golf this year & a new star is born: baby faced Matt Fitzpatrick from Sheffield England! 😎😛:D
Oh! Almost forgot! 😳 Still a little fuzzy from getting up early after the golf finished at 00:30 but, woken by bright sunshine through my curtains gap!:D😉

What I found really heartwarming & touching was that Matt, having never won a single PGA event before & no prize money, could not afford to stay at hotels while playing! So, he’s been staying at various family homes of the public while traveling the US! Apparently it’s the done thing that Americans help a lot of pro golfers out by offering them boarding at their homes! And the Burton’s family were there to see him win & Matt stayed with them at their family home 9 years ago too when he won the amateur title! Awwwwa! 😛😎🙂
Morning all and it was a 6.7 for me.

I appear to have acquired a bass guitar as a father's day present. OK it's a charity shop special but it plays and probably worth at least four times what was paid for it. Handy that I know a guitar tech who can help me out with restoration.

Have a good day everyone.

just catching up, had a lovely weekend away in Kent, but ate far to much of the wrong things, so not surprised with a 9.9 today as forgot to take my meds with breakfast yesterday. Back o normal working hours today so going to run this evening, will be 1st time in about a month, due to work, appointment, social occasions.

@ColinUK - enjoy your holiday.
@Bloden - congratulations on your HS.
9.1 ill take it
morning folks,
heardle in one today made easier by the fact i probs listen the song at least twice a week and is in my all time favs playlist,
had a lovely meander along the beach yesterday morning there's a phantom rock stacker and he's been ever so busy with it all , also not amused by the amount of rubbish left behind by the tourists I found a single sandal just lying there on the sand i mean who goes home with only one shoe ? made for a good picture before i picked it up and lugged it to the bin which was a mere 5 feet away !! its things like that that make me dislike tourists i mean the bins right there why throw it on the floor next to it and don't get me started on the fag ends littering the entire place , (i will not rant)
@rebrascora i have three more to go so over the hump and on the downward slope now its been tough but i also look at how many others are going through it and some so young that it brings a tear to my eye just thinking about them.
i met a 16 year fella with leukaemia my last session and he's facing it with so much humour and joy that it kind of makes you face your own treatment with hope and tenacity .
@ColinUK hope you have fab time and i bet your glad to be getting away from the heat of the city enjoy the drive pal
to everyone else go get em tigers .
have a fab Monday whatever you get up to
remember heads up hearts strong and don't let those numbers grind you down
griff x
Lovely pebble beach, it looks very relaxing. My sister lives a 5 minute walk from the beach and harbour in Whitby. I don't get over to see her often enough, when I visit we always walk along to see the sea.
Having a second bite at the cherry with a real "waking reading" of 3.6 according to Libre but a very nice 5.3 from a finger prick when I double checked. That was an hour ago. Still needed the best part of 45 mins for my bolus to work so that I could eat breakfast but now ready to start my day.
Hey all. was 15.6 this morning.
Been a flat out week and mental health has been a bit battered and dented. Had a full day at home yesterday which was much needed 🙂

Hope everyone is well, will play catch up later to see what I've missed <3
Lovely pebble beach, it looks very relaxing. My sister lives a 5 minute walk from the beach and harbour in Whitby. I don't get over to see her often enough, when I visit we always walk along to see the sea.
I live in Robin hoods Bay it's a few miles from whitby I'll be honest I stay well away from whitby in the summer months it's rammed to the gills with the touristy folks ends up jacking up the prices of everything and anything. Scarboroughs the same Its a blessing and curse I get so mad at the way they treat the place been known to tell them off for not behaving...
I live in Robin hoods Bay it's a few miles from whitby I'll be honest I stay well away from whitby in the summer months it's rammed to the gills with the touristy folks ends up jacking up the prices of everything and anything. Scarboroughs the same Its a blessing and curse I get so mad at the way they treat the place been known to tell them off for not behaving...
That's just round the corner from Whitby, a great walk along the old railway track. I've done it a few times, also been there on cycle, that road down to the beach is a cracker, and back up again. And the Dalby forest is crazy for cycling, I loved it. I thought I was going to have a heart attack going up those hills.

Robinhood's Bay is very picturesque, I filled a few sketchbooks along that coastline. Also great for photography. You are very lucky.
@ColinUK have a good holiday.
@Bloden congrats on the HS.

I know i am a tourist to seaside towns and villages, living inland i can only imagine what its like to wake up every day and see, hear and smell the sea. Its one thing i find really calming. I must say, though, we have always treated places and locals with respect and bought our children up to not leave any litter behind. We have even picked up after others. I know not everyone does but please don't assume we are all like that. To be able to live by the sea and walk along the beach whenever i want to is something i dream about doing but doubt i will ever be able to do. If you do live there, you are so very lucky.

Delayed ferry over yesterday due to someone having a heart attack onboard saved air ambulance being called etc but made it about an hour and a half later than scheduled.

Cottage is simply sublime. This is what I woke up to this morning…

What that photo can’t convey is the deafening birdsong. It’s truly a dawn chorus.
I can’t hear anything other than birdsong.

Last night I had the pleasure of hearing a nightjar!

After unpacking and then heading off to get some essential provisions like eggs (from the honesty box over the road - 1doz duck eggs for £2) and milk and cheese plus some other bits and bobs from the farm shop we went to the nearest pub for a bite before driving west into the sunset acres just exploring a little.

Found a gloriously deserted beach with some stunning views…


They’re gunning for official Dark Skies Park status here too.

It is pretty dark at night.
This is from the garden.
Good morning everyone

@ColinUK that place looks fantastic. Lovely views. Such a peaceful (?) Life.

BG back to the big tease at 5.1 this morning.

Off to a hospital near me this morning for an audiology test cos I'm really going deaf and I am getting fed up with not being able to hear anybody or anything, except for the horrible constant tinnitus noise. It will be interesting to see what they find regarding my hearing.

I wish there was a cure for tinnitus. Apparently Beethoven had it too, so I am in great company there.

Nothing else planned for today except that I shall walk too and from the appointment. It is needed (the extra walk) cos I had a large slice of my wifes great cake yesterday.

Have a great day everybody whatever you are doing
Morning all. A JB induced 5.5 for me but managed 100% in target yesterday. I haven't seen that for a while.

@ColinUK. What can i say apart from WOW!! The cottage, sunset and sky looks absolutely gorgeous. Have a great time, i hope the weather stays kind.

Have a lovely day everyone.
Morning all. 5.7.

@ColinUK I’m always woken about 4ish by the dawn chorus but my views aren’t as good! That sunset…! I love the sea and wish I lived closer and could walk along the beach everyday. Just need to win the lottery now! Enjoy your break, it’s sounds marvellous already. 😎

We unexpectedly got a smart electric meter fitted yesterday. We received a phone call from British Gas at just after 9am, “ can we fit a new electric meter today, like now?” He was here in 15 minutes. I knew it was on the cards as I’d received a communication from them, funnily enough just after we sent photos of the metre readings on 1st April, saying our meters needed upgrading. Obviously they took one look at out ancient meters and thought “ blimey, museum pieces”, we have no idea how old they are, we’ve lived here since 1986! The one hour job lasted two! Was more complicated getting the old one out than he thought. Got the gizmo that tells you how much leccy you’re using. Couldn’t believe how much it went up when I put the oven on last night! It certainly gives you food for thought. Oh and we’re getting a new gas meter at the end of July. Oh and we went to the park with Zara to see the baby swans on the pond, and have an ice cream of course.

Have a fab day everyone, no sunshine today so far for us. But we live in hope. 🙂

@Bloden congrats on yesterday’s HS. And @freesia well done on the 100% day, I had one too yesterday.


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Good morning - 6.3
Good morning. 5.8 today. Hope everyone is well and enjoying the sunny weather. Think I may have had success in solving the "hobbling" problem - local word for working on the black economy - I've found him a proper job! Since I find being watched working about the place without any offers of help a bit irritating I had one of those lovely schadenfreude moments when he accepted it in the happy expectation that it would start at 9 a.m. when my sneaky suspicion was that it might be earlier - it is 0700 hours - yeah! Seriously its a good job paying well over minimum wage with a sound local company and he will be too tired to listen to the blandishments of the dodgy local farmer. Having spent hours scrolling through thousands of unsuitable jobs I decided to advertise his desire to work on face book and got 3 offers! Felt a bit like a slave auctioneer but did my due diligence and took the best, helped him through the interview on Sunday, and he started yesterday, what a relief. Also on Sunday I and 2 friends got the lawns mowed, the paddocks topped, sorted the veg gardens, etc. Not so bad being watched when you know he is going to have to work during the week! That'll larn him to watch 3 70+ year old people load hay...Hey ho - one has to take pleasure where one can.