Group 7-day waking average?

4.2 for me earlier this morning and very happy with my graph after a unit shaved off my evening Levemir, so I am down 3 units over the last 2 days. I always feel happier when I am reducing the dose. I know I shouldn't as "I need what I need" and having the right dose should make me happy, but when the right dose is lower, I like it better! :D

Ian tells me that we have our photos in the local paper from our trip to Beamish Museum last weekend. That sort of thing seems to give him a thrill, not so much me. 🙄 My cousin very kindly commented that I look like my Grandma. Sadly I never met her but being compared to a grannie seems like a bit of a backhanded compliment! Of course I am of an age to be a Grandmother if I had children but I still think of myself as a young lass.... at least until I look in the mirror! 😉

Sadly Archie and Zak are really struggling to come to terms with the loss of Ernie. When it starts to get dark, they tear round the field screaming and were very lacklustre when Ian took them out for a ride round the block yesterday. There is a fun ride on from the farm tonight though, mostly hunting people so they will know some of the horses and hopefully that will perk them up a bit.

Many congratulations to @Michael12421 and @TinaD on achieving the optimum waking reading this morning. @TinaD it sounds like you really worked hard yesterday, so it's lovely to be rewarded with a particularly nice number this morning. Hope you manage to rest your aching body today a bit and perhaps have a good soak in the bath. This modern farming lark with loaders and telehandlers is a doddle by comparison isn't it. Ian rang me yesterday from his air conditioned tractor cab with a chiller for his food and drink.... How the other half live eh!!

@ColinUK Hope your Dad stays well until he gets his appointment and that it happens sooner than you expect. Sounds like you are all set up for a lovely holiday and pleased you are still getting the same model car after all that, even better with a discount thrown in!
How lovely to see the word fettled, thought I was its sole remaining user.

It is alive and well and in regular use here. Isn't it a colloquial northern word and if so, that must make you a northern lass too? :D
The odd thing about "fettled" is that it can almost mean opposite things. So the sun and breeze today fixed @khskel 's washing but an ounce of lead fettled poor Ernie a couple of days ago.... not fixed sadly but certainly resolved the situation. Fettled is used quite a lot in that context in farming locally. So it means to fix but also to end something when you can't fix it, depending upon the context. Of course I am sure you are familiar with both uses @TinaD but others reading this may not be.
It is alive and well and in regular use here. Isn't it a colloquial northern word and if so, that must make you a northern lass too? :D
The odd thing about "fettled" is that it can almost mean opposite things. So the sun and breeze today fixed @khskel 's washing but an ounce of lead fettled poor Ernie a couple of days ago.... not fixed sadly but certainly resolved the situation. Fettled is used quite a lot in that context in farming locally. So it means to fix but also to end something when you can't fix it, depending upon the context. Of course I am sure you are familiar with both uses @TinaD but others reading this may not be.
We say we’re “a bad fettle” if we’re poorly, and we’re “in grand fettle” if we’re everything except bad fettle! I just love these old words.
In all seriousness I used to have a very lucrative job in the City. I ended my career as Head of Trading for a U.S. bank.

It’s been over twenty years since I stepped away from it in order to stop myself doing something “stupid” because of the pressure.

I may not have those things some call “savings” or much disposable income these days but I’m much happier now than I ever truly was back then even though I thought I was happy.
Money isn't everything. Happiness and wellbeing is everything. (Although i wouldn't mind winning a bit on the lottery so i could retire a bit earlier!)
We say we’re “a bad fettle” if we’re poorly, and we’re “in grand fettle” if we’re everything except bad fettle! I just love these old words.
Yes, of course. it can be used to describe "condition" too and we might use it more to describe an animal, particularly a horse as being in "fine fettle" .... as well as a verb meaning to fix or sort out.... in a good or bad way.
Can anyone confirm for me that "fettle" is colloquial to the north? I have grown up with it all my life so not sure how far it extends in it's use..... clearly at least to Wales now with @TinaD!
Talking of words... Did anyone else struggle with Wordle today? I got there in 5 in the end but it took 2 visits.... early hours of this morning when I had 2 letters in 4 tried and my mind was boggled and then just remembered I hadn't sorted it and had me head scratching for another good 10 mins before I figured it out. Normally I get it in just 2-3 mins.
Typical RAF child - not really settled anywhere until moved to Wales as an adult. Fettled/fettling etc came from Scots Grandad who, having emigrated to Canada, joined up in 1914 & was "blightied" to Yorkshire in 1916...Where he survived with one lung to the grand age of 96. He fettled everything: cars, tractors, drains, horse carts, harness, plumbing, you name it. Lovely man.
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Talking of words... Did anyone else struggle with Wordle today? I got there in 5 in the end but it took 2 visits.... early hours of this morning when I had 2 letters in 4 tried and my mind was boggled and then just remembered I hadn't sorted it and had me head scratching for another good 10 mins before I figured it out. Normally I get it in just 2-3 mins.
Yes! As did OH and son. I did it in 4, but it took me ages, with a gap in between head scratching, and I was lucky because both of the others had come to it via other words that I could have had.
Typical RAF child - not really settled anywhere until moved to Wales as an adult. Fettled/fettling etc came from Scots Grandad who, having emigrated to Canada, joined up in 194 & was "blightied" to Yorkshire in 1916...Where he survived with one lung to the grand age of 96. He fettled everything: cars, tractors, drains, horse carts, harness, plumbing, you name it. Lovely man.
No wonder you pounced on @khskel 's use of it with such joy as I am sure it must have evoked good memories of your Grandad.
Yes, of course. it can be used to describe "condition" too and we might use it more to describe an animal, particularly a horse as being in "fine fettle" .... as well as a verb meaning to fix or sort out.... in a good or bad way.
Can anyone confirm for me that "fettle" is colloquial to the north? I have grown up with it all my life so not sure how far it extends in it's use..... clearly at least to Wales now with @TinaD!
Well I’m actually born a cockney and certainly know and use “fettle” in pretty ordinary conversation and am not alone in doing so amongst us London folks.
Talking of words... Did anyone else struggle with Wordle today? I got there in 5 in the end but it took 2 visits.... early hours of this morning when I had 2 letters in 4 tried and my mind was boggled and then just remembered I hadn't sorted it and had me head scratching for another good 10 mins before I figured it out. Normally I get it in just 2-3 mins.
It took me three attempts. Just had to stop and go back to it. It was a tough one. It took all six lines for me. I didn’t get one green letter until line three. Keeps our brain ticking over though.
Thanks @Robin and @eggyg for making me feel a bit better about struggling today. Occasionally I walk away and when I come back to it, a few hours later it just seems to jump out at me but not todays, it really made me dredge the grey matter for a solution!
Today was the first meal out since I have been given the news I was diabetic (just over a week), and man it was tough. My little boy asked me why I wasn't having pudding for 'special daddys day', and I could see he was confused.

I think I can have 'treats' in the future, but from my understanding as it is still not under control, best to stay away.
Outdoor PE - in the Summer term we always have outdoor PE. It was athletics and no running so it wasn’t too bad
It puts the fear of god into me when I watch PE from my classroom and children have javelins in their hands and to some extent shotputs! I took my class outside to count dandelions to look at estimating species and variation - It was way too hot !
It puts the fear of god into me when I watch PE from my classroom and children have javelins in their hands and to some extent shotputs! I took my class outside to count dandelions to look at estimating species and variation - It was way too hot !
It was shotput. Another class was doing javelins though - the PE teachers are always extra careful as we share our field with a local Primary School. We have the field and Astro turf for outdoor PE so there’s plenty of room
It took me three attempts. Just had to stop and go back to it. It was a tough one. It took all six lines for me. I didn’t get one green letter until line three. Keeps our brain ticking over though.
I got three green letters by row 3 but still failed. I was really cross with myself as i have the word every weekday!
8.7.. Wow!!!!!
Good morning all I trust today finds you in fine fettle.? A word we use on a daily basis , I got heardle in one sec today wordle still drives me to want to bang my head vigorously against a wall until I get a answer... Starting to feel much better which is so typical I'm due another zapping on Thursday. Think I may grab my camera pull my boots on and get the early bus down to the beach before the crowds arrive I love living on the Yorkshire coast I don't love the tourists and all the rubbish that they leave behind.
Have a amazing day whatever or wherever it takes you.
Heads up hearts strong..
Griff x
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