Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning everyone. Another dark, cold morning. I thought we were in for a heat wave. Glad it isn't too hot tho.

BG 4.4 this morning again quite low...ish. Happy with it

Considering going to the church this morning now that their Covid outbreak has truly gone. I am in two minds as it is fathers day and my daughter may come over (no idea as her communications are a bit sparce).

I am finding that my new increased exercise regime is going well. Up to 3 hours exercise walking a day. It seems a bit of a waste of my time except that I feel better and better (but more tired) and I like listening to classical music. However I may not have the time today. I will definitely get the first early walk in.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing

Was 13.something half an hour ago, will go and test again before bolusing for breakfast shortly

Was shocked to switch the internet on my phone on to find no notifications on Twitter from Stagecoach East Scotland then 2 came along at the same time, this week it's mums bus home that has been withdrawn along with many others of the 30 service, I sure hope nobody wants to travel between Arbroath/Montrose/Brechin/Stracathro today as they don't really stand a chance! 🙄 xx
Morning all. A very special 5.2 for me at 6.30.

Up early as we have Zara with us, she stayed over last night as mummy and daddy at a 50th birthday party. She’s been as good as gold, apart from waking us at 6.30am, on a Sunday! She’s presently covered in Weetabix from head to toe! 😱

Visits from all three daughters today, one obviously to pick up her child, but they’ll all be bringing Mr Eggy gifts. It won’t be the restful Fathers Day though that he would be normally having! :rofl:

Have a great day. 🙂


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All this talk of school sports reminds me of my own school days. We had the usual range of track and field stuff, plus hockey, football, rugby, cricket and tennis but also golf and pole vault which was indoors in the old gym.
There was a wedge in the floor which was removed to reveal the “cup” (there’s probably a technical name for it which I don’t know) the end of the pole dropped into and up one would rise. Or that was the theory anyway.
I don’t think I ever actually managed to do anything more than spear the crash mat like I was jousting.
And no we didn’t have jousting as I’m not quite that old!

I do recall javelin being stopped for a few weeks as someone in my year had one go through his leg. We used to stand in two lines facing our partner and throw the javelin towards the other one who’d then come forward and collect it, return to their line and throw it back. Even to this day I’m amazed anyone ever thought that was a good idea.

I recall enjoying discus but maybe that’s because I can be quite chatty. 😉

Anyway, a 6.5 this morning after next to no carbs yesterday.

Ooh I saw Madama Butterfly at the Royal Opera House yesterday. Moved from a standing ticket at the back to front row centre balcony.

Not seen it before and didn’t like the staging that much as it just didn’t flow particularly well from scene to scene for me. Also Pinkerton is woefully miscast. Great voice but far too old and nowhere near cynical enough so just sort of missed for me.
I’d see productions of it though as it’s beautiful music but something about this one just missed for me.
Also for an audience at Covent Garden I was amazed at how many times a phone went off during the performance.

Yoga at 10am today so I’m going to go and do some weights and then a treadmill run beforehand I think.

Theatre again this afternoon, Judi Dench doing an in conversation with type thing but she also sings so I’m hoping for some Sondheim.

View from the seat yesterday:5BE38C1B-E929-4741-99BB-4F3BB351AE6A.jpeg

Ooh and regarding wasp nest, I saw this on Twitter yesterday…

Good morning. 4.1 for me after two lots of JBs since 3am. Another basal reduction needed i think.

@Griffin. Nice morning reading, well done. Nice to hear you're feeling a bit better.
@eggyg congrats on the HS, i hope the weetabix comes off Zara before it dries!
@ColinUK i've never seen an opera but always thought it should be something you experience at least once. Enjoy Judi Dench this afternoon.
@Kaylz i hope your mum gets home ok.

Its sunny here atm, i've not been outside yet but i hope there is a bit of warmth. Have a lovely Sunday everyone.
Well done @eggyg on the HS.
My reading this morning was 5.5. 🙂

Good morning. 5.8 today. Spent several hours last night advertising my Ukrainian (male)guest and his need for a job on facebook. He has been grabbed by the local dodgy farmer offering black economy work and fails to understand that it will get him into trouble - no wage slip, I tell him, and here comes Mr Plod - but he is desperate to support his family. Apart from the risk to him I prefer not to have dodgy (and smelly) characters about my home. Pleased to report some success: 3 offers of interview - one refused as too distant but 2 from good, sound, lawful companies within 2.5 miles of home. Fingers crossed everybody, please, that he secures one of the jobs. Stupid of me not to realise that explaining employment and tax law to a non-English speaking foreigner would be so difficult. Reminds me of 50 years ago explaining UK currency to Dutch and Italian children. The thrupenny bit made me a lot of small friends.
Good morning - 8.1
It was 7.9 started feeling really wired though when getting ready to to test(like really light headed and Disney so thought I must be either sky high or low but all was fine similar feeling o was feeling at bed last night when I was only 9.4 so not sky high. I have been getting these moments sometimes so must just be my body.
@Benny G I can sympathize. My overnight graph looks very similar and I am reporting a whopping 11.8 for my waking reading. I lost control of my eating a bit last night but really though the 3 unit correction at bedtime would have done something. Clearly the DF swapped it for water when I wasn't looking. 🙄
I'm not messing with it this morning. I jabbed 8 units and will eat when it has brought me down to 5. It should be a bit too much but I can always have a prune or 2 after breakfast to top up if I need to. It has currently levelled out at 9.2 so just going to have to wait it out.

Many congratulations to @eggyg on your House Special this morning and good luck cleaning up baby Zara and no doubt half the kitchen.... Ugh! Messy babies 😱 Hope Mr Eggy and all the other Dad's here have a lovely day. I miss mine! Love you Dad!

@Griffin. So pleased you are feeling better today and a much better reading too. Hope you and the hound had an enjoyable and peaceful walk before the masses descend on the place. Ugh! Tourists.... worse than messy babies.... and not nearly so cute! Hope all goes well with your next round of treatment. I can imagine it must be daunting. How far through it are you? Hopefully past half way! Fingers crossed.
Morning everyone, it was 11.6 this morning.

Currently on a staycation in a cottage, and my wife is a superb cook, so we haven't felt the need to go out much and increase the temptation to eat something out. We went out last night, but I was reasonably good, but before I went to bed my BG was 13.2 so looks like it has come down over night. Although I did get a lie-in today while Mummy took our boy exploring.
All this talk of school sports reminds me of my own school days. We had the usual range of track and field stuff, plus hockey, football, rugby, cricket and tennis but also golf and pole vault which was indoors in the old gym.
There was a wedge in the floor which was removed to reveal the “cup” (there’s probably a technical name for it which I don’t know) the end of the pole dropped into and up one would rise. Or that was the theory anyway.
I don’t think I ever actually managed to do anything more than spear the crash mat like I was jousting.
And no we didn’t have jousting as I’m not quite that old!

I do recall javelin being stopped for a few weeks as someone in my year had one go through his leg. We used to stand in two lines facing our partner and throw the javelin towards the other one who’d then come forward and collect it, return to their line and throw it back. Even to this day I’m amazed anyone ever thought that was a good idea.

I recall enjoying discus but maybe that’s because I can be quite chatty. 😉

Anyway, a 6.5 this morning after next to no carbs yesterday.

Ooh I saw Madama Butterfly at the Royal Opera House yesterday. Moved from a standing ticket at the back to front row centre balcony.

Not seen it before and didn’t like the staging that much as it just didn’t flow particularly well from scene to scene for me. Also Pinkerton is woefully miscast. Great voice but far too old and nowhere near cynical enough so just sort of missed for me.
I’d see productions of it though as it’s beautiful music but something about this one just missed for me.
Also for an audience at Covent Garden I was amazed at how many times a phone went off during the performance.

Yoga at 10am today so I’m going to go and do some weights and then a treadmill run beforehand I think.

Theatre again this afternoon, Judi Dench doing an in conversation with type thing but she also sings so I’m hoping for some Sondheim.

View from the seat yesterday:View attachment 21278

Ooh and regarding wasp nest, I saw this on Twitter yesterday…

View attachment 21279
A shame about the production that you didn’t like! :(

I LOVE Madama Butterfly as it’s my favourite of all the Puccini Opera’s: Turandot, specifically Nessun Dorma, is more well known perhaps but, he didn’t finish it as he died before doing so; I can’t remember WHO finished it but, I certainly noticed the joint where Puccini & the other composer finished it! So, as a complete opera Madama Butterfly is much better! 😛
Late morning to you all a 6.4 on second waking at 10am but an 11.6 - no idea where from - at 6.30.

Have a good day everyone.
09:52 BS 6.6 🙂

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Already had breakfast & the live golf coverage is a bit earlier today 2pm to 1am! 🙂

MY, MY, MY! WHAT a day of golf yesterday as the weather forecast was wind & possibly rain in the afternoon so, it was expected to be tough for the leaders starting towards the end! :confused: Dame Laura Davies, brilliant ex golfer herself, predicted just before live coverage started that if anyone stating earlier posted a good score early enough before the weather set they could lead as the conditions worsen for the leaders starting later? BOY! Did that come true!😱

By the time that Rory started, with just 2 pairs after him, it was indeed a much windier & grey looking day although, the rain held off BUT, that meant the greens were still getting firmer, that means lightening fast, with the wind to contend with as well is an EXTREMELY bad combo; rain would have softened the greens a bit so, it’s not SO lightning fast! 😱😱😱

Signs of the Titanic day of struggle ahead for Rory, the last 4 -5 pairings or so too, showed up on the par 3 2nd hole when his par putt stopped RIGHT ON THE RIM with about half of the ball hanging over the hole BUT, refused to drop! At the point even though it was dry, rain wasn’t far off & the humidity in the air made the greens just that wee bit softer! And so it was for the front 9 as Rory putted to save par & the ball sticking so, he bogeyed 3 hole in row! Before things changed as the air dried up a bit & the rain didn’t happen on the back 9 BUT, it got windier & the balls were overshooting the greens which became lightening fast again: hitting the greens & running off them! 😱 So, Rory battled hard & saved some truly long/heroic par putts & even managed on the 18th to have a chance of a first birdie of his day BUT, missed it & finished +3 for the round & -1 for the tournament!😱

Poor Colin Morikawa, the co leader starting last, had an even tougher time of it as he double bogeyed twice & went from -5 to +2 at the end of the day! 😱

Dame Laura Davies’ prediction did indeed came true as the lead going into the final day is down to -4 & was posted by an earlier starter further down the field before the leaders’ struggle in THOSE conditions! o_O

The weather is expected to be even worse today & it’ll be interesting to see what happens? 🙄:confused::D

Yesterday’s last pairings are now a bit behind the lead & starting that bit earlier while the new leaders that started earlier yesterday are starting that bit later today! 🙄:confused::D

Rory is now 3 shots off the lead & still has a chance & it’ll be a battle of the elements if the weather forecast pans out? o_O:confused:

It’ll be another interesting day of golf THAT’S for sure! 😱:confused:
A shame about the production that you didn’t like! :(

I LOVE Madama Butterfly as it’s my favourite of all the Puccini Opera’s: Turandot, specifically Nessun Dorma, is more well known perhaps but, he didn’t finish it as he died before doing so; I can’t remember WHO finished it but, I certainly noticed the joint where Puccini & the other composer finished it! So, as a complete opera Madama Butterfly is much better! 😛
It was odd. She was fantastic but Pinkerton just wasn’t.
I don’t know the opera but I know acting well enough to say that he was all surface with no believable ark to his journey so his potential redemption at the end (although off stage) just seemed unjustified.
That said I’ll perhaps go and see it later in the run when hopefully he’s played into the role and has found more light and shade in the acting side of things.